The Wedding

Five POV:

I hear an alarm  and stir awake slowly, I turn it off and I look at Alex, she was knocked completely out.

I stroked her cheek with my hand and kissed her head, I'm sure you're exhausted princess...I may have went too far.

I sat up and pulled her into my lap "aleex...come on...wake up honey" I lay gentle kisses all over her face

She groans and buried her face in my chest "nnno...your breath smells bad...let me sleep"

I Bounce her "the last thing I ate was you, you sure you wanna say that" I joke

She punches me in the side immediately which causes me to wail out in pain "I deserved that..sorry"

Alex sits up with her hair all over her head looking like she wants to stab me.

Well..I guess that is one way to start off our wedding day...

I hear a knock on the door, "come on you twooo wake up!" Destiny singsongs

"Come in" I call

Destiny walks in "Good morning you two so glad you're awake, breakfast is ready downstairs I'll give you two time to shower and get dressed before we get going, it's an 1:30 minute drive to the venue, we have two separate hotel rooms ready for you near it, the wedding is in 5 hours everything is perfect"

Me and Alex share a glance, "Everything?" Alex asks

Destiny looks around the hallway and closes the door "yes everything, do I need to run through it again?"

Alex nods  "please, just for good measure"

Destiny begins "so once your reception has concluded you will get in a car, we found a perfect spot in the mountains  where we can switch out the car you are in with another..

Don't worry all your things will be moved into the plane by the time you get to the airport and so will your kids.

Just trust us okay? You two don't have to do pretty much anything, just enjoy your wedding"

Alex hugs herself "Easier said then done..there is so much at stake"

Destiny walks up to her and kisses her head "don't worry...everything will run smoothly"

Hold Alex close "It's gotta"

Destiny walks out "don't wait up to two"

Alex shakes off "Well I better get ready and so should you" she starts to move soff the bed but I hold her still

"Not yet, I have something I want to give you" I fiddle around in the nightstand and pull out a little box

Alex tilts her head "now what's this"

I smile "Something that took me a while to find...I couldn't just make it mediocre, it had to be extraordinary like you. I mean what it symbolized was mercy, forgiveness and this is what I chose"
I popped open the box to reveal a stunning rose quarts ring with 6 diamonds surrounding it.

Alex covered her mouth and looked at me "Honey.."

I slide off the bed and knelt on one knee and took her hand "I know it's a little late for a redo but...will you marry me?"
Alex gently removed the ring from the box and slid the ring on her finger, she admired it for a second then looked at me dead in my eyes, she leaned forward "Not until you brush your teeth" she kisses my forehead and jogs to the bathroom and closes the door.

I shook my head and chuckled, I should've expected that honestly.

2 hours later

Me and Alex were downstairs stuffing our faces with Waffles, eggs, bacon and a smoothie

Alex POV:

Jess slides my plate away "ah ah ah, bloating is not becoming of a bride"

"But strawberry waffles!" I whine

Debbie slides the plate back to me "neither is anorexia, just let the woman finish her waffle, then we can go"

I scarf down the rest of the waffle and stand up "Okay let's go" I stand up

We walk outside to the limo and get in, Deborah immediately pulls me in and pulls down my collar, a collective wave of shock and gasps sounds throughout the car

Jess smirks "couldn't wait until wedding  night?"

I turn bright red and cover my neck up "Shut upp..." shit I forgot about this..
The car ride consisted of me being teased for my escapades last night, ginny being grossed out at the thought of her brother having sex, Destiny checking up with the services provided for the wedding, Quinn playing on an iPad and me taking a nap.

Ginny shakes me awake "come on wake up! It's crunch time baby cakes"

I wake up and look at the hotel, it was a building with a trail of smaller businesses  leading up to a town and a breathtaking view of the mountains and the forest.

We enter our room and the hairdressers and makeup artists were already set up and waiting.

I looked at Destiny "Destiny Jesus you are scary, you can't spare a second can you?"

