-Throwing up

Clay's POV

I had lunch with George and ate two crackers with peanut butter, but I immediately noticed my stomach wasn't going to digest this. I was incredibly full since the sandwich from this morning had still not been digested apparently and I laid down on the couch as George played with my siblings again.

He looked up at me to check if I was alright and I was curled up with a lot of pain.

'Can I do anything for you? It doesn't seem like you feel alright.'

'I need to throw up,' I whispered as I reached out to grab my bucket.

George ran up to me and grabbed my hand. 'Can I do anything? How can I help?'

⚠️ Throwing up

I squeezed his hand as I slowly sat up and grabbed the bucket, putting it on the couch. It didn't take me very long to throw up, but I knew this was going to be a terrible day. The pain was abnormal and I knew this wouldn't be the last time I threw up.

⚠️ Over

'My stomach didn't digest anything,' I whispered while I panted softly.

George sat with me and gave me water. 'What can I do for you?'

'My parents always give me a heating pad,' I sniffed as I felt really nauseous again.

⚠️ Throwing up

I felt more food come back up and threw up again.

⚠️ Over

It was hours later when I finally stopped throwing up, with pauses in between obviously, and I had a heating pad and just got my medication from George.

'Do you need tube feeding?' he asked as he looked at me.

'I need to have something in me, so I think it's better.'

He nodded and grabbed it. 'Can you help? I'm not sure how this works.'

I grabbed the syringe and filled it up with the liquid food, attached it to my tube and slowly pushed it in.

'Maybe my stomach stopped working completely,' I mumbled with a sad face. 'I really like to eat again.'

'Maybe it was a bit too much the last few days and you have to be a bit more careful for a little.'

I nodded slowly and finished the syringe with the tube feeding. I laid it down and lifted my shirt to put the heating pad on my skin.

'I'm so bloated again,' I sighed. 'It hurts so much.'

George just sat with me for hours and I ended up falling asleep as he went to my siblings again.

I woke up when my sister came home and she immediately ran up to me. 'Clay, are you alright?'

George smiled shortly at her. 'He threw up like five times, but I helped. At least, I hope I did,' he explained.

I nodded softly. 'He helped a lot. I slept for a while, what time is it?'

'It's four,' Drista smiled. 'Call me when you need me, I'm going to do my homework right now, I have dance class at five.'

'Okay,' I mumbled. She walked off and I slowly lifted myself up with a sigh. 'My stomach hurts so much.'

'Do you need to throw up again?'

'No, it's my intestines,' I sighed. 'I hate my stomach, it's not that hard to just work normally.'

George nodded and sat down next to me as I sniffed softly.

'It's messed up. I'm not hopeless or anything, but almost every guy I liked or friend I had so far left me when they figured out I had this and I'm just scared I'll never get anyone because of my stupid stomach.'

'You know, I really don't mind. I just know you very shortly, but I genuinely don't care,' he smiled. 'You can't help it and it's not who you are. You are Clay.'

'I really don't feel well,' I mumbled as I held George closer to me. 'Maybe I'm dehydrated.'

'I will get you some water.'

He stood up and immediately grabbed my heating pad to make it warm again. When he came back, I slowly drank a few sips every minute and laid down again.

George smiled and went back to my siblings as I fell asleep again.

When I woke up, George was about to leave. I stood up to say goodbye to him and gave him a short hug, thanking him for helping me. He told me he'd rather not have my parents know yet, which I respected. I was going to wait for him to be ready.

I grabbed my phone after greeting my parents and telling them about my day and smiled.

Yo boys, who wants to hang out for a bit? Nathan and Sapnap are coming. Clay, Allen, Kyle and Lewis wanna come too?

I'll ask :)

I'm a bit later

I stood up and walked to my parents. 'Kevin asked if I could hang out with the friend group tonight?'

'Sure! Make sure to come home before ten, you really need your sleep.'

I nodded. 'I'll probably fall asleep otherwise. I'm going to shower quickly and then I'll leave to go to Kev.'

'Alright,' my mother smiled.

I ran upstairs and went to the bathroom, turning the shower on to jump under it. I quickly washed my body and my hair and then thought back about George. He was so sweet to me today, I appreciated him so much.

I felt bad for him that he got kicked out and really wished I could help him as soon as possible. He was really young and deserved a place to stay. I hated that I had to let him go outside again today, but I wasn't betraying him when he wasn't ready to tell anyone yet.

Maybe he would finally be a guy who did respect me the way I was. From my friend group, only Sapnap genuinely respected me. My other friends often teased me for having a tube which hurt more than I should let it hurt me.

I sighed, pushed the thoughts away and dried off, dressing up after that. I went back downstairs and smiled at my parents.

'I'm going! Bye.'

'Have fun, honey,' my dad yelled back.

I grabbed my bike and cycled away.

1035 words
