•An Old Acquaintence•

Ben sat on a bench in a small park, the dew of a fresh morning glistening like a divine fluorescent fluid. He glanced at his phone and sighed, what was he going to do? Easy. He was going to call an old acquaintance. "Um...what was it? 475-2483? 457-2843? Uh...."

After a few failed attempts, Ben had nailed the number.



Who is this?

I'm uh Denis' friend.


Yeah, hey Luna.

Uh hey? What'd you call for?

I need help.


You're going to be mad....

Ah fuck...Hold on, lemme get my whiskey.

Ben explained everything from Denis being kidnapped to him being in the hospital and finally the instant that had occurred in the hotel.

You what?!

I told him I didn't like him.


Because I didn't want to lead him on.

No, I mean, why don't you like him?

Because he's a guy.

Oh my....*muttered curses* Where are you?

Uh, A park outside the Shailen Hotel.

Kay, I'll be there tomorrow.

Wait, what?!

*hang up*

Ben sat on the bench, extremely confused. "Well shit..." he sighed. He knew he'd started something and he wasn't sure whether IS was good or bad.

~•~ The Next Day ~•~

"What do you call a belt made of watches?" James asked. "Uhh...I dunno, what?" Sam asked. "A..." James gave a small snort, "waist of time." Everyone sat in silence for a while, looking at James until Cameron burst out laughing, causing everyone to crack up.

"Th-that was awful!" Denis gasped, clutching his stomach. "No really?!" Sam dropped to the floor giggling. Denis finally straightened himself and sat back on the wheel chair the hospital had given him after he'd decided he couldn't really walk. "Damn, that was horrible mate" Cameron grinned, still attempting to calm himself.

"Oh there's more where that came from" James laughed maniacally. "Please no" Sam groaned, rolling his eyes and chuckling. "I think we've heard enough, Jams" Denis exclaimed, smirking in an attempt to not giggle. "Jams..." James smiled at the pet name, "I like it."

~•~ An Hour Later ~•~

Ben sighed and waited at the park just as Luna had instructed, tapping his foot impatiently. "Hey guitar boy." Her greeting gave him a bit of a shock, causing him to jump. "Oh god...Fucking prick..." he narrowed his eyes and placed a hand on his chest. "It's what I do best." Luna smiled cockily and flipped her hair. "Besides play matchmaker, which I intend to do while I'm here." She added.

"Whoa whoa whoa, I don't need you sneaking around in my love life." Ben glared and jutted a finger out at her. "Pft, Please, you obviously do." She rolled her eyes. "I do not." He crossed his arms, defending himself. "Riiiight, that's why you made Denis feel loved then totally broke his heart, of course, what am I saying? Your love life is going juuust fine." Luna remarked sarcastically.

Ben narrowed his eyes and huffed, "just shut the fuck up and do what you came to do." Luna smirked victoriously, "I plan on it."

The pair walked to a local coffee shop and sat in a secluded booth. "Alright." Luna sat and looked him dead in the eye, "Why don't you love him?" "Because he's a guy, Luna, and I'm not gay." Ben answered. Luna gave an exasperated sigh, "so you're gonna make this difficult...Fine then."

Ben cocked his head, "what?" She simply rolled her eyes and pulled out her phone. "I'm gonna meet with Denis, I gotta talk to him." Ben gulped, what would Denis say? Surely bad things.....His thoughts were interrupted by her cheery voice, "Denis? Hey! I haven't talked to you in absolute ages!" Denis' muffled, but obviously excited voice rang out through the phone making Ben smile at the thought of his happiness.

"Alright, I'm off to meet with Denis, he wanted me to come to the park, which isn't far....I'll tell you what you need to do afterwards." Luna stated, standing up. "Uh, I don't need to do anything, I thought I told you I didn't like him!" Ben frowned. Luna paused momentarily before continuing to gather her things, "then why'd you call me, huh, idiot?" Ben's temper slightly flared as he replied, "Because I thought you'd help me move on!"

Luna, with her back to him and her hand on the shop's door knob turned to where Ben could see her profile. "Then you do like him." She smirked before continuing out.


Denis impatiently tapped his foot as he waited in his wheelchair. He gazed at a group of children, four of them girls and three boys. He noted how their undisturbed glee was distinctly like Ben's. How one of the girls had wild, curly brown locks, and one of the older boys had colored tattoos up and down his arms. Ben. Ben. Ben. He wanted to slap himself for still thinking fondly of the guitarist, for he knew he was nothing but trouble.

Soon, Denis' eyes had landed on an approaching figure, Luna. She still had her pale skin and her typical black lipstick, but she had a few new additions too. For example, the silver lip ring that sat vertically across her bottom lip, and the uncolored, flowery tattoos that ran across both her forearms.

She waved and of course he waved back, admiring her outfit, as she did look quite good. She adorned a sheer black cardigan, the back going down nearly to her ankles while the sleeves went just past her elbows, enough to expose her freshly tattooed skin.

She had a black fedora placed upon her head and a couple thin bracelets on both wrists as well as a flowing white blouse. She wore casual black jeans and a pair of black Doc Martens to match. "Woah there Ms. Stylish." Denis laughed, gesturing at her outfit.

"Yeah yeah yeah, shut your trap...Stephen Hawkins." Luna rolled her eyes. "At least I'm smart." He countered, "at least I'm pretty." She stuck her tongue out. "Buuuut smart beats pretty." Denis laughed. "Well fuck you too." Luna deadpanned.

They talked for at least two hours until Luna was satisfied with the answers she'd snuck out of him. "So, why are you here?" Denis questioned. "Eh, just helping a buddy." Luna shrugged. Denis nodded, "alright, I'll see you later then..." Luna smiled and bent down to hug him, "of course, Denis."

The pair split up and Luna headed towards the coffee place, sitting at the very same booth she'd been in previously. She pulled out her phone and rang Ben, ordering him back. "We've gotta talk, asap.." she muttered. "Why?" Ben asked.

"Because you really fucked up."
