Familliar Faces

This is surprisingly normal for him, I turned around in the mirror, Ever since that day he has been very very nervous around me and pretty much has let me do whatever I want.

I walked over to the window and open the blinds, he has taken off all the locks on the windows and door again but I don't leave, I still want to figure out a way to get him help without him getting arrested,, while giving the families of the girls closure.

Today he told me that I was in for a surprise which gave me an off feeling since it's past noon and nothing has happened.
I walk to the stairs to see Five on the couch, he was nervously tapping his foot, On the couch, he wasn't looking at anything. He looks like he is waiting on something to happen.

"Five what's going on you look worried"I walk downstairs

"They should be here any second"

"Who should be here?" I look surprised, he NEVER has people over. Did he call the police on himself, shit!

The doorbell rings

He gets up and push him back on the couch "don't I got it"

I open the door getting ready to lie out of this but I was overwhelmed with shock to see who was at the door

There they were, My mom, My dad, George, Deborah, Jess and Frank...my family and friends.

Before I can get any more words out My mom and dad hug me and everyone begins to cry.

George huffs "This is just like you"

Deborah wipes her face"God damn it Al where have you been"

Jess tries to hold it in "I was worried sick about you, I get that this is what you needed but we called the police!that should have been a sign to call and say 'hey I'm no DEAD'"

Frank massages his temples "Dude I'm gonna kill you, you subjected us to having to come to the terms that you could be dead in a ditch somewhere! That we shouldn't be looking for you ALIVE"

Deborah looks behind me "Alex who's this?"

Everyone including me looks behind me and to Five who had stood up and walked right behind me

"Oh this is my boyfriend F-"

"Benjamin" he rubs his neck "My name is Dr.Benjamin Grey"

I hide my shock for the sake of the charade

Everyone repeated in shock "boyfriend!?"

"Come in, it's cold"I step to the side and let everyone in and while they weren't looking I shot him the most angry face I could muster but once everyone sat I fixed my face

We stood in front of them "So, Any questions?" I asked awkwardly

There was a beat of silence but George spoke up
"I didn't know you hated your life so much, why didn't you just talk to us?"

I mean I did hate my life but what the fuck..

"I didn't tell you because I was never satisfied and I had the feeling you were growing tired of me complaining, I felt I came second in my own life so...I needed to get away. I had a boyfriend that cheated, I didn't know how to support the people I cared for, I had a job I hated an apartment I couldn't afford and I just couldn't take it...I needed to figure out what went wrong with my life"
These weren't lies...
That night I had finally found out my Boyfriend was cheating after I had a big fight with my mom and I cried and ran out of work, I took out some money and planned on going off the grid and giving myself time to get myself together.

Deborah "Yeah we get that but we could have supported you"

I rub my head "that's the point! You guys have always supported me and I could never do the same..what kind of adult am I to constantly rely on others for support all the time. I needed to do something for myself"

Frank looked confused "and in this time you two met?" He gestured to me and Five

"Yeah, Ben why don't YOU tell them how we met" I said endearingly, I refuse to be the only one suffering

Five smiles "of course, It was at a party, I was there because someone from work invited me and I am not the party type but I was recently broken up with so I needed something to take my mind off of my grief so I accepted and went

I just leaned on the wall bored out of my mind waiting for this annoying thing to be over when I saw Alex, she was arguing with someone and they shoved her into a wall which caused a picture frame to shatter and cut her face and they walked off somewhere.

I was relived to see there was something to do besides wanting to rip my head off because of the annoying conversation I was listening to.
I walked up to her and helped her off the ground..
Our eyes met and it was like electricity ran through my every vein, she smelled of booze and yet she apologized over and over for absolutely no reason, it was so cute to me. We made our way to the bathroom where I cleaned up her wounds.

We talked for a good 2 hours before she told me she had to go.

I offered to drive her but something was off because she didn't want to go home so I took her home, nothing happened that night but in the morning we talked about her and where she was from and the horrible things she went through before meeting me, she wound up getting beat up pretty bad because there were a bunch of scars on her body, she fell down a cliff and broke bones and then I came to know she had no place to go so I offered her a place here! Then the rest is history"
He kisses my head and wraps his arm around, it's scary how good of a liar this guy is..

My mom starts to cry, I walk over to her and give her a hug "don't cry ma I'm okay now"

He hugs me tight "my baby, m-my-" sniff "my baby"

My dad gets up and walks over to five "Benjamin I'd like to thank you for taking care of my little girl" he holds his hand out "genuinely"

Five takes his hand "it's a pleasure, I love your daughter, with everything in me"

My dad shakes his hand "You said you were a doctor right?"

"Yes sir!" Five states proudly

Jess looks smug "looks like you have a catch"

"Yes, yes I do" I look at him and "smile"

After a little bit the ice was broken, I was on the couch with my friends and he was in the kitchen with my parents

Deborah holds out her hand "Come on fork up your phone, where is it?"

I was taken aback "wh- no, why?"

"Just give it up" Jess puts her hand on my shoulder

"Well I don't have it one me, Fi-Ben! Where is my phone?" I call to him mentally kicking myself

"It's on the counter" he picks it up and hands it to me, oh shit he is actually giving me my phone..

I take it "thank you" then I hand it to Deborah "what are you doing?"

"Erasing every trace of that cheating bast- oh you already erased all of it. Good girl!"
Frank slaps me on the back "you've moved on I'm glad, I never even liked that guy anyway"

Jess "what's he like? Ben"

"Hes" I think for a moment "He knows how to take charge, he takes care of me, he's very loving, goofy and...I really like him. Our really isn't perfect even though there is a lot of good but what relationship is?" I know I was talking to them but I felt like I was telling myself that too, I shouldn't forgive him for what he's done but living with hate is only poisoning me.

A couple hours we waves goodbye and my mom and dad hug me "I'm just glad you're okay, you're beaming honey you just look different"

"I feel different mom"

My dad kisses my head "visit us okay?"

"I will pop"

They walk off with me and Five waving to them, once they pull off I punch him in the stomach

Five huffs "what was that for?" He strained

"You didn't think to tell me my whole family was coming to see me after a Year of thinking I was dead!?!?!??"

"I wanted to surprise you" he holds is stomach

I pull him up by the hair to look at me and I speak through my teeth "Dr. Benjamin...Grey" I let him go

He looks a little embarrassed "It's my...real name..."

"Are you serious?"


"Well I'm still gonna call you five" I walk off "as mad as I am at you it was nice to see them..thank you"

"Does that mean you forgive me" he looks back at me

"Not EVEN close" I go upstairs
