
Yoongi woke up in his hospital room wincing from the pain coursing out through his body. Aside from the broken leg, he also had a lot of bruises all over his skin and them acting up made Yoongi grumpy oh so early in the morning. He looked around. I should ask for some painkillers when they come back.

Yoongi then remembered how Taehyung and Jungkook went back to Jimin's room last night holding each other's hands. He looked at them with his eyebrow raised all the while saying and warning them not to go all lovey dovey in front of him.

This had earned him a red faced Taehyung and a light punch on the shoulder from a blushing Jungkook.

After that, he was kicked out of the room by Taehyung saying he had the night duty and that Yoongi should ought to be sleeping in his own hospital room

Yoongi smiled at the thought. He  tried to get up again and after a lot of cursing and wincing, was finally able to make himself sit upright.

At that moment, Namjoon went inside carrying a food tray. "Oh, you're awake! Here. Have some breakfast. I got it from the nurse just now." He handed Yoongi the tray.

Yoongi looked at the contents and scowled. There sat a plain looking bowl of steamed vegetables, fish, some rice and a glass of water. He instantly missed Jimin's home-cooked food.

Yoongi grabbed the chopsticks and started eating. It's still food anyways so he had to make do. Still, nothing can compare to Jimin's cooking.

Namjoon sat on a chair close to him and put his briefcase down. He was already wearing a suit and was probably planning to go to work after his visit.

Yoongi quickly finished eating and looked at Namjoon. "How's the investigation going?"

Namjoon's expression changed. "We found out that the owner of the car that hit you is a man named Lee Ji Kyung."

He paused and looked at Yoongi. "I guess you already know him."

"FUCK." Yoongi cursed.

Goddamn it! I should have known. He thought as anger coursed through his veins.

Yoongi clenched his fists. He felt guilty knowing that the revenge was meant for him all along and Jimin just got dragged into it. After all, he was the one that shut the bastard's business down.

"Hey. Stop that. It's not your fault, okay? Don't blame yourself." Namjoon said as he saw the look on Yoongi's face. The latter did not respond and only looked down, staring at the tray in front of him.

Namjoon let out a sigh. "We sought him out but.. we found him already dead in his car."

Yoongi frowned. "What, he killed himself?!"

Namjoon nodded." Slit his wrist. Left a note afterwards." He then took something in his pocket and passed it to Yoongi.

Yoongi looked at it and scowled. 'See you in hell.'

What the-! So he just ran away like that, huh?!? Did he think it's cool to hit someone with a car and then kill yourself??

"Well, at least he's gone now, right?" Namjoon asked.

"Tch. I want him to rot in prison, instead." At least there, I can see him suffer for what he's done. I can even torture him all his life.

Yoongi's lips unknowingly curved into an evil smile as he thought of how satisfying it would be to see that bastard in pain.  Too bad, he's dead.

"Hey, you're horns are coming out!" Namjoon exclaimed, pretending to make a shocked expression.

Yoongi rolled his eyes."Shut up, Joonie."

"I don't need to go to hell just to see the devil 'cause he's already in front of me." Namjoon mumbled, earning a growl from Yoongi in the process.

"Where are the others?" Yoongi asked.

"Jungkook is with Taehyung at Jimin's room while Jin and Hoseok went back to the company to take care of some things. I'm going there myself, after this." Namjoon replied nonchalantly.

Oh right. I still got a bunch of paperworks to do. Yoongi thought as he put his hand up to knead his temples. "What about the meeting?"

"Don't worry, we'll take care of everything while you're gone. Just focus on getting better, alright?" Namjoon said with a reassuring smile. Yoongi nodded.

He was silent for a while before saying, "Namjoon, can I ask you for a favor?"


Yoongi was now wearing shorts and a white t-shirt, courtesy of Kim Namjoon. He smiled and felt extremely satisfied when he got that horrible hospital clothes off of his body.

Now, he's on his way to Jimin's room after taking his painkillers, with Namjoon pushing his wheelchair forward.

When they got near, they heard Jungkook's loud laugh through the door. Haven't heard the brat laugh like that for ages.

Yoongi then turned towards Namjoon. "It's okay Joonie. I got this from here."

"Are you sure?"

Yoongi nodded. "Now go do my work for me."

Namjoon chuckled. "Okay, then."

After Namjoon left, Yoongi opened the door and pushed his wheelchair in. There he saw Jungkook still laughing his ass off and Taehyung chuckling with him.

"Hyung! You're back!" Jungkook said when he noticed him.

"What the hell are you two laughing about?"

