Chapter 50


Law was lounging in Luffy's room, watching the younger paint. It was adorable to Law how Luffy still stuck his tongue out the corner of his mouth in concentration as he shifted between colours. The boys were in no mood to go outside since the weather had taken a turn towards a rainstorm. With rain, for Law, came water type Pokémon so the older was busying himself in the game on his phone.

"Look Torao! It's the Sunny!" Luffy jumped on the bed and shoved the not-yet dried painting in Law's line of vision.

"It's very... colourful." Law said taking the paper in his hands and looking over the picture that did not match the actual ship at all but the older commended the usage of bright colours, even if not correct. "Is that your signature?" Law pointed to the... something at the corner of the painting.

"Yeah! I'm using my pirate flag as my sign! Robin said every artist should have a sign."

"How is that a skull and crossbones?" Contrary to when Luffy was younger and Law had seen the pirate flag for the first time, this time Law did not keep his question to himself.

"Look, there are holes for eyes and there's teeth, Chopper said teeth are bones too. Then there's the bones right there." Luffy pointed to each element individually and Law indulged him.

"My mistake, it's all right there."

Luffy narrowed his eyes. "Torao, are you making fun of me?"

"Am I laughing?"

"No." Luffy said and shrugged.

"It's a nice signature, Nico-ya is right, every artist should have one." Law said handing the painting back to his boyfriend. "Your sign suits your creative abilities."

"Nishishi." Luffy grinned, proud. The younger saw Law pull his phone back up and that game again that he had seen Law play so many times. "What is this game? You're always playing that."

"Are you aware of Pokémon?" Law asked sharing the phone screen with Luffy so he could sit at a more comfortable angle.

"Yeah I've seen the anime."

"Well, this is Pokémon Go, it's an augmented reality based game for the Pokémon franchise." Law explained. "Do you want to play too?"


"Let's install it in your phone first."

"Ok!" Luffy found his phone beneath his mountain of paints and followed Law's instructions on downloading the game on his phone. "Professor Willow's design is so cool!"

"It is. Now you can create your avatar, not much choice of things in the beginning." Law guided.

"These shorts look cool." Luffy looked through the entire selection available and finally made an avatar. "Ok! Let's go!"

"Now comes the real question, who's going to be your starter?" Law couldn't keep the excitement out of his voice. "Mine was Squirtle."

"Oh I'm choosing Bulbasaur, easy." Luffy tapped on the green Pokémon. Law thought the grass type Pokémon with its vines and cute face suited Luffy. "Camera on or maybe later?"

"Camera on, it's more fun that way."

Luffy tapped on the camera option and laughed when the bulbasaur appeared in front of him. "Torao there's a bulbasaur in my room!"

Law closed his own phone and slid down a little so he could rest his head on Luffy's shoulder. Smiling at the laughter from his boyfriend, Law continued the walk-through. "Ok so this is the ring of target, it gets smaller while increasing the difficulty, it goes from a nice throw to great to excellent."

"Imma throw the ball."

"Wait." Law cautioned as the ring disappeared. "When the ring disappears, the Pokémon will deflect the pokéball so wait for the ring to reappear and attack at that precise moment."

"Gotcha." Luffy said, head mimicking the movement of the Pokémon he was about to catch. Both the boys watched the pokéball move in anticipation and bumped fists when the ball stopped moving, clear indication of a successfully caught first Pokémon. "I got it on my first try!"


"It's the pokédex!"

"Now you can choose your nickname." Law said reading from the screen.

"JoyBoyMugi." Luffy typed quickly.

"Are you sure you want to be called JoyBoyMugi?" Law read from the screen again making Luffy giggle.

"Yes~" Luffy tapped on the screen some more until the explanation for pokéstops came along.

"You have to walk for most things in the game."

"Then let's go walk."

"It's raining, Luffy."


"Flevance rain is different, it will make you sick in five minutes." Law rolled his eyes. "Let me send you a friend request though. Show me your QR code."

"Wait." Luffy looked around but ultimately asked Law for help, the older brought the QR screen up and scanned it through his phone. "Shinogekai? Isn't that your black market name?"

"Nobody is going to think the Surgeon of Death plays Pokémon Go." Law said and sent Luffy a gift through the game. "We can go out once the rain stops and there is no forecast for more rain."


Luffy painted some more and ran through the entire building once Law told him that he could catch some Pokémon while only walking inside the building too so the younger was running up and down the stairs, taking food breaks every twenty minutes, then he would be back to his paintings or watch Law write up medical reports.

Then the weather settled.

"Let's go! Let's go!" Luffy jumped, barely able to contain his excitement when the rain died down.

"Don't do that outside, you'll slip and break something." Law warned and moved to answer his ringing phone. It was Penguin. "What's up?"

