-Bullying/ableism (whole chapter)

Clay's POV

I arrived at Kevin's house and walked in with a smile. He looked at me as he sat on the couch with a few of my other friends.

'Hi,' I smiled as I sat down next to him.

'Yo, what's up?' he asked with a smile.

'Nothing much,' I replied as I looked at the table and saw bags with food. 'What food do you have?'

'We got some burgers and fries.'

I nodded slowly and wanted to say that I couldn't eat that, but I just wanted to be normal. I could eat it once, I would just get medication and my heating pad.

'Sap is coming after dinner so we can start already,' Kevin confirmed as he opened the packages. 'We got everyone a Big Mac and a big bag of fries.'

I stared at my hands, hoping they were kidding and also had something for me, but they seemed very serious and handed me a Big Mac and fries.

'Do you uh- have something for me too?' I whispered.

'What? We literally bought that for you,' Nathan scoffed.

'But-,' I started, giving up after that. They didn't care anyway, they could see my tube. It was obvious enough.

'Come on, Clay. You can start too,' Allen mumbled. 'Don't be a pussy.'

I stared at the burger in front of me and then at my fries. I grabbed one of them and chewed on it for a minute, hearing people laugh at me.

'I give you a two hundred if you eat all the fries in two minutes,' Kevin laughed as he pushed my shoulder.

'W-why me?' I whispered. 'You're not blind, right?'

'To be fair, I think you're just exaggerating a lot with your stomach. Just eat more and it will fix itself,' Lewis sighed.

'That's not how it works, it's a medical-.'

'Shut up and just eat, idiot,' Kevin scolded.

I had tears in my eyes as I felt very peer pressured to eat right now. I wished Sapnap would come and save me but he was coming later which didn't mean much good.

My "friends" got more pushy and pushy and eventually it got so bad that it ended up in actual bullying. They laughed at me struggling to eat more than five fries and one bite of the burger and then Kevin got mad.

'Dude, I paid for that. Just eat it, idiot,' he yelled as he grabbed the burger and lifted it up to my mouth. I tried to push him away but couldn't do anything other than take a bite. He kept going until I almost choked on the food and grinned.

'You're going to finish it all.'

'Or?' I whispered.

'I'll force you to eat it. You can't just show up here and then decide to let me waste my money, okay?' Kevin screamed at me.

I got scared of him and finished my bag of fries, putting half of the burger away. 'I actually can't anymore,' I sniffed, trying not to cry.

'Pussy, you're paying me back then.'

'I will, I'm sorry,' I nodded as I lifted myself up, feeling way too full. I got sweaty and nauseous and looked at Kevin hopelessly. 'Can I use the bathroom, please?'

'Stop looking for attention, idiot,' Nathan scoffed. 'Just stay here.'

'I'm not feeling okay,' I whispered, panting softly. 'Please.'

No one answered me anymore and I lifted myself up, slowly walking to the door. I opened it and went outside, leaning against the wall of the house as I tried to stay calm. I would be okay, I was going to be okay.

I sat in silence for an hour, constantly scared I was going to throw up. No one came after me and I had an extreme amount of pain in my stomach. I was sniffing softly as I heard footsteps.

'Clay?' Sapnap's voice sounded. 'My goodness, are you okay?'

He knelt down next to me and grabbed my arm as I looked up with tears on my cheek. 'They were so mean, Sap,' I cried.

'What did they do?' he asked as he pulled me closer.

'They forced me to eat fries and a burger and I have so much pain now,' I whispered. 'They said I'm exaggerating and then they forced food into my mouth.'

'I'm not going to chill with them anymore. I'm going to tell them that I hate them and then go home with you, okay?'

I nodded slowly and Sapnap walked inside. Everyone greeted him but he shook his head furiously.

'I'm never coming over to any of your houses ever again, I hate you all more than anything, alright? Clay's stomach is paralysed and if you think you can just make fun of that and force him to eat, you're really at the wrong address with me. I never have to see you again!' he yelled as he turned around and ran back to me.

'Thank you,' I sobbed as he lifted me up.

'No problem, dude. I love you way more than them anyway,' he smiled as he helped me walk to our bikes. He grabbed both mine and his bike and I held my bike while I walked home slowly.

'I have so much pain,' I whispered with tears rolling down my face.

Sapnap just walked with me while trying to comfort me and brought me home. He stayed with me for a short time, while I laid down on the couch with a heating pad, a lot of medication and a bucket.

My parents got so mad at my friends that they were busy calling all their parents and I just cried softly as Drista came up to me. Sapnap had to leave so she knelt down next to me and grabbed my hand.

'It's okay,' she whispered as she started humming songs. 'You're going to be okay.'

I closed my eyes and let her sing for me while she rubbed my skin and then my hair. I started dozing off to get some sleep, knowing this night was going to be an absolute hell. I hated all my "friends", I didn't get what I did wrong to them.

I was just happy that I had Sapnap, my sister, parents and George now. Luckily they did accept me the way I was.

1055 words

Clay's "friends" force food in Clay's mouth since they think he's just exaggerating
