♡ Chapter 11 ♡

˚ Hide ˚

The stars glistened in the night sky, making it light up slightly. Katsuki adjusted his black coat, as he made his way across his yard, and onto the one next to it. The cool, night breeze danced through his ash-blond locks, spiking them up more than they already were. Katsuki reached the front door of the Koharu house, and let himself in freely. He closed the door with a loud click, and took off his coat along with his shoes, setting them aside somewhere. His carmine hues gazed around the room until they landed on a small boy, who was laying on the living room floor. Katsuki walked up to him, looking down upon his bored expression.

"Whatcha doing?" He asked, raising a brow.





Katsuki stood up straight once again, taking notice of the delicious smell, most likely coming from the kitchen. So off he went, through the hallway and into the kitchen entrance. He leaned against the counter, crossing his arms as he watched the short female by the stove. Akari turned around and yelped, realizing someone else was present.

"Jeez Katsuki, don't scare me like that." She huffed, fixing her short ponytail.

"Wasn't my intention. You're just jumpy." Katsuki remarked.

Akari groaned, turning around once again to stir whatever rested inside the big pot.

"What are you making?"


Katsuki looked around the room and halls for a few seconds, before returning his gaze towards the faded-brown haired girl standing in front of the stove.

"I'm assuming Emino isn't here?"

"Yeah...hasn't been for a day or two." Akari sighed.

"Well, I'm here to keep you guys company. And I'm cooler anyways." Katsuki grinned.

She snorted, beginning to take out three plates, handing out different sized portions.

"Can you get the water?"

The taller boy nodded and walked to the cupboard which held several glass cups. Opening the fridge and taking out the water jug, he poured some in each glass and brought all three to the dining table. Akari followed closely behind, three plates carefully in hand.

"Haru!" She shouted, placing down each plate of spaghetti.

The green-eyed boy ran through the hall, his faded-brown hair blowing behind him as he jumped into his seat.

"Get the forks."

Haru groaned dramatically at his sister's order, but obeyed either way. In a matter of seconds, he lazily tossed three forks in the middle of the table. Akari rolled her bright blue eyes, taking hold of one of them. Katsuki did the same, sitting in the chair next to her.

"Wait...you didn't sneak spinach in this did you?" Haru questioned hesitantly, making a disgusted face towards his food.

"No. Now shut up and eat it." Akari sighed.

They didn't need to ask him twice, as the young boy began to scarf down his diner. The other two ate in silence, enjoying the meal peacefully. When the three of them finished, they all brought their dirtied plates and cutlery to the kitchen sink.

"You eat at my house, you help with the dishes." Akari said playfully to the ash-blonde.

"Fine. Only because it was actually pretty good." Katsuki shrugged.

"You dry."

So, the pair got to work on the dishes. Akari cleaning, and the other drying and putting away. They made small conversation here and there, some thought out, and some just plain teasing.

"Haru was sprawled out on the floor when I came in. He looked so don- what is it..?" Katsuki cut himself off, taking notice of how Akari stopped what she was doing abruptly.

Her blue hues were fixated on the window above the sink, brows furrowed.

"What's that?" She remarked, pointing towards the window.

Katsuki leaned over, taking a look for himself. There was a very small orange light in the backyard, flickering slightly. He squinted his ruby eyes, attempting to make out what it was. Suddenly, it went out and was replaced with a cloud of foggy smoke. It was obvious to the both of them now that that was in fact, a cigarette. Suddenly, the figure holding said stick took a step closer. The person looked up, revealing bright, glowing blue eyes, almost identical to the younger female's. Akari let out a small gasp, backing away slightly. However, Katsuki continued to glare towards the shadowy figure. The thing took hold of the cigarette, placing it back in it's mouth as it sparked. However, this spark let Katsuki see it's features a bit better. It was obviously a man, a very tall one at that, he appeared to have messy black hair, and a sickening smirk plastered on his lips.

"Akari, where's Haru?" The teenage boy suddenly asked in a panic.

Her eyes widened in fear, and she bolted out of the room.



"Where are you!?"

"In my room!? Why!?"

"Stay there, okay!?" She shouted.


Suddenly, Katsuki dashed towards her, and spun her smaller form around so they were facing each other. His large, calloused hands took hold of Akari's shoulders.

"Akari. I want you to listen to me very carefully, okay? And don't panic too much." He said sternly, keeping eye contact.

She nodded slowly, the fear never leaving her bright blue eyes.

"I want you to help me lock all the windows and doors, as well as closing all the blinds and shutting off the lights. Then we need to get to Haru, and hide."

Akari's breath hitched in her throat, but she nodded once again anyways. So, the two dashed through the entire house, continuous clicks being heard as the windows and doors locked. When the pair was finished doing their task, the whole house was pitch black. Akari and Katsuki wasted no time dashing up the stairs and into the younger boy's bedroom.

"What's going on..?" The freckled boy asked.

Suddenly, there was a loud crash emitting from downstairs. All three of their eyes widened in obvious fear.

"Get in the closet! Quickly!" Katsuki whisper-shouted.

The shorter teenager took hold of her brother protectively, as the ash-blonde opened the closet door. They all squished together inside, as Katsuki shut the door. It was pitch black, and unsettlingly quiet. Haru gripped onto Akari's shirt for dear life, as he muffled his sobs in the crook of her neck. Both teens breathed heavily, gripping onto each other's hands. Katsuki glared towards the closet door, almost getting into a fighting stance while sitting. Suddenly, loud, slow footsteps could be heard from downstairs. Akari's breath hitched in her throat, looking at the taller boy fearfully. The steps continued throughout the house, and eventually up the stairs.

"A-Are we going to d-die?" Haru whispered through sniffles.

"N-No. No, we won't die." Katsuki whispered sternly.

The door of Haru's bedroom creaked open all of sudden, making everyone go dead quiet. No one dared to even breathe at this point. The shadow of two feet could be seen in the crack under the door.

"Oh, sweet Akari and Haru. I know you're in there." The man spoke in a mocking tone.

All three of their eyes widened in absolute terror. How does he know their names?

"Heh, I'm not going to hurt you, yet. I just wanted to make my presence known to my beloved children."

Akari had to slap her own hand over her mouth in order to keep herself from crying.

"Just be aware that this is not the next time we will be meeting." He spoke more sternly.

There was a long pause, before the devious man spoke once again.

"Oh, and that blonde boy who convinced you two to be heroes? Unfortunately, I'll have to...dispose of him next time we meet!" The man laughed.

Soon, he left. Leaving the poor children in a state of utter shock and fear.