"I can't stall so I am going to say it as it is, don't panic."

"That's not a very reassuring start." Law rolled his eyes and Luffy tilted his head wondering what the conversation was about.

"I need you to come to the hospital."

Law furrowed his eyebrows. "You know how I feel about that place."

"There's a... situation here... a young woman is asking for you." Penguin tried again.


"For Doctor Trafalgar, more specifically." Penguin said.

Law thought about it for a moment. "I don't know any young women, so I don't care. Tell her to piss off and that there is no Doctor Trafalgar in Flevance anymore, the world government made sure of that." Law was about to end the call.

"Wait! She's pregnant! And it's- Law she had amber lead."

The way Law's heart gave a loud thump before reserving a few beats, even Luffy didn't miss that from the few feet distance he was at. The younger watched as the colour drained from his boyfriend's face, made him paler than the faded patches on his skin. But he was Law and he quickly bounced back.

"Quarantine her, I'm on my way." Law said and ended the call before hearing what else Penguin had to say.

"What happened?"

"I'm going to the hospital. You're staying." Law said pulling on a third mask and making sure he had his small medical fanny pack with him.

"Why? Where are you going?" Luffy asked again, moving around Law, eyes following the older with concern. "Torao."

"Penguin called and said there is a case of amber lead and I am being called for specifically." Law started and put his hands on Luffy's shoulders. "I don't want you anywhere near that thing so you are staying here where it's safe while I deal with the shit that's going on."

"No!" Luffy pushed Law's hands off himself. "I'm going with you."

"It's a dangerous situation, I don't know the variables, let alone have control over them." Law tried making himself and his concerns clear. "You could get exposed-"

"You said it's not catchable from patients." Luffy countered immediately.

"Contagious." Law corrected automatically.

"That. And even if you strap me down, I'm not letting you go there all by yourself."

"I don't have time for this!" Law was getting frustrated from not moving towards the hospital at the given moment.

"Ok then go." Luffy said and grinned when the anxiety left the older.

"You're just going to follow me." Law sighed. "Fine. Wear these." The doctor pulled out several masks and gloves, making sure Luffy pulled those on properly before running out of the door.

"Torao you said no running after the rain!" Luffy called but picked up pace too.

"Different situation."

The two arrived at the hospital shortly and Luffy watched how Law displayed so many emotions just looking at the big, iron gates. Ultimately, the older took a deep breath and walked past the iron gates and inside the main hospital. Law knew his way around the hospital and those halls like the back of his hand, it was his first time walking through Flevance General since it burned down some fourteen years ago.

"Where are we going?" Luffy asked looking around and following his boyfriend one step behind.

"Good question." Law said and blocked the path of a passing nurse. "Where is Doctor Penguin right now?"

"What business do you have with-" The woman started.

"Just answer the question."

"In the ER..."

"Let's go." Law grabbed Luffy's hand unconsciously while walking where he knew the emergency room was.

"Listen he's going to be here anytime now- please stay calm." Law heard Penguin's voice as he neared the ER, watched in narrowed eyes as people scrambled to get out of there.

"An ER is not the ideal place for creating or sustaining this kind of panic." Law said walking over to his friend. "Where is she?"

"Thank fucking hell you're here." Penguin hung off the front of Law's shirt and breathed in relief. "See, he's here. You're going to be ok now." The older said and Law followed his line of vision to look at the young woman in question. The sight alerted the surgeon.

"You should have told me it was this bad." Law scolded in a small voice looking from the knife in the girl's hand to the pulsing blood vessel in her neck she was pointing it at.

"You hung up!"

"Doctor... Trafalgar?" The girl asked, worry and sadness and question in her eyes and voice.

"I am." Law answered immediately, wanting to dispel the situation as best as he could, with minimum causalities.

"My grandfather told me so much about you... he said you could help if I was ever in trouble."

"Your grandfather?" Law swatted his hand behind his back, telling Penguin to go and take Luffy with him while he stalled the situation enough to yank the knife out of the girl's hands.

"Yes, he told me you treated me too." The girl tried smiling but it dropped as soon as it happened.

"Treated you... oh. Oh." The dots connected. "You're the girl I diagnosed with allergy to cold and dry weather."

"And advised my grandfather that we live in a near tropical weather."

"Where is your grandfather?" Law found himself asking, remembering how familiar the old man had been with Law on the first encounter.

"He's dead, this disease took him." And the young woman broke down, her grip on the knife still not loosening a bit. "And I'm next!"

Law looked hard at the girl in front of him, she was already very pale, it was hard to make out the white patches on her skin. "Why didn't he tell me about it?" Law found himself asking. "He knew I could help-"

"It was very sudden! We both started getting these ugly patches at the same time! He was so so old!"

