Epilogue: Asshole (pt.2)

The party ended with a parody of black butler starring Taehyung and Jungkook. Yoongi refused saying he's dignity and pride already died a million times and quickly changed from his outfit. He facepalmed throughout the act because, seriously, the absurdity of it was too explosive.

After the party, both Namjoon and Jin bid them farewell, while Hoseok, Jungkook and Taehyung went out to buy another set of snacks, making Yoongi alone with Jimin.

Yoongi walked towards Jimin's bed and poked the younger's shoulder. "Move."

Jimin looked at him, confused. "H-huh?"

"I said move!" Jimin flinched and scooted at the other side of the bed.

"Good." Yoongi smiled and laid down. "Ugh, I'm so tired."

Jimin's lips curved upwards. "Well, we did laugh a lot today." He didn't know why Yoongi was acting this way. After all, there's an extra bed at the side. But he didn't mind. In fact, he found the extra warmth welcoming.

"Hm." Yoongi hummed as he started closing his eyes.

"Um, Mr. Min-"

"Yoongi." The elder cut him off. "Just call me, Yoongi. And don't call me hyung. It makes me feel a whole lot older."

This looks strangely familiar. Jimin thought. Jimin turned and saw that Yoongi was still looking at him. "Uh, Y-Yoongi."

Yoongi smiled. "Hm? What is it?"

"H-how's work?" Jimin's voice trembled. God, Jimin. Don't you have any more questions other than this?

"Horrible. Since you were down for at least half a year, you've given me a whole lot of work." Yoongi answered nonchalantly.

"I-I'm sorry."

Yoongi looked at him, his face gentle. "Don't worry. I'm just glad you're okay now." Jimin nodded and stared at the ceiling, thinking about what other things to say.

After a few minutes of silence, Jimin turned to his side only to find a sleeping Yoongi. He smiled and scooted close.

"You know what?" He said with a low voice, careful not to wake the man up.

But, Yoongi heard it loud and clear. Oh, he's still talking. He didn't mind though. He loved the sound of Jimin's voice. He didn't open his eyes and decided to let the younger's voice lull him to sleep.

"You're a freaking asshole. You spit curses everywhere, say what you want without a second thought and god.. you've got a fucking unfiltered mouth. You've got a seriously bad temper and you're just outright plain stubborn!" Jimin paused.

What the-! Did he just insult me?! Yoongi gritted his teeth and fought the urge to open his eyes.

Jimin's face softened. "But.. I've never known someone so kind and caring in my entire life." Yoongi's breath hitched in his throat.

"Well, except for Taehyung though." Jimin chuckled. "But, you two are different." He brought his hand to touch Yoongi's cheek and the elder tried hard not to shiver.

"I've seen how you treat your workers.. especially at the factory. And I've also seen how they look at you, eyes filled with trust and admiration." Jimin smiled.

"Well, except at the office though." Yoongi made a silent groan. Why is there always a catch,huh?

"Seriously, who fires someone on his first day?"

'Cause most of them just wanted to get into my pants. Yoongi thought as a reply.

"I guess I've discovered a lot about you for the past few months." Jimin sighed. "But.. I've also realized something.. and it scared me." He continued, his voice low as a hum.

"One smile, one praise, one pat on the back from you, is like a fucking drug to me. It made me want to work hard. So hard just to get you to look at me."

Yoongi's heart pounded hard. What is he trying to say?

"But when I saw you on that day, saw that car heading right to you.. you don't know how fucking terrified I was. I was afraid. If I lose you..." Jimin shook his head.

"Just thinking about it makes my heart pound so hard, I can't breath and I feel like I'd pass the fuck out. It made me even more scared, since that meant that.. I love you.. that I had fallen in love with you."

Yoongi's eyes flew open. "W-what did you just say?"

Jimin gasped.

Shit. He's not asleep?!  He could feel panic climbing up from his spine and his heart pounded hard as he looked at Yoongi who was now staring at him, surprised.

Oh god, he thought the guy was asleep and fucking blurted out a confession right at his face. He didn't know what to say, didn't know how to react- and shit, Yoongi's still staring at him.

Jimin noticed how close Yoongi's face was, how air merely inches thick, was separating those pink lips from his, and all Jimin could think about was kissing him. Fuck.

It didn't take him long to cup the pale man's cheeks and land their lips together. Yoongi froze and laid unmoving, still registering what was happening.

Jimin thought it was amazing how soft Yoongi's lips were, how warm his body felt under his palms. He just couldn't get enough.

Seconds later, the soft kiss turned aggressive illiciting a moan from the elder. The sound was music to Jimin's ears. Oh how he loved hearing Yoongi moan.

Yoongi's mind was clouded and all he could think about was jimin, jimin, jimin, as he kissed back.

Jimin shifted and hovered above Yoongi, not breaking the kiss. He pinned the elder down and grabbed his hair with one hand, pulling him closer.

Yoongi gasped, giving a chance for Jimin to put his tongue in.

A muffled groan left Yoongi's lips. He tried to move and lift his hands to touch Jimin but failed miserably when the younger pinned both of his hands above his head, putting Yoongi at his mercy.

Fuck, am I being dominated right now? Yoongi thought as he wondered how strong the younger could be when he just recently woke up from a coma.

Jimin broke the kiss, cursing at the fact that humans need to breathe.

Yoongi panted heavily as he looked at Jimin. His brown orbs were now black, irises already drowned by its pupils.

"Jimin." Yoongi started breathlessly. He couldn't help it. He needs to know, to make sure that all of these were not just mere fantasies.


"Was.. what you said..true?"

Jimin smiled. "I thought that'd be obvious by now." Yoongi looked at him, still not believing.

Jimin fixed a serious gaze at him. "I love you, Min Yoongi. Plant that in your head 'cause that'll never ever change." He said, his voice filled with intensity.

"Huh, but I'm an asshole though." Yoongi retorted with a smirk.

Jimin chuckled. "Don't worry. You're quite an adorable and caring asshole."

Yoongi grinned. "So much for being in love with you. I thought you don't curse."

"Then you should spend more time with me and find out." Jimin grinned back.

He was about to lean down again and kiss the elder when the door suddenly opened.

"Hey Jim-" Taehyung stopped.

"Oh shit. What are you two doing?" Jungkook said, his face filled with shock. Hoseok stood frozen, his mouth agape.

Both Jimin and Yoongi scrambled away from each other, red tinting their faces.

"Sheesh. If you two really want to make out, wait until you're out of the hospital." Taehyung said as he went inside and put the grocery bags down.

"Yeah, hyung. You're gonna get the sheets dirty." Jungkook retorted.

Yoongi scowled. "Shut it, you brat."

"Well, we could just do it later, right Yoongi?" Jimin gave him a teasing smile. The smile itself, was like strawberry in a lemonade.

Yoongi looked at him and grinned. " Up to you."

"God, you're so gross." Jungkook butted in with disgust.

"But I thought Yoongi would top, you know?" Hoseok said while scratching his neck.

"You think so, too?!" Taehyung blurted.

"Hey, quit imagining it, you brats!" But Jimin laughed when he heard it.

Yoongi looked at him. It's not that bad being dominated but-

We should plan on switching roles every now and then.  Yoongi thought as his lips curved into a mischievous smile.

END~~~ :D


What? That's it?! What a shitty ending.

HAHAHA! :D  Thank you so much for reading this through! I hope you liked it!

Credits to Rookie King for the maid Yoongi and Sailormoon Rapmon. (Gahd! That show never fails to make me laugh)

Feel free to leave some comments behind (If you've got any). I'll gladly welcome it! ;*

bangtan sonyeondan saranghaeyo~! <3
