
surprises at the slug club.

yujin finished her makeup with a swipe of her watermelon-flavored lip gloss. she wore a periwinkle tulle dress and a silver necklace, which had a pendant in the shape of a snowy owl.

"you two are stunning!" karina cheered. "man, i wish i was part of the slug club."

"hey, maybe some hottie from the hufflepuff quidditch team or something will take you to the christmas party," hyunjin grinned. she was dressed in a light yellow gown and wore silver platform heels.

"not sure, but you two have fun!"

"thanks, karina!" yujin smiled. she linked arms with hyunjin as they left the ravenclaw common room and headed for professor slughorn's office.

as the two best friends walked with their arms linked, yujin asked, "who else do you think will be there?"

"hm, definitely mark lee, because slughorn's friends with his dad," hyunjin responded. "i think kyulkyung will be thereβ€” from what i've heard, she's talented in potions."

"do you think there's gonna be anyone else in ravenclaw?"

"probably donghan, because slughorn likes him," hyunjin commented. "i mean you're invited because you're an ace in potions and i'm invited because slughorn knows my mom."

hyunjin's mother was an alchemist who met professor slughorn during her active days. now, hyunjin's mother stays at home, teaching very young wizards and witches how to safely brew simple potions.

"slughorn only invites who he likes. if he doesn't like you, there's no way you're getting in the club."

the pair arrived in front of slughorn's office, which was rather large. as they entered, they saw professor slughorn, who stood in a toffee-colored suit holding a glass of champagne.

"welcome, miss jung and miss kim!" professor slughorn greeted with a kind smile.

"good evening, professor slughorn," the two ravenclaws responded in unison.

"yes, a beautiful evening it is tonight...oh, please do take a seat at the table over there!" professor slughorn instructed, gesturing at a large, round dining table with plates, napkins, and silverware already prepared.

the two girls each took a seat next to each other near the fireplace. yujin looked around the table, barely recognizing anybody until her eyes landed on a boy in a white polo and silver rings.

she made eye contact with jeno, who sweetly smiled at her. yujin smiled back, glad to know someone else in the slug club.

as the seats filled up and yujin got more and more uncomfortable with the large amount of people she didn't know, two seats were left empty at the table.

"ah my boy, i was wondering when you were arriving!" professor slughorn exclaimed at the entrance.

"sorry professor, i was just discharged form the hospital wing today," a familiar voice apologized.

"oh yes, yes i've heard of your quidditch injury...glad that's all patched up now! take a seat, mr. na."

yujin's eyes widened as she looked at hyunjin, who was in the same state of bewilderment. the ravenclaw watched as jaemin took a seat, professor slughorn following in suit and taking the seat next to jaemin.

yujin noticed jeno's eyes narrow at the slytherin newcomer, who was dressed in a contrasting black polo and silver earrings. a single silver bracelet adorned his right hand as he clenched his fist, glaring at jeno.

"well, shall we get to know each other? i would like my slug club members to create a bond between each other," professor slughorn stated. "now, who would like to start?"

no one spoke up. "hm, then i will pick someone! let's lee!"

"oh! uh...hello, i'm jeno, lee jeno," the gryffindor awkwardly began. "i'm in 5th, a prefect...i'm also a seeker? on the quidditch team? yeah...uh, that's it, i think."

"thank you, jeno! now, let's go to the left, miss shin!"

"um, hello, i'm shin ryujin, a 4th year slytherin. i'm also on my house's quidditch team, but as chaser."

"hello, i'm kim donghan, ravenclaw head boy and 7th year. uh, i'm in the frog choir, if that's anything interesting."

"hi! i'm zhong chenle, a hufflepuff 4th year! i also play as keeper for quidditch!"

"oh, uh...hello, i'm mark lee, or lee minhyung, and i'm a 6th year gryffindor and the quidditch team captain."

"hello, i'm choi soobin, and i'm a 5th year slytherin. i love almond milk, i'd love to receive it as christmas presents, by the way!"

