Kurapika and Mekakushi Dan (Red/Scarlet Eyes)

Yuichi: Hello and welcome back to my wonderful fantasy, anime, crap universe. Today, here we have Mekakushi Dan and Kurapika!!!

Mekakushi Dan (Mekakucity Actors): Hi...

Kurapika (Hunter X Hunter): Hi?

Leorio: Why am I Here?

Mayumi: Wait. Why Kurapika and Mekakushi?

Yuichi: It is only a matter of time my dear Yumi.... *laughs weirdly*

Leorio: Whut?

Kido & Kurapika: Creepy... =_=

Kuroha: To hell with you, you fucking bitch

Seto: 0_0

Hibiya: So what are we doing here anyway?

Yuichi: I just said its only a matter of time! Wait for it Hibiya!

Momo: But I can't! I have a shooting later!

Leorio: Hey! hello! Can anyone hear me?!

Shintaro: Can I go home now? -_- *his phone vibrates* huh? *takes out his phone*

Ene: What is everybody talking about?! I want to join in too!! I couldn't hear anything inside that persons pocket!

Shintaro: Then go be human!

Ene: No

Marry: BL!

Kurapika: BL?

Seto: Marry... *facepalm*

Marry: yes! °^° Do you have a relationship with someone Kura?

Kurapika: no-

Mayumi: Yess he does! And its a MALE!!! *secretly looks at Leorio*

Seto and Kuroha: Huwat?

Hibiya: That's my line!

Marry: Hello sister! * . *

Yuichi: Heyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!

Everyone goes quiet...

everyone except Kido, Kuroha and Kurapika:........... Hai?.........

Yuichi: Good. Naw, Yumi-chan!

Mayumi: H-Hai!

Yuichi: Bring out, the 'it'

Hibiya: What kind of grammar is that? -_-

Yuichi: Shat up Hibi. Or do you want me to Tie you up on a chair and forcefully make you watch Hiyori Asahina being hit by a truck over and over?

Leorio: Whut?

Kuroha: I like this Kid

Hibiya: ........ (You're evil....)

Yuichi: Good Hibi, Yumi-chan!

Mayumi: H-Here Yuichi-San *gives Yuichi a box covered by a blanket*

Kido: What is that?

Kurapika: Yes, what is that?

Konoha: *stares* Negima?

Yuichi: Do you really want to know?

Kurapika and Kido: Well not really, it may just be something irrel-

Yuichi: *uncovers the box* Tada! Tarantula!

Kurapika, Kido and Marry: Spider! *eyes turn red* *looks at each other* Whaaaaaaaaaaattttttt?!?!?!?!?!

Momo: Oh mah jeh...

Hibiya: Huwat....

Shintaro and Ene: wtf... =_=

Konoha: Negima...

Kuroha: fuuuuuuuuccckkkkk

Kano: O_O

Seto: Heck what...

Ayano: What's going on he-


Ayano: I'm.....I'm just gonna leave..... *leaves*

The whole gang except Yuichi and Mayumi: ......................................

Yuichi: He he he, surprise!............ Wait, the tarantula is a spider, and a spider is an insect r-right? =_="

Mayumi: *nods*

Yuichi: Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiittttttttttt!!!!! INSECT!!!! GET IT AWAY, GET IT AWAY, GET IT AWAY, GET IT AWAY, GET IT AWAY FROM MEEEEEEEE!!!! *throws the box and starts running really fast* waaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!

Kurapika: Spider!!! *eyes still red*

Kido and Marry: Kyaaaaa!!! *eyes still red also, and runs away*

The boys: =_=

Momo and Mayumi: *looks at each other, then looks back at the running people* O....Kay....

Kurapika: * eyes still scarlet* Stoooooooooppppp!!!!

*Shintaro catches the tarantula without getting bitten and put it back in the box, while The girls stop yelling and running*

The girls that were running earlier: Phew...

Momo: Hey Marry, I think you froze Seto....

Marry: *eyes are red* eh? *looks at Seto* Aaaaahhhh! Gomenasai Seto-kun!!!! *unfreezes Seto*

Seto: Whut just happened? =_=

Kurapika: Okay, I'll go straight to the point.
WHY. ARE. YOUR. EYES. RED..... =_=

Momo: Well, all of our eyes turn red. My question is, why are yours red?

Kurapika: My eyes are red because I'm the last one left in our clan that inherits these eyes. And I know very well that you are not from my clan...

Kano: Our eyes are red because....... I don't really know.

Kido:*facepalm* ugh, nevermind *blinks once and eyes turn back to normal*

Marry:*does the same*

Kurapika: hmm... =_= *does the same*

Mayumi: Come to think of it, where is Yuichi-san? O_O

Shintaro: She's here *points to Yuichi on the floor, passed out*

Kuroha: hahahahahahahahahahaha!!!! XD

Kano: Pshh... *holding in laughter*

Mayumi:........ I think I'll end this chapter here.... For Yuichi-san's sake....

And so the chapter ended with laughs and a humiliated author. As for the mystery of Red Eyes, nobody bothered to solve it

The End....
