Chapter 14: La Casa Julieta

3rd person's point of view

"Lets go inside!!!" Jin shouted as they got near at Juliet's house.

"Keep your voice low." Jisoo told Jin. And she just held Jin's hands.

"Guys!!! I knew that couples must put their hands to Juliet's chest so their relationship will last longer." Their C. E. O. told them all.

They just nodded for response.

"And, by the way, you can also write letters for Juliet and you can place it right there." C. E. O. showed the wall where the people place their letters.

The KeiMi (KeiMiJi without Jiae) went out to buy something to eat.

The Jinji sisters with their not so close oppa, Sungyeol, decided to take pics using the polaroid cameras.

In the other hand, Sujeong and Woohyun are holding each other's hand while the other hands are holding Juliet's chest.

(A/N: You will know this when I finish writting Still In Love With A Nam Woohyun)

While Sunggyu and the other members of Infinite are havin' fun with Babysoul and Yein.

While Myungsoo is taking pictures... and Jiae is looking at him.

'What if I ask a favor to Juliet?' She asked herself. She really wanted to be with Myungsoo.

Jiae started writting the letter using the ballpen she got yesterday.

Dear Juliet,

I really love Myungsoo Oppa so much.

I mean more than an sibling.

I love him more than friends.

I hope he loves me too, I hope our feelings are mutual.

I may sound hopeless romantic...

But, that is the sad truth...

He only loves me as his friend...

As his sibling...

As their younger sister.

It is nothing more than that.

I really need your help to let me move on.

I really wanted to forget him.

I really love him, Juliet.

Help me.

What am I going to do?

-Yoo Ji Ae

Then she folded the paper and placed it on the wall beside Juliet.


Last chapter will be posted later.