"Look, I can cure amber lead poisoning, I'm sure that's why your grandfather told you about me." The surgeon took a few steps forward, arms stretched in front of him to show the girl he meant no harm.

"Stay there!!" She shouted and Law stopped.

Law took off his masks and let the girl see his face, he pulled his sleeves back and put his arms on display. "Look at me. I cured myself. I can cure you too." More than the girl, Law was worried about the fetus she was carrying, being subjected to so much distress.

"Sure you can cure me, but what about when this child develops the illness?!"

"I can-"

"I don't want to pass this through me!" There was an eerie silence after that outburst. Law understood, he understood this on an atomic level. Law didn't want to pass the poison integrated DNA to the next generation too. Sure he cured himself but what if the poison mutated a few generations later, what if he wasn't around to make a new cure.

"I understand that. Trust me, I do." Law started, careful with his words. "I can work on a cure right away, I can even try and introduce it to the fetus so the child doesn't manifest. I can help you but you have to trust me."

The girl hiccupped. Law honestly felt bad for her, so young, not even older than twenty, her life must be flashing before her eyes, so young and already so worried about the next generation. "What about the children after mine then? Who's going to help them?"

"I have links in the government, I can get a medicine and cure circulated, it won't be a problem by their time. You already manifested so late because you were away from direct exposure-"

"The same government that burned down our home in the first place?" The girl glared and Law took a step back to allow her some space.

"The heads have changed-"

"You're one of them!" She shouted again.

"I'm not-"

"You're stalling! Are you calling the agents so they can kill me too?!"

Law didn't take the hysteria as a good sign, the girl wasn't listening to him anymore so the doctor decided to jump and grab the young woman's wrists, pulling the knife in her hand away so it couldn't harm her but the girl was too distraught and started thrashing around.

"Stop. You're going to hurt yourself and the child."

"We're dead anyway! You're a liar! You are with them!"

"Get me a sedative!" Law called at anyone who was there to listen and it was Penguin who responded. Luffy saw this as an opportunity to jump in as well and help Law by taking a hold of the woman's shoulders and stilling her so she would stop making rash movements that could endanger her and the baby.

"Torao can help you- listen to him." Luffy tried his luck but the girl was crying so loud and so much, Law knew there wasn't anything she was listening, let alone comprehend.

"Penguin! The sedative!"

"Law this is dangerous on a pregnant woman." Penguin warned but did bring a syringe.

"You're suggesting I knock her out?"

"Let me go! You're all traitors! And murderers!" The girl thrashed and freed a hand, bringing out a gun. It all so fast but so slow, still nobody could react more than widening of eyes and gaping of mouths when the girl elbowed Luffy in his neck and used that time to aim the gun at her chin and-

There were two lives lost in that same moment.

It was quiet now.

Nobody moved. The girl laid on the sterilized hospital floor, her blood pooling on the tiles, eyes wide and mouth agape, Law knew he looked much the same, hell, even Luffy did.

Penguin, Luffy and Law were the only people in the ER, except the patients who couldn't leave but most had been moved out soon after Law arrived. The oldest was also shook at the turn out of the events but he gathered himself much faster. Penguin spotted Luffy standing a few feet away from the body, his expressions changing from shock to worry when he looked between the bleeding girl and his boyfriend. Law was... Law wasn't all there.

Penguin knew what was happening with his best friend. He saw Law standing and looking at the blood pour out with an emotionless face but the older could recognize the look in his friend's eyes, Law was losing Flevance all over again. Penguin remembered when Law had told the three so excitedly about an old man and a young girl who were real Flevance people, not the new one, the White City Flevance. Penguin's heart ached when he recalled that the hope Law carried and the reassurance that not all of Flevance was dead, was now shattered, and Penguin couldn't bear to look at it.

"Holy-" Penguin was brought out of his state by Shachi's voice.

"Where were you!" Penguin shouted immediately.

"I... I was in surgery, so was Bepo. But fuck what happened here- what is Law doing here?" Shachi looked around to understand what had transpired while he was saving a child from dying of a misdiagnosis of a congenital heart defect. Then the redheaad's eyes landed on the body on the ground. "My eyes and memory can be wrong but... isn't she the girl cap had me drop off meds to some years ago?"

"...she is. Was."

"What the fuck- what the fuck-"

What nobody was paying attention to was the government agents in hazmat suits marching inside the hospital until they had reached the ER. It was enough to hold everyone's attention, expect Law's, who was still staring at the dead body, his mind blank and overwhelmed at the same time.

"This is the area." Penguin saw one of the nurses tell the people in the hazmat suits. The rat.