"hello! i'm kim hyunjin, a 5th year ravenclaw! um...i enjoy reading books and i'm thinking about joining the quidditch team next year!"

yujin finally realized it was her turn when she felt all eyes on her. "oh! uh, i'm jung yujin, also a 5th year ravenclaw. i'm also a prefect and i"

"hi! i'm kim jiwoo, or chuu, and i'm a 6th year hufflepuff! i really like singing and i'm also in the frog choir!"

"hello, i'm choi hansol but please call me vernon. i'm a 7th year slytherin and also head boy of slytherin house."

"hello, i'm na jaemin, a 6th year slytherin prefect. i'm also a seeker on my quidditch team."

professor slughorn clapped his hands. "there, now that we're all introduced, let us begin our supper!"

a wide variety of food magically appeared on the table, along with some of it already piled onto everyone's plates. professor slughorn picked his goblet of pumpkin juice up and the twelve hogwarts students followed.

"a toast, to hogwarts' brightest and best!"

eleven goblets were raised and sipped on, and the supper party continued with slughorn initiating conversation plenty of times.

"so, mr. lee, how's your father holding up?" professor slughorn questioned, cutting into a pork chop. "ministry work is quite difficult, but i'm sure he's a great leader!"

"ah, yes, times have been difficult since he's begun a project to track down past death eaters," jeno answered. "but nevertheless, he's doing well and keeping me updated through owls."

yujin sighed. ministry talk was definitely not her favorite, since she thought it was so boring.

"interesting, interesting, surely he's sending you fatherly advice too?"

jeno felt his breath cut short. "oh...yes, of course, since 5th year is one of the most important years," jeno responded with a stiff smile, picking at his food.

professor slughorn grinned. "ah, yes, 5th year's exams will be harsh. but, your father aced them! i remember, that boy got an outstanding in potions! i was so proud of him, a bright wizard, he is."

jeno stared down at his plate, feeling extra pressure to do as well as his father, who was already pushing him.

"oh, that year's outstanding were rather rare. in fact, only mr. na's father managed to get as good of a mark!"

jaemin, who was peacefully eating, looked up with a frown on his face but quickly replaced it with a slight smile.

"now mr. na, you seem to have a natural talent for potions! must be from your father!" professor slughorn chuckled.

"i do enjoy potions class, professor," jaemin cooly replied, tilting his head.

"that's wonderful, oh yes, i can see you moving up to N.E.W.T. level in the future! miss jung, you're also amazingly great at potions!"

yujin felt her fork slip from her hand. she looked up and met professor slughorn with a gentle smile, ignoring jeno and jaemin's eyes.

"i greatly appreciate that compliment, professor," yujin thanked.

"yes, yes, why of course! i also see you moving up to my N.E.W.T. level class! wonderful concoctions to learn there! but, i've also heard that you are brilliant in all your classes, miss jung?"

yujin awkwardly bit her lip. "well...i try to get good marks..."

"from what the other professors told me, you are at the top of each class! indeed, i can see a bright future ahead for you!"

"thank you, professor," yujin responded. she looked back at her plate and bit into a cornish pasty.

as professor slughorn turned to talk with soobin about his hatstall five years ago, yujin felt her eyes look up and connect with jeno's warm ones. the gryffindor flashed an eye smile, which gave yujin a tingly sensation in her chest that she had never felt before.

she sent one back, then felt her eyes move to the left, where jaemin's eyes pierced hers. he glanced at jeno, who was watching the two, then back at yujin. he rolled his eyes as yujin gulped and turned to hyunjin.

"party's been fun, huh?" yujin mumbled sarcastically.

"i think he digs too deep into people's personal lives," hyunjin replied lowly, poking at her roast beef. "you know, what sort of logic was bringing those two together? not just them but their fathers? who like, are on a mutual fatherly war or something?"

"i don't know about that, but i do know he talks way too much," yujin grumbled. "i just wanna eat some food, get some dessert, maybe drink a little-"

"miss kim! you're a bookworm, i hear!" slughorn called.

hyunjin wiped the scowl off her face. "oh, yes! i love reading all i can!"

"i've been reading muggle books lately, and there's one work i think you would like!" professor slughorn offered cheerfully, while jaemin revolted at the mention of "muggle" items. "it's titled a brief history of time: from the big bang to black holes and it's written by a muggle named stephen hawking! quite an interesting read, not to mention the author is supposedly also a professor!"

