Chapter 10: Infinite's Problem

I decided to make this book as a 15 part book only. I already wrote for the ending but the Chapters 11-14 is not yet written. So please support YAMO until the end. (Mianhae to the wrong grammars)


"Myungsoo Hyung!!!" Sungjong shouted at Myungsoo.

"What is it Jonggie?" Myungsoo asked him. (A/N: Or should I say... her? Haha  saranghaeyo Infinite's Noona!)

"Suzy is outside, she is waiting for you." Sungjong told him calmly. Myungsoo must probably be angry at Suzy about what happened...


"Why are we even waiting her to wake up?! Jiae has Lovelyz and the other Infinite members! You must not think about her! You must think about what move we must do!!! This is for your profile!!! What if they knew that our relationship is not true?! What would probably happen?! What?! Myung?!" Suzy shouted at Myungsoo.

Myungsoo felt angry because he doesn't want anyone talking about Jiae. Except for the Woolim Family.

"Suzy!!! I would rather like to let them know that there is no 'us' and I would like to tell you that I wouldn't let anyone say that kind of words to them... specially to Jiae." His words was as sharp as knife that hurted Suzy's heart.

She thought that Myungsoo loves her. Suzy loves Myungsoo secretly.

"But Myun---" Suzy was already shouting but Myungsoo calmed himself so he will not be angry at Suzy.

But it is too late...

"No buts! I am going to break up with you! But, there is no word such as 'us' so, I don't even need to break up with you! I am going to tell them that there is no 'us' and I am going to tell them that you set me up!!!" Myungsoo said.

While walking out of the room, still thinking of his next move.

-End of Flashback-

"Hyung! Suzy is forcing me to let her in!" Sungjong shouted angrily at Myungsoo as if he is already asking where is His Handsome Hyung.

"Sungjong! Let me in!" Suzy shouted while she was pushing Sungjong so she can enter the house.

"Ugh! Myungsoo!" Suzy shouted as she entered Infinite's Glass Door.

"Suzy!!!" Myungsoo shouted angrily. He really wanted to punch Suzy right now.

But because of the fact that Suzy is a girl, he wouldn't do that!

"My career is ruined because of you!!! You could just tell them that you broke up with me!!! But you told them the truth?! Your so stupid!!! It ruined me and my group!!! Ughhh!!!" Suzy shouted before she walked out of Infinite's house.


"Lovelyz!!!" Myungsoo shouted at the front of Lovelyz's dorm.

"Mianhae but no Infinite related things allowed in here." Babysoul said without opening the gate.

"Babysoul!!! Let us in!!!" Sunggyu said. Shouting actually.

"Aniyo. We are doing this for Jiae's own good. If you love her, just go away." Babysoul said before going back inside of their dorm.
