N.A: The signs in a friend group...

Aries: always asking what the plan is and initiating things, energetic one who is almost too sarcastic and can offend people easily

Taurus: the somewhat quiet one who just goes with whatever the rest of the friends decide to do, does all their schoolwork and usually makes money in weird ways

Gemini: Bouncy one who says really weird things and cones up with insane ideas, talks a lot, wants to go to ridiculous places all the time

Cancer: The friend who'd rather hang out at their house most of the time, really talkative and blatant, either complains nonstop or gushes about how happy they are nonstop

Leo: The extravagant, hilarious friend that has the car, the one who knows exactly how to bring everyone together, makes every situation comfortable and fun, sarcastic but not offensive

Virgo: The quiet one who acts put together but is a mess deep down, goes along with everyone else's plan unless they really don't want to do something, inside jokes

Libra: the sort of distant friend who isn't really in the group but is more of a drifter, has some weird passion that they're really good at on the side, laughs A LOT, half initiator half follower, will sacrifice their life for friends

Scorpio: the loud friend that appears quiet, really weird ass sense of humor and always asks questions that are way too personal, fun and ready to do anything but gets angry easily

Sagittarius: happy-go-lucky friend who is just there for the thrill, not dedicated to the group, comes and goes, makes a lot of dumb jokes that still make you laugh because of the way they talk

Capricorn: the friend with 5 jobs and straight A's, talks about either super serious stuff or the silliest things, giggles a lot, openly hates everything but hates their friends slightly less

Aquarius: friend who isn't afraid to say whatever's on their mind, doesn't make a lot of jokes intentionally but you'll still laugh at them anyway, quiet, giggly, odd (kekeke)

Pisces: Seems distant but is very engaged in their friendships, the shy friend, you don't know it but they smoke a fuckton of weed (or any other drug) every day, has something they're super passionate about, sweet