"Oh! Oh! Do you want to see an elephant Yoongi-hyung?" Taehyung asked excitedly.

Yoongi raised an eyebrow. So he's calling me hyung now?

"Mm." He hummed, not knowing how to react with the sudden weird question.

"Here, look!" Taehyung said as he pinched the skin between the two moles on his arm.

Yoongi's lips curved upwards. Hm. It does  look like an elephant. Taehyung gave him a huge smile.

"See? I knew hyung would find it amusing!" Jungkook exclaimed and stared at Taehyung lovingly.

Oh god. This brat's hooked. Yoongi fought the urge to bury his face into his palm.

"How is he?" Yoongi asked as he turned towards Jimin's sleeping figure.

"Still handsome as ever." Taehyung answered with a shrug. Jungkook chuckled.

"He's fine, hyung. And the doctor said we need to stop crying in front of him and fill the room with laughter instead."

"He said Jimin could probably hear us. Right, Jiminnie?" Taehyung said as he looked at Jimin with hope in his eyes.

Yoongi smiled. He pondered for a while and said, "Maybe when Jimin's even more stable, we could transfer him to my room, since I won't be needing it for long. It's more comfortable there. And.. I'll add some extra bed so that all of you can sleep more comfortably 'cause the both of you look like shit." He looked at both Taehyung and Jungkook who had bags under their eyes.

The two of them gaped at Yoongi.

"Wow. Was hyung worried about us just now?" Jungkook fakingly whispered as he turned towards Taehyung.

"Looks like it to me." Taehyung replied nonchalantly.

Yoongi rolled his eyes. At that moment, Taehyung yawned.

"Go on and rest. I'll take it from here." Yoongi said as he sent them a small smile.


A week after the incident, Yoongi was finally discharged from the hospital. Although he still had the cast on his leg, he was already able to walk on his own with the support of his crutches. After a month, he finally got the cast off and was able to resume to his duties at the company.

Namjoon made a shift schedule that was favorable for everyone, giving each of them time to work, rest and watch over Jimin at the same time. Because of this, Jimin was never alone even for a second.

A few days later, the doctor finally removed the breathing device from Jimin, saying that he was already getting stronger and would no longer need the support. The cast on his right arm was also removed and Jimin was then transferred to Yoongi's hospital room.

Jin made it a habit to cook food for them every night and all of them would happily eat together inside Jimin's room. There was one time when Taehyung, Jungkook and Hoseok noticed how Namjoon gazes longingly at the eldest and forced the poor guy to confess.

The next day, Namjoon called all of them (with the exception of Jin) and asked them to help him serenade his secretary- with a song he especially made. They decorated Jimin's room with lots of flowers and had put on a banner with a 'Will you be mine?' written on it.

Yoongi almost gagged the moment he saw the freaking thing. He couldn't help it. It was cringe-worthy. But it didn't matter anyways.

The most important thing was that he wasn't the one getting serenaded. (What are you talking about? The action itself is really really sweet!" Yoongi could clearly hear Hoseok butting in from a distance.)

Jin was so surprised the moment he came in and cried happy tears after the serenade. "I thought you'd never asked." He said as he stepped forward and passionately kissed Namjoon.

All of them squealed with the exception of Yoongi who desperately tried not to vomit at the sight. Hoseok screamed so loud earning them a scolding from the hospital's staff.

Several weeks later, Jimin's bruises and wounds completely faded. The doctor even said that he was making a huge progress and should start waking up soon, making all of them sigh in relief.

It was now Yoongi's turn to watch over Jimin when he curiously pinched the boy's cheek. He frowned, noting how it was not as soft and squishy as before.

"When you wake up, I'll make sure you eat lots and lots of food." Yoongi said as he sat closer.

He gazed at Jimin longingly. "God, I-" He stuttered. "You know.. I really want to write 'I miss you' on a stone and throw it to your face. With that, you'll know how much it hurts missing you."

He then heard a squeal and his heart almost jumped to the roof.

"That's just weird hyung." Jungkook said as he came in with Taehyung and Hoseok.

"And corny, too." Taehyung continued with a chuckle.

Yoongi's face heated up from embarrassment as he directed a scowl at them. "How long have you been there?"

"Up from when the stone part came in." Hoseok replied with a huge grin.

Jungkook made a smug face. "I thought you don't like to act all lovey dovey, hyung?"

Okay, that's it!  "Why you-!" Yoongi stood up and went towards them.

"IYYYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!" Hoseok screamed. They laughed and ran around the room as Yoongi chased them.

Little did they know that amidst their commotion, Jimin's hand made a small twitch.
