
prophecies are fake.

"ugh, i forgot to do my divination homework!" karina whispered during transfiguration.

"well, it's just crystal ball reading, so write something that will fool professor trelawney," yujin responded, eyes still focused on the squealing mouse in front of her.

"evanesco!" she shouted. the mouse finally disappeared on her 19th try.

"yes! did you see that, guys?" yujin cheered, her lips breaking into a giant grin.

"amazing job, miss jung!" headmistress mcgonagall praised, continuing her walk around the room as she watched over the ravenclaw and slytherins' work.

"merlin's beard, how did you do it?" hyunjin exclaimed. the mouse placed in front of her was still tangible.

karina had a smug smile. "of course, it's yujin. such a bright witch, i'm so proud of you! but now i really must be getting to that divination homework."

"divination, what a dull subject," hyunjin commented. "it was definitely worth dropping, in my opinion."

"it's so boring, but my mom wants me to do it," karina complained, fidgeting with her quill. "you know, since my great-aunt was a seer and she wants the tradition to go on."

"professor trelawney insisted that i had no talent for the noble art of divination," hyunjin continued, mocking the hogwarts seer. "she's not wrong, honestly, but it's not like it's offensive either. why would i want to be worthy for woozy subjects like these?"

yujin shrugged. "it's sort of interesting, but it's hard to understand."

"i get that," hyunjin nodded. "must be because i like practical subjects more."

hyunjin turned back to her goblet. "evanesco!" she cried. the mouse didn't vanish, still nibbling on a seed.

"that's quite alright, miss kim," headmistress mcgonagall commented. "the vanishing spell is a difficult one which requires practice."

she cleared her throat and looked up, pushing her spectacles up the bridge of her nose. "and for that reason, your homework is to practice the vanishing spell and write me an essay based on the usefulness of the vanishing spell. now, off to your next class!"

the three ravenclaw girls packed their bags and left the classroom. "i'm off to arithmancy, i'll see you guys later!"

"bye hyunjin!" yujin and karina called after her. hyunjin waved and headed in the opposite direction.

"okay, here's what i wrote down," karina began, pulling a roll of parchment out of her bag. "an orange mist spread into a student with their face covered in pumpkin, students jeering them all in a circle."

yujin scrunched her face, then remembered last night's party in the gryffindor common room. her face lit up. "merlin's pants! oh my gosh, karina you're amazing!"

"huh? what do you mean?" karina asked, confused.

"last night at the gryffindor celebration party, mark got like really drunk, like really drunk," yujin explained while karina listened intently. "he was wobbling everywhere and there was this circle of hufflepuffs who were near this punch bowl of pumpkin juice and then mark just- he just toppled over into it! and the hufflepuffs just laughed and mark just stood there with pumpkin juice on his face- karina you're a genius!"

karina blinked, then erupted into a monstrous laugh. "it must be the seer blood in me!"

"i guess!" the two ravenclaws entered the classroom with giggly smiles on their face. they walked to the usual desk they shared, where two tea cups were placed.

"tessomancy again?" yujin complained. "i can never tell what the foolish tea leaves are telling me."

"it's only good for a quick beverage break," karina added. "merlin's beard, i'm so hungry i could eat a hippogriff! when is supper from now?"

"just this class and study," yujin replied.

karina groaned. "two hours of nothingness? i'm starving!" she whined.

as students entered the classroom for the elective course, yujin spotted a specific gryffindor in the mass of students. she waved and the gryffindor repeated the action back, a grin on his face.

"jeno?" karina questioned, already looking at who yujin waved to. "you're friends?"

"acquaintances," yujin corrected. "i've seen him more than usual this year."

"he's nice though, not a lot of purebloods are like him," karina complimented. "but i'm glad your making new friends! finally you're reaching out for more connections!"

"thanks karina!" yujin beamed. the girl grinned in response.

"i guess making a couple of more friends isn't that bad, but i still have to work on my studies."

"oh please, as if you aren't the smartest witch in our grade- hell, maybe even in the whole school already!" karina bragged.

"that's an exaggeration," yujin snorted.

