
So, a warning beforehand, this chapter is...weird? I don't know how to put it other than that, it's honestly just what sits in the back of my mind waiting to be written out so.....enjoy


Denis pulled on his black beanie, grabbing his suitcase. It was two in the morning and his flight to Ukraine was at four thirty while the other boy's flight to the UK was at four. "You ready mates?" Sam asked, "yeah, I can't wait to get home" James chuckled. "I can't believe we're saying goodbye already, feels like tour just started and now it's over." Ben sighed. "Yeah, it definitely felt short." Denis nodded. The band grabbed their things, trotting into the airport together.

"Alright guys, I don't know about you, but I'm starving." Sam stated. The rest of the guys agreed and voted that Cameron and James be the ones to get the food (which of course would be breakfast tacos) while the other three waited. "I've gotta use the bathroom." Ben exclaimed, walking off, leaving Sam and Denis to wait. They talked for a bit before Denis felt a tug on his arm. The singer expected to turn and see Ben, but to his absolute horror, there stood a large man instead.

"C'mon pretty" he grinned evilly, dragging Denis away. "SAM!! SAM PLEASE HELP!" He screamed for his friend who desperately tried to push through the crowd and get him, but to no avail. Ben returned almost the same time James and Cameron did, "guys!" Sam freaked, "Denis! He's gone!"


Denis struggled as hard as he could to get out of the stranger's grasp, getting nowhere. "I didn't want to have to do this, pretty, but you're giving me no choice." The man stated, then proceeded to bash Denis' skull into a wall.

When Denis woke up, he was tied to a chair, restrained by tons of duct tape and rope. A ball gag jammed harshly in his mouth kept him from making any other noise than awkward gurgles and muffled "mphs." "Hello pretty." That same deep, gravelly voice entered the room, carrying a thick darkness with it. The singer struggled to keep his head up, his vision was black around the edges and a painful throbbing sting vibrated in his skull. "G-gah ahay.."

The man chuckled at him, circling the singer and caressing his cheek with a finger. "You're so cute when you cry..." He cooed sinisterly, "I'll make you cute always." A choked sob racked Denis' body, he was so scared, terrified. What was happening? Where was he? Who was this guy? Question upon question flurried in Denis' mind, creating a small head ache and ultimately making things worse.

"I'll be right back my pet, I've gotta grab the camera..." He spoke over his shoulder, heavily stepping up the stairs and out of what Denis assumed was a basement. Camera? What camera? Was he going to be recorded? What was this guy even planning on doing with him?! Denis swallowed as best he could, writhing helplessly in his bindings. "Pretty, smile for the camera..." The man's lips curled into a crazed grin as he stood a small camera up on a tripod.

"Now," he grabbed something from behind his back, "let's play." Denis' eyes widened in terror as the man pulled out a surgical knife.

Denis cowered in the chair, reeling back as far as he could when the man reached out with the knife. He felt the cold iron press into the side of his face, not cutting him until it reached his cheek bone. A small sting kissed Denis' face as a thin trail of blood trickled towards his chin. The singer trembled, fearful of the man and his knife, "look at that blood" he grinned sinisterly, "my favorite shade of red, perfect." Hearing this, Denis shrunk even farther into the hard wood and duct tape.

"Pretty, if I take that gag out of your mouth, you better not scream, or we'll use it for something else later..." The man trailed off, giving Denis a perverted smile. He reached around his head and slowly undid the gag, yanking it away from his mouth. The Ukrainian's lip quivered, his jaw sore from having been stretched for god knows how long. However, despite how much he wanted to scream, to yell, to cry out, to escape, Denis didn't make a sound.

"Good little boy~" the man cooed. When Denis refrained from saying anything, he continued, "you can call me master, okay, my pretty?" He bent down to Denis' height, his alcohol scented breath disgusting the singer. He nodded, wanting him to go away, or at least give him some space. "Now, now, c'mon pretty, say 'yes master.'" He pulled out the knife again, pressing it to the corner of Denis' mouth, "say it, or I will make you smile, forever." He growled.

"Y-yes master!" Denis yelped, not wanting the blade to slice through his skin. "Good job, pretty, now, let's play for the camera..." 'Master' as Denis was to call him, dragged the flat side of the blade along the singer's cheek, humming to the tune of Mary had a little lamb. He walked behind Denis, doing something that he couldn't see since he was stuck in the chair.

Fear built up inside of him with every clink of metal and rustle of leather. He imagined that the man had some terrifying things back there, which only made his anxious wait tread longer. When he had assumably decided on a weapon to use, Denis heard his heavy footfalls as he rounded the chair. Now, Denis was facing him and a mixture of fear and shock bubbled in his stomach. The man had in his large hands, two nails and some copper wire.

He chuckled and spoke with a deeply sadistic tone, "let's get electric, Pretty...."


Alright so that was that chapter...told you it got kinda weird. Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed!

Till next time,

