Chapter 12


I always thought I'd die of sickness or poverty...

Not by some stuck up 'head in the clouds' teenage girl with a severe jealousy issue.

I think it's safe to say that this was one of the most terrifying moments in my life.

Not only was I on the ground with excruciating pain absorbing my body, but a girl with seemingly bad intentions towards me knows one of my biggest secrets.

Yea, scared, nervous, in pain, and shocked was a great way to describe me at this point.

You see, school is my safe place. No one pays attention to me, no one knows my story.

And I love that.

No one has anything against me, well except for now.

That one peacefulness in my life, my safe haven, could be shattered by knowledge of a senior.


And why was she angered at me again, oh right, something to do with Connor.

Can you get anymore thick headed?

Apparently so.

"Wow, Kayden, buddy, you okay?"