"no it's-"

"hello, students! welcome to divination this afternoon!" professor trelawney announced. "today, we will be doing the fine art of tessomancy! please wait for me to brew enough tea, then i shall have prefects go around and pour tea for everyone in their house. meanwhile, prefects, please collect everyone's homework."

karina handed yujin her two rolls of made-up predictions. "hopefully she falls for them," karina whispered.

yujin rolled her eyes with a smile and continued picking up ravenclaw students' homework. there were rather few ravenclaws who chose to take divination in 5th year. around 8 ravenclaws, including yujin and karina, sat with their partners with their homework on their desks. in comparison, there was a fair amount of gryffindors and hufflepuffs. most slytherins in yujin's year though of divination as a terrible subject and decided to drop it after 3rd year.

as she finished collecting homework and dropped them off on professor trelawney's desk, who was brewing different teas in a corner of the classroom, she noticed that there wasn't a slytherin prefect in the class--and in fact, there was only one slytherin present in the classroom.

yujin decided to collect that one slytherin's homework. "hello," she greeted the slytherin boy who sat alone at a desk. "um, there's no prefect for your house here, so i can drop off your homework for you."

the boy smiled gratefully. "thank you! usually, i have a partner though, but he's injured because of the quidditch game yesterday. he's actually a prefect."

yujin gulped. na jaemin. since when was na jaemin in my divination class?

"oh, well tell him i wish for him a speedy recovery!" yujin quickly said, picking up the slytherin's homework. she placed it on the seer's desk when jeno arrived, dropping the huge pile of parchment on the desk.

"heavy load, huh?" yujin chuckled.

"yeah, lots of gryffindors in divination," jeno replied. "i suck at it though, i'm only taking it because of my parents."

yujin smiled. "you sound like my friend, karina."

"that one ravenclaw chaser? i know her!" jeno exclaimed.

"she's over there, with the black hair and pearl necklace," yujin added, pointing at the ravenclaw who was tapping her foot, waiting for tea to come.

"oh her! she's pretty good, your friend," jeno commented.

"yeah, she has a natural talent for quidditch," yujin grinned. "do we just...stand here and wait for the tea to be ready?"

"i guess? not sure."

the pair watched the hufflepuff prefect, rachel, finished gathering her house's homework and added them to the pile of parchment.

"hi...guys..." the girl puffed out. "lots...of...homework...huh?"

"tired, aren't you?" jeno snickered.

"yeah, i- i'm not sure why...why so many hufflepuffs take divination..." rachel mumbled. "and they're sitting all over...all over the classroom! can't they stay like one corner?"

"the more the merrier, or is that not the case for you right now?" yujin joked. rachel let out a small giggle.

"oh- oh here you are, my dear prefects!" professor trelawney piped up. "i've got the teas behind me, now if you all would grab a pot and pour for each row, one row per person..."

behind professor trelawney were three large teapots levitating by her wand. steam rushed out of the pots and a delightful scent filled the classroom. the three prefects nodded and each took a teapot, walking over to their fellow classmates.

"rachel take bottom, i take middle, yujin take top?" jeno suggested. the two girls shrugged and the prefect went to their respective row.

as yujin poured tea into each cup, she eavesdropped on a conversation two gryffindor girls were conversing in.

"have you heard about professor slughorn's slug club christmas party?" one girl asked.

"oh yes, too bad we're not members of the club," the other responded, pouting.

"well, there's always the chance that we'll be invited as dates. perhaps we'll be asked by someone like jeno!"

"jeno? galloping gargoyles! you must be joking! there's no way he would!"

ah, yes, slug club's annual christmas party. yujin, being a member of the slug club since last year, had invited renjun as her date since she didn't want to bring someone she was unfamiliar with. slug club members changed every year, but yujin didn't know the members of the club for this year yet. in fact, they didn't even have their first meeting yet, since it was set to be a supper party at the end of the week.

as yujin finished pouring tea, she walked down the stairs to professor trelawney's desk and placed the now empty pot on top of a tray. she headed back to her seat, where karina was already drinking her tea.

"you know, jeno was pouring tea in our row," karina spoke. "he told me you told him about my quidditch skills? and now he can't wait for the gryffindor v. ravenclaw match? blimey yujin, i didn't know you would become so social to the point of creating connections for me!"

"you wanted to meet him, right?" yujin smirked. "there you go."

"uh, um...okay, thanks, i guess," karina mumbled with a shy smile. "i didn't know you would speak so highly of me and quidditch."

"because you're naturally great at it!" yujin bubbled. "of course i would compliment you, for godric's sake i can't even fly a broom properly!"

"alright, alright, drink your tea," karina ushered, her cheeks turning a light shade of pink due to yujin's compliments.

yujin stuck her tongue out before taking a sip of the dark tea in her cup. as students were finishing up their drinks, professor trelawney was passing out the guides for identifying images in the tea leaves.