"Thank you for your help ma'am." The agent responded and scanned the room then nodded and two agents in the suits stepped forward towards Law. Luffy wasn't sure what was happening but he was starting to develop a bad feeling in his gut.

"Trafalgar Law. You are under arrest for being a biohazard, for hiding your identity as a product of the White City, for carrying the poison of white lead and carelessly spreading it among innocent civilians." One of the guys in the suit said, then looked at the ground, at the still bleeding girl and added. "Your charges also include murder in the first degree."

"What!" Penguin barked stepping forward but he was stopped by one of the suit men.

"Torao didn't do any of that!" Luffy shouted next and was similarly stopped.

"Trafalgar Law, you are under arrest and will comply quietly. You will be led to a quarantine facility where you will be put to termination." The boss man in the suit said.

"What!" Bepo chose that timing to arrive in the ER.

The moment Luffy saw the suit people bring out the handcuffs and put them around Law, he lost it and punched the man who was doing the deed. "Stay away from Torao!"

"I am compromised!" The man screamed when he saw the crack in the screen of his helmet.

Luffy stood protectively in front of Law and moved with the older so Law would be protected between his friends and Luffy. The noise was too much and for a second Law was distracted from what was in front of him to what was around him, he was confused when he saw the people in hazmat suits, with guns in their hands, much like he saw when Flevance was being exterminated. Unconsciously, Law kept backing away from the offending memories bombarding his brain. Shachi put a hand on Law's back to steady him but what he heard under his palm made him worried.

Shachi sought out Penguin's eyes and shook his head, conveying that Law's heart was not doing good. Bepo looked between all the parties present. The three had been keeping an eye on Law's heart ever since the idiot had decided to give more than half his blood to Luffy. Law's heart was ok then but there was need for observation at regular intervals to make sure it stayed ok. The three had found out that due to the strain of amber lead, due to Law's heart stopping in Drum and due to their friend being an idiot, his heart was not in an overall good shape.

The moment the people in the suits had begun their advance, Law's heart gave out with a loud thump and everyone watched in horror when his eyes rolled in the back of his head. Luffy was equally as quick as the three and caught Law before he hit the ground. Bepo quickly searched around for pulse.

"Crash cart!" Bepo notified and picked his captain up in his arms, putting him on a bed, removing the clothing to attach the necessary machines.

"Stay back!" Luffy punched another man and stood guard, trusting Law's friends to take care of him. Luffy hated himself again, it was the same feeling as when Torao was shot, the younger felt so helpless, his fists his only weapons. With his back turned, Luffy couldn't see what was going on and he didn't understand the medical things his boyfriend's friends were shouting over each other. All Luffy could so was keep the government agents from getting to Law and he swore he wouldn't let them take him.

"Clear!" Luffy heard Shachi say, then heard the weird crispy sound he knew was from those machines that looked like tiny cloth irons that sent shocks through the body. Was Torao that bad? Luffy was tempted to turn around and find out for himself but he needed to keep watching the idiots in their big suits.

"Chest compressions!" Bepo announced and Luffy could only hear all these things, he couldn't do anything.

"Pulse! IVs!" Luffy heard Penguin say and this time he did look back, only to see Torao getting up and off the bed. "Law! You need cardiac care! Get back here!" Penguin was pulling at Law's arms but the surgeon didn't budge one step and kept moving until he was out of bed and passing a stunned Luffy, wondering what Torao was going to do.

"I surrender. Cuff me." Law said and put his hands forward for the suit man to cuff. "Don't follow." Law said looking at Luffy specifically, turning his back to his friends then went ahead with the agents in the suits, being guarded like he was made of gold, well, white lead wasn't that far from gold.

"What! Torao! Wait!" Luffy called and ran after the men with Penguin, Bepo and Shachi in tow.

"Law what the hell!" Shachi screamed.

"Stop right there!" Two men from the suit party turned around, aiming their guns at the four. "Step back, we will not hesitate to shoot."

"Then shoot me!" Luffy yelled and ran towards the gun people without fear.

"Please don't shoot!" Shachi said raising his arms in surrender while Penguin and Bepo dragged a struggling Luffy back.

"Why are you letting them get away! Torao needs our help!!"

"Luffy!" Penguin scolded and the younger shut up for the time being, the angry look not leaving his eyes. "No good is going to come out of you getting shot, we need to inform Law's grandfather and then think up of a plan."

"You guys do that, I'll call Kemurin too."

"Man I hope Law's heart doesn't give out for a third time." Shachi pulled at his hair, worried and Luffy caught the words.

"Third time? If this was the second, when was the first?"

Bepo hit Shachi up his head then apologized just as quickly. "It's nothing Luffy. Let's just figure out a plan to get captain back alive and well."


