♡ Chapter 14 ♡

                                                                  ˚ AM ˚

"Wow, so you guys have literally known each other since day one, huh?" The long haired girl exclaimed.

The three teenagers sat in a mini-circle on top of Akari's bed, all dressed in their night-wear.

"Yeah, I guess we have. Our moms met in high school, and just 'happened' to get pregnant at very similar times.." The short haired girl explained.

Katsuki scoffed, flopping his head down on Akari's lap. She looked down at him and smiled softly, running her soothing fingers through his surprisingly soft, spiky locks.

"Wait, so you have never actually had a friend other than Bakugo!? Like not even another girl?" Sora raised a brow.

"I uhm....I tried making more friends, but Katsuki always scared them off. Plus, I'm not very good at making friends on my own anyways."

"Wow, possessive even as kids?" The golden eyed girl snicked.

Katsuki sent a glare her way, before shifting upon Akari's legs, so he faced away from the laughing girl.

"Where are your parents anyway, Kari'? Doesn't it seem a tad late for them to still be at work?"

"Oh u-uhm...."

The blue-eyed girl seemed to be lost for words. Did she tell Sora the truth? Or...what used to be the truth? She glanced down towards the boy on her lap, only to find his carmine hues looking back up at her, brows furrowed. Understanding the silent message, Akari inhaled sharply before answering.

"My mom works really really late....sometimes she'll be out for days at a time. And my dad....he uh...was a hero. The villains defeated...him." The faded-brown haired female mumbled.

Sora's bright yellow-ish hues widened, an apologetic look present on her pale face.

"I- I'm so sorry. I didn't mean-"

"It's fine, really. I was too young to remember, I barely knew him." She smiled softly.

However, a certain ash-blonde male could hear the pain and sorrow dripping within Akari's soft voice. There was a moment of silence, tension beginning to rise within the atmosphere of the room. That is, before Sora gasped loudly.

"Wait! So you're telling me, you had no female friends, and your mom is rarely home?"

Both Akari and Katsuki raised a questioning brow at this statement, before the shorter girl nodded slowly.

"Then who did you talk to when you first got your period!? Please tell me it wasn't Bakugo!" The long haired girl shrieked.

The couple's eyes widened, mouths hanging agape as Katsuki snapped his head towards Sora, facing her direction once more.

"I..uh- I'm sorry what? " Akari stuttered out, her hand stopping abruptly from running her fingers through the spiky locks that rested on her lap.

"Yeah it was me. It happened when we were ten. Akari thought she was dying, so she bawled her eyes out in my bathroom until my mom sorted things out." The tall boy answered abruptly.

"You thought I was dying too..." She mumbled out, crossing her arms.

"Yeah, but I was a ten year old boy in that situation." Katsuki scoffed.

Sora burst into a fit of laughter, clutching her stomach as she bent over.

"You poor thing, I can't even imagine how embarrassing that must've been!" The tall girl managed to wheeze out.

Katsuki scoffed loudly as he sat criss-crossed beside the shorter girl. The tall boy leaned over Akari slightly, checking the time on the alarm clock that rested upon the nightstand.

"Holy shit, it's one in the morning! We have fucking school tomorrow you dipshits!"

"So uhm....who's taking the bed with me, and who's taking the futon?" The blue eyed girl questioned the two, sliding off the bed and pulling out a rolled up futon from her closet.

"I'm taking the bed!" Sora and Katsuki exclaimed at the same time.

"Oh hell no, I practically live here, and you pretty much invited yourself anyways!" The spiky haired boy sneered.

"I'm the guest, and I'm the girl here."

"I'm her boyfriend, that doesn't make a difference."

"Rock paper scissors! Winner gets the bed." The golden-eyed girl stated proudly.

"This is stupid."

The two hot-headed teenagers played a round of rock paper scissors, Akari watching hesitantly in the distance. Katsuki made a rock with his fist, meanwhile Sora imitated scissors with her hand.

