Thy symptoms when you think your turning into an anime luvver:

Let me just tell you that this is never in order.

1) Le crave for anime

   Well duh. That is the first symptom that always appears. you may want to stay inside and watch anime and you may get angry if someone disturbs you and such.

2) Reactions

     When you reach some emotional part or like, a really sad part of an anime, you may just want to cry as well. Or maybe when the anime reaches its climax, you feel like you need to jump around and yell. Like REALLY need to.

3) Shipping

     That is one word my dear. You start shipping characters you like paired up the most and may start hating the other characters that can hook up with it.

4) Crushes

   You start to fall for dem hot anime boyz and gurls. Whenever a character of opposite gender goes near ur subject of target you might just find yourself being angry. Like, suuuuper frustrated.

5) Weirdness

    Read it. One word, thousand different things to be.

6) Fangirling

     Need I say more?


1) Chunibyo-ness

     You will want to impersonate a character with magical powers and such. Like, for example, Natsu from Fairy Tail or Goku from Dragon Balls or maybe some other anime character w/ magic that you look up to. Or you may just make up some power and think that you have it (ex. Me)

2) Talking to oneself

     You may just have this thing that makes you talk to yourself and you won't even notice it. It mostly occurs when you're in a enclosed space or maybe just alone in some place.


Soooooooo, that was all I could think of. Did I miss anything? Pls tell me if I did.
