Chapter 3

Kayden's POV


Ow... Well that hurt, but i guess that's what i get for not paying attention.

Oh, your probably confused, let me sum it up for you.

I wasn't look where i was going and crashed into somtheing- or someone... and im now on the floor. Great.


After Kat finally shut up about this 'Adam' dude she left to go put her things in her locker. I gave her a quick wave in goodbye and began to walk to direction of my own locker. I dont know what was on my mind... Just a mix of everything i guess... Like my mom, my job, Kat, everythimg i guess...

But this didnt end well...

I felt my body collide with something and i immediately panicked. I hit the ground with a loud thud, hitting my back hard.



"Oh my god! Sorry about that man! Connor, sweetie, stop talking like your flippin straight, its so cringey..." Said a deepish voice from above me, i looked up to see Connor FRANTA! MAYNARD! Wait, crap i actually havent come up with a last name... LAST MINUTE NAMESSSSSSSSSS (Newton) Im sorry, im obsessed with TMR, heheheh, im so unoriginal BUT SORRY IT WAS THE FIRST THAT CAME TO MIND!!!  Heh, of course it would be him, he was probably to busy admiring himself to realize i was there. Though i was to lost in my thoughts to realize he was there.

Of course in the back of my head was the thought about how attractive he was, but it was in the back for a reason. And it would stay in the back.
Kayden, honey, dont demy it, he's a sexy beast- did i seriously just say that? Moving on...

I leave my thoughts, noticing i was staring, he had a smirk on his face but didnt say anything did he notice? "Um, its fine, i wasnt watching where i was going either..." I say with a forced chuckle, he offered his hand to me in which i took, steadying my self into a standing position. "Thanks" I mumble, then walk off, continuing to find my locker.

I felt his gaze burn into the back of my head as the distance betweem us grew farther and farther.

He'll forget about me by the end of 2 block. Heh, I'll have a bruise on my back to remember this though.