"Ah, shit."

"HA! Can't even beat me at a childish game like this, huh? Really shows which one of us is superior." The egoistic boy scoffed, pointing towards his chest proudly.

"You son of a bitch."

Sora made her way down to the futon that was neatly laid out on the floor, a pout present on her face as she covered herself in the soft comforter. Katsuki got comfortable underneath the light gray duvet on the bed, the shorter female laying beside him. The ruby-eyed boy wrapped his strong arms around Akari's waist, pulling her back into his chest, obviously acting as the big spoon. The girl's bright blue eyes blinked a few times, before smiling softly, her eyes fluttering close. Katsuki leaned down and pressed a soft kiss in the crook of her neck, then let the blissful feeling of sleep wash over him as well.

The following morning, Haru had to shake the three over-tired teenagers awake. Staying up that late on a school night wasn't exactly the smartest idea on their part, but they managed. Sora joined the couple on their walk to school that morning, in which Katsuki made a promise to never allow again. However, as they entered the classroom, the tall girl ran over to the bicoloured haired male. Akari and the ash-blonde took their seats, watching as their sleep-deprived teacher slowly made his way to the front of the class, looking boredly upon the students.

"Today is the day of the U.S.J rescue training that we've talked about. Please go get changed in your hero costumes, and make your way outside to board the bus." Aizawa instructed with a monotone voice.

The students of class 1-A were quite ecstatic, wasting no time to do as they were told. Around 20 or so minutes later, the group of teenagers gathered around the front of the bus, entering one by one. However once they entered, Tenya Iida took it upon himself to make assigned seating. Although, this didn't seem to please too many people.

"I'm not sitting next to headphone girl." The hot-headed boy grumbled.

"Uhm...excuse me? Iida? Would it be okay if we made a slight arrangement so I could sit next to Katsuki?" The short wavy haired girl asked kindly.

"Hm. I suppose that would work best, considering you are surprisingly one of the only people among the students he listens to." The blue haired boy spoke sternly, chopping the air with his hand.

"Thank you." Jiro whispered towards Akari.

The blue-eyed girl nodded in acknowledgment, taking her seat beside Katsuki. Akari glanced around, observing who was sitting next to who, when her gaze landed on a certain pair. Sora was leaning her head against Todoroki's shoulder, appearing to be asleep, unsurprisingly. The red and white haired boy seemed slightly flushed, but smiled softly nonetheless. Suddenly, a large hand gripped tightly on Akari's own, snapping her out of her daze. The ash-blonde was gazing out the window, his chin resting on his palm. His thumb rubbed soothing circles over the shorter girl's pink knuckles, warming her normally cold hands. Akari's face softened, a smile stretching across her rosy lips.

"You aren't very excited for this rescue training are you?" She snickered.

"As long as I get to kick some ass, I'll manage." He scoffed, glancing towards her.

Katsuki looked her up and down for a few seconds, before a shit-eating grin appeared on his usually angry face.

"Akari, did I ever tell you that you look hot in that costume?" Katsuki whispered, very aware of what he was doing to the already awkward girl.

Akari stared up at him, bewildered. Her cheeks flushed bright red, as she had never received a compliment that bold before.

"K-Katsuki! Don't say stuff like that...'' She spluttered out, looking to the side.

"It's true though. Just thought you should know, in case you aren't aware of how gorgeous you are." Katsuki snickered.

The silver tinted brown haired girl's breath hitched in her throat, coming to the realization of how much of an affect the angry male had on her. After another 15 minutes or so, the bus came to a halt, and all the students made their way to the exits. Class 1-A came face to face with a large circular building, almost appearing an arena of some sorts. Entering, many gasps of surprise and awe could be heard as the teenagers eyes were glued onto the sight that took place before them. It looked like multiple outdoor places in one building. There was a lake, cliffs, fires, and multiple smaller buildings. It was very breathtaking, making the young student's hopes rise.