"now remember, do not hallucinate if you think you see the grim," professor trelawney stated. "often times, it is just a mouse-- which is not exactly positive, but it could be worse!"

"she should say that to herself," karina mumbled. the two girls snickered at the many times professor trelawney overreacted and claimed that many people had the grim, when it was indeed just a falcon.

"now, switch tea cups and use your inner eye to see the future!"

yujin and karina switched their cups and squinted their eyes, trying to catch and image they could find.

"well, i see a horseshoe?" yujin said, unsure of what exactly she saw. "but that means good luck! maybe you'll win the next quidditch game!"

"hopefully!" karina grinned. "hm, i apple...but it's bitten? what does that mean...uh, temptation?"

"temptation?" yujin questioned. "weird."

"ah, miss jung, what do you see in miss yoo's cup?" professor trelawney asked with a smile.

"uh, a horseshoe, professor."

"and you?" professor trelawney faced karina.

" apple with a bite in it."

professor trelawney's eyes widened. "interesting...interesting..." the seer continued walking to each desk, quizzing students on what they saw in their tea cups.

"do you think i can get refills?" karina whispered. "ugh, i'm so hungry!"

"probably not," yujin replied, still peering into karina's tea cup. karina groaned and leaned back in her seat.

as soon as class ended, karina immediately packed her bags up and pulled yujin with her, leaving the classroom which now smelt of tea. little did yujin know, someone else's cup had the exact same symbol as her's.

✧ ✧ ✧

karina popped another peach ring in her mouth. "merlin's pants, these muggle jellies are delicious! you're my life savior, yujin!"

yujin laughed. "they're good, aren't they? they're my brother's favorite jelly."

"speaking about your brother, how's he doing?" hyunjin asked. the three ravenclaws sat at their usual spots in the great hall for study, with their textbooks spread out on the table and karina chewing on peach rings.

"he's pretty good, had a nasty argument with jaemin this morning though," yujin commented.

"jaemin? what was it this time, blood status?" karina grumbled, rolling her eyes.

"actually, yes. he called us half-breeds."

the two girls looked at yujin with parted lips. "i'm so sorry, jin-jin," hyunjin mumbled, taking one of yujin's hands into hers.

"it's fine, it's not like his words affect me," yujin responded, trying to smile.

"that's right, ignore whatever he said!" karina stormed. "he's a foul git who doesn't care for anyone except for himself, anyways. you're a strong girl, yujin, you can defeat him with your brain of genius-ness, anyways!"

"thanks karina," yujin chuckled. "it's fine, i've moved on from it. i just hope jaehyun's doing okay, you know, having to stay in the same room as that arse."

"jaehyun's tough, he'll get through fine," hyunjin commented. "if anything, we should be worried for jaemin. having to stay in the same room with jaehyun and mingyu? i could never."

the three ravenclaws glanced at each other, silent for a moment. suddenly, they burst into laughter.

"girls! focus!" professor flitwick scolded, looking up at them.

"sorry, professor," yujin apologized with a sheepish smile. karina and hyunjin followed in suit.

once professor flitwick left, karina faced her best friends and said, "okay, we gotta focus. i haven't even started my potions essay yet!"

"and i have to work on the dada project," yujin grumbled.

"are you sure divination is going well? you must have predicted this bad luck somewhere, hm?"

"thanks hyunjin, but divination is going perfectly fine," yujin rolled her eyes and hyunjin just smirked. "i just have to get through this project and i'm done with this jeno and jaemin drama."

"you sure about that?" hyunjin questioned, raising her eyebrows. "it seems like fate, or destiny, i don't know- apparently i don't have an inner eye or whatever professor trelawney said."

"no way-"

"oh yeah, it's definitely fate," karina agreed, scribbling words with her quill. "same group, becoming friends with jeno, argument in hospital wing, what's next? an enemies to lovers tv show?"

"shut up-"

"please, if anything that's jeno and jaemin as the main characters," hyunjin scoffed. "have you seen them? perfect material for that sort of thing."


"merlin's beard, you're brilliant hyunjin!" karina exclaimed. "we should totally write a screenplay for this."

"are any of you listening to me?" yujin burst.

"no," karina and hyunjin replied with cheeky smiles.

"whatever," yujin mumbled, turning back to her dada project as the two ravenclaws beside her continued fantasizing about a jeno and jaemin enemies to lovers tv drama.

✧ ✧ ✧

author's note:

hello! for the tea leaves symbols i used this webpage for reference:
thank you all for reading my story! :)

-Β  milkyseuls