"Nope so come on let's get ready this takes time!" She sits me down in a chair

1 hour later

My makeup is finally finished and I turn to face to everyone and they fawn, my mom fans her face trying to not cry "My baby, my god" she breaks down

My dad starts to cry too, Destiny touches my mom's shoulder "Do you need tiss-"

My mom backhands her straight across the face "DON' not touch me don't speak to me I hate you"

"Mom!" I call out in shock

My dad shakes his head "no she's right to be upset!...I don't agree that Destiny in particular is to blame but the man out there that you are marrying's father  is the reason this is the last day we will ever see you again..our grandchildren! How are you so okay with this?! Is love worth leaving your whole life behind!?" My dad exclaimed


my mom wails out "Today is supposed to be the happiest day of your life, your father was supposed to walk you down the isle you were supposed to repeat your vows without a care in the world...we should be looking forward to helping raise our grandkids, advise you when you fall down, be there  for you but we can't!
I don't know if I can take this, why do I have to get used to losing you over and over again?!!"

I walk over to my mom and lift her up, I hug her tightly

My dad hugs us "there has to be something we can do there has to be"

Destiny finally speaks "You don't think I tried?" She looked around "you don't think I plotted ways to get out from under this man's thumb alive...
I'm not a necessity to him I'm a want..
If I so much as said a peep to at least one good police officer in this town, god knows if there is any...
I'm dead before it can reach out of state.."Destiny wipes her tears and puts on a strong face

"I am putting my life on the line to atone for my foolishness and my husband's sins so that one...ONE of my babies can live a life of comfort and know true freedom.."

Destiny looks at my mom dead in the eyes "As a mother would YOU sacrifice your life and abandon raising your youngest for the happiness of someone else's child?"

My mom looks guilty "Destiny I-"

Destiny sniffs "I have things to attend to...I'll see you at the chruch.." she walks out.

My mom and dad stood there with an emotion that I could not read, "I guess it's my turn now" I hug myself "I have been back and fourth on weather Ben was worth it..
Our relationship did not start off ideal by any means far was hell as a matter of fact and all I wanted to do was get out..but I couldn't..

I have been through the unimaginable with him and to be honest some of it I will NEVER  forgive no matter how much I try...
But with all that...I can't imagine a life without him...a life without going through hell and back and emerging victorious.. I'm a better person because of all of it.."
I hold each of their hands "I know...I know this is the hardest thing you will ever do and I'm not asking you to be okay with it...
But just know that this is My choice..and I will live my life happily with no regrets..and that should help push you forward in life.."

My mom and dad kiss my head

My dad caresses my face "I only ever wanted you to be happy..and if this is the life you want, then I am going to walk you down that isle proudly knowing a raised a strong woman who can hold her own, drink my ass off and pass out in a corner"

We chuckle and give one last embrace, I look at my makeup artist "I don't need a touch up...if it's too much to ask could you fix my mom's makeup?"

The woman nods "of course, nobody should look a mess at a wedding"

My mom sits down in the chair.

Five POV:

I was pacing around in my room at the church where I was waiting, "Ben sit down you're gonna wear a hole in the floor" Terra said

"Sorry I'm just really excited, I'm finally getting married"

Theodore stands up and pats me on the back "and I couldn't be prouder...I just wish I could be happier y'know..I'm gonna miss ya"

Finn walks up to me "we all are"

Benedict pulls me into a tight hug and pats my back "I don't know how we are gonna let you go again..this time for good"

I try to hold in my tears "come on guys stop making me cry I won't have any left for Alex"

"Don't worry, you'll have plenty me" A new voice puts in

I sit up straight and my face goes numb, I look at Uridicy "what do you want Uridicy?.."

He walks next to me "Don't want to hear some words of encouragement from your old man?"

"Don't know..I never met the guy...But I think you were referring to the abusive, egotistical, sociopath..." I fixed my collar in the mirror

"Come on some I-" the second he says son I whip around and clock him in the face

Theo and Terra hold me back, "Ben stop!, not today"

I break away from them, pick Uridicy up by the collar and slam him onto the wall "I don't know why you're her, I don't care why you're here but listen to me..You have no right to call me son..
Now when that minister says who brung better not stand or I swear on everything I hold dear I will kill you"

I let him go and walk out..he better take that warning...