"thank you, professor, i'll take your recommendation into consideration," hyunjin smiled. professor slughorn nodded lazily and turned to chat with vernon about head boy activities.

"can we get out of here?" hyunjin groaned. "i don't want this meat, i wanna sleep!"

"just an hour to go," yujin sighed.

✧ ✧ ✧

once professor slughorn finished having a short chat with each student, their plates were cleared and dessert, which was croquembouche, magically appeared along with cups of tea, sugar cubes, and milk.

"so, chuu, i hear that you are a muggle-born! what occupation do your parents have in the muggle world?" professor slughorn questioned, stirring milk into his tea.

jaemin glared at the hufflepuff, who wore a bright smile. "my dad owns a music store! that's where i found my love for singing! but my mom is a lawyer."

"ah, music, so wonderful!" professor slughorn clapped his hands with a grin. "i discovered a muggle band recently called the beetles! are they famous?"

"oh yes, the beetles are known around the world!" chuu exclaimed.

yujin zoned out from the conversation. of course she knew enough about the beetles, her father was a fan of the band ever since he was little. she lazily chewed on a cream puff while poking another.

"not to be nosy, but mr. my-father-is-the-minister is looking at you," hyunjin whispered.

yujin whipped her head up and met eyes with the one and only lee jeno. once again, they smiled shyly at the eye contact before breaking their connected stares to their dessert.

✧ ✧ ✧

"i graciously thank you for your time here, my dear slug club!" professor slughorn grinned. he stood up from his chair and patted his stomach. "well, this ol' wizard is stuffed full! enjoy the rest of your night!"

yujin and hyunjin left their seats in unison. "finally," hyunjin groaned. "let's leave already."

hyunjin wrapped her arm around yujin's, pulling her to ravenclaw tower. yujin tried to spot jeno in the crowd but couldn't due to the rapid speed of hyunjin.

unaware to yujin, two boys exited professor slughorn's office at the same time.

jeno and jaemin stared at each other, their blank looks mirroring.

"jaemin," jeno curtly greeted.

"jeno," jaemin responded.

their looks quickly turned into glares. "it was the universe's decision, don't you think?" jaemin spat. "a gryffindor and a slytherin, how could they ever be friends?"

"houses have nothing to do with this," jeno snarled. "it was all your parents. you hid everything about them from me."

jaemin narrowed his eyes, then smirked. "i guess that's why i'm the slytherin and you're the gryffindor. we were never on the same page and never will be."

"don't you know how much could of been resolved? if you just told me? hundreds of people could've lived!"

jaemin stayed silent at jeno's outburst. "you're so selfish, just like your parents. of course i see why we were never the same; because you're just like them."

"shouldn't i embrace that, then?"

"your parents are foul, evil, and disgusting," jeno sneered.

"and your parents are egotistical, snotty, and fake," jaemin retorted.

"oh, we both know if my parents are like that, then so are yours," jeno growled.

"so are your parents foul, evil, and disgusting then, lee?"

before jeno could answer, the door to professor slughorn's office swung open, revealing chenle and mark howling with laughter.

"dude, you need- oh, hi jeno!" mark grinned. "and... jaemin?"

"hi guys!" chenle cheerfully greeted. the gryffindor and slytherin couldn't help but softly smiled at the young hufflepuff.

"what are you guys doing out here?" the hufflepuff asked.

the two boys stayed silent. "i bet they were fighting again, don't tell them i told you that though," mark mumbled in chenle's ear.

"oh, mark told me he thinks you guys fought!" chenle repeated and mark groaned.

"well, no use hiding it anymore," the quidditch captain grumbled. "is it true, then?"

again, jeno and jaemin kept their mouths shut, glaring at each other.

mark rolled his eyes. "well, there's our answer," he announced sarcastically. "come on jeno, let's go back to the common room."

jeno briskly nodded and followed mark, who was already walking down a hallway, yawning.

"do you wanna walk together, jaemin?" chenle offered. the slytherin shrugged, as chenle was one of the only hufflepuffs he could tolerate, and went down the opposite hallway.

✧ ✧ ✧