30 minutes later
Five POV: I stood at the Alter holding my breath, my stomach doing backflips

Alex POV: I stood on the outside of the doors holding my breath, my stomach doing backflips. I watched as everyone made thier way down the isle slowly until I was left.

Five Pov: Everyone made their way Down the isle until only Alex was left, Theodore nudges me "you ready?"

Alex POV: My dad links his arm with mine "You ready?"
"As I'll ever be" I croak out

Five POV: "As I'll ever be..." I took a deep breath and watch everyone stand

Alex POV: I took a deep breath and listened to the music start, the curtains part and me and my dad step out. Everyone was standing up and staring at me.

Five POV: I watched her step out and tears immediately start falling, she looks like and angel. So beautiful..So perfect.

Alex POV: I kept my eyes on Five, he was crying. This made me smile..this made the seemingly long walk so short because before I knew it I was standing right before him.

Five POV: Before I knew it she was standing in front of me, positively glowing.

Alex POV: We stood there and admired eachother for a moment, I brought my hands to his face and wiped his tears "such a crybaby" the audience laughed

Five POV : I shook my head and my tears ceased.
The minister speaks "Who gives this bride today?"
Both of Alex's Parent's stand "we do"

The minister gestures to my side "Who gives this groom today?"

I shoot daggers at Uridicy as my mom stands up "I do" she says, Uridicy stays seated...wise choice

The minister asks "If there is anyone in attendance who has cause to believe that this couple should not be joined in marriage, you may speak now or forever hold your peace."

All the sudden I hear a baby babbling loudly and I turn to see it Michael, this causes me and Alex and long with everyone to start laughing.
The ceremony continues on as planned, The minister "who would like to say thier vows first?"

We bothe simultaneously said "I'll go" which got an amused reaction from the crowd, I was about to say she could go first before Alex held out her fist

I raise and eyebrow "are you serious?"

Alex just shakes her hand in response, we play two rounds of rock paper scissors which ended in Alex's victory, while the audience cracked up.

Alex POV: Once the audience settled down I pulled out my paper and began to read off my vows "My Dearest Ben, we have been through hell and back together, and even though we get under  eachother's skin all the time. You have been there for me, listened to me, cried with me, hell..had three beautiful children with me.
And for that I am eternally grateful, and I will show that by promising you this. I promise to stand by you and you fight your demons, to trust you, care for you in your times of need, laugh at your jokes even when they aren't funny(which is a lot of time I might add). In sickness and in health I will love you until the end of time."

Five POV: god how am I supposed to top that? "Ah shit, I guess it's my turn.." I open up my paper "I promise to love you for who you are, and for who you are yet to become. I promise to be patient, and to remember that all things between us are rooted in love. I promise to nurture your dreams and to help you reach them. I promise to share my whole heart with you, and to remember to show you how deeply I care for you, no matter the challenges that may come our way. I promise to love you loyally and fiercely as long as I shall live."

"Please face one another and join hands. Under the eyes of God, , do you take this woman to be your lawfully wedded Wife? By making this commitment, you are joining in the sacred covenant of marriage.

Do you promise to honor her in love, to be sensitive to her needs, to comfort her in difficulty, and to put your full and complete trust in her, so long as you both shall live?" The minister asks me
I look Alex deep into her eyes "I do"

Alex POV: "Under the eyes of God, , do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded Husband? By making this commitment, you are joining in the covenant of marriage.

Do you promise to honor him in love, to be sensitive to his needs, to comfort him in difficulty, and to put your full and complete trust in him, so long as you both shall live?"

I smile "absolutely I do"

Five POV: Then the rings were brought forward by Shaun, he was carried by Theodore to us with a pillow in his hands. I took Alex's ring and she took mine. We slid the rings onto eachother's fingers.

"By the power vested in me Pronounce you husband and wife, you may now kiss the bride, forever sealing your union."
I pulled Alex in, dipped her and gave her a deep kiss, this kiss means so much more than any other kiss..this is one symbolizing true love..

The minister exclaimed "Ladies and gentlemen, it is my pleasure to present to you Mr and Mrs. Grey!!!"

(A/N I am sad to say that in two chapters this story will be over T-T)
