chapt. 6 ; ; " i 'm sorry. "


bold = chongyun

normal = you
italic = aether
other = other chars


" u - uh . . do you really mean that ? . . "

" yes chongyun. i - i really do mean it. i can ' t believe i ' ve been hiding my feelings for so long but it ' s true. "
( oh my god wait did i just say that - ? )
" H - HOLY SHIT I -- sorry -- i just can ' t believe i just said that but um , let ' s take it slow please. let ' s just start going out first ! ! ! "

" yeah , totally ! i - i understand. "

" thank god you do. "
" see you at school tomorrow ? "

" . . . yeah ! to - totally . . "

" okay ! bye chongyun "
you kiss his cheek.

" bye ( y / n ) . ! "

 CHONGYUN POV ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

they like me . . . ( y  / n ) likes me - - they - they LOVE ME ! 
chongyun laughed.

so - wait - how will i tell them now ? this is a mistake -- why am i doing this ? WHY THE FUCK AM I LIKE THIS ? WHA -- WHY AM I DOING THIS ? THIS IS ALL A MISTAKE . . . i -- i ' m a mistake.

chongyun walked up to a window of his apartment. (AN: to add extra spice his apartment is on the 5th floor) he was done with himself. it was for the best.
he sat down on the edge . .  a few seconds before he jumped off, he knew everything he was doing was a mistake, and that he would regret all of this if he ended up alive still but it was the best for them, for him, all the innocent people he's killed. everyone. 

 YOUR POV ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 

i was just chilling in my room, listening to music, when i heard the loudest scream i've ever heard outside. so my stupid ass decided to go outside ! but when i did, nobody was there. i decided that since i was already outside i was gonna take a walk ! i was walking peacefully and actually happy ! that was . . 
until i saw it.

chongyun's body. lying on the concrete cement. unconscious.
now i see why the woman screamed ( unless it was a dude with those high pitched screams ).

the person is stupid for not calling 911. but i was stupid, instead of reacting i just stood there. frozen in fear. stunned. i couldnt scream or move. chongyun could be dead. after 5 minutes of standing there shook i gained my sense of awareness. i fucking screamed as loud as i could grabbing my phone and calling 911.

" 9 1 1 what ' s your emergency ? "


" okay ! stay calm please, tell me your name. "

" ( Y - Y  / N ) . "

" okay ( y / n ) what's your friend ' s name ? "

" chongyun . . "

" were you with him before he fell unconscious ? "

" n - no i was taking a walk and found him on the floor in front of a building . . "

" okay ( y / n ) you're doing great ! can you tell me where the building is ? "

" it ' s called . . . liyue apartments in - in liyue. "

 " okay great ! is he injured of some sort ? "

" he ' s bleeding . .  i don ' t know where but he is . . . "

" okay thank you ( y / n ), please stay with him where you are. an ambulance and police are on their way, please stay with him. "

" o - okay thanks. "

" of course, okay bye ( y / n ) "

" yeah ! ! bye thank you again ! "

i waited, sitting on the floor, scanning his unconscious body, sobbing. i heard the sirens 10 minutes later. i ' d never been so happy. they took him away and offered me to go with them. i of course accepted. though i should call mom first. i called my mom and told her. she was fine with it. i trust my mom so much. i ' ve told her about everything. chongyun, the deaths, everything.

at the hospital they did some thorough checkups and xrays. he stayed unconscious though. i was starting to get worried. i was in the waiting rooms. they moved him room to room making me move waiting rooms. they finally came to me and told me something that my heart sank

" we ' re sorry to tell you this but after thorough investigation we ' ve found that he tried to commit suicide. he ' s in a coma but it won ' t last long as it was just a 20 feet fall. "

i tried to hold back my tears but it as just too much. i had to let it out, so i did, i fell on the floor and started bawling my eyes out. i couldn ' t believe it. why would he do that ? 
" i see . . . th - thank you . "
i said, still in tears. she led me to the exit and i walked home. i told mom everything, i couldn ' t see well because i cried so much, but i know a few stray tears fell out. she decided that i shouldn't go to school for the week, or at least until chongyun is better. i agreed and i went to my room for the rest of the day, of course i went out to eat but i barely did. it was all so painful i couldn ' t sleep for a week.

one week later chongyun still was in the coma, but i was feeling better. i didn ' t feel so stressed out anymore. but i still had no motivation to go to school so i didn ' t. i had motivation to do nothing. but i felt like chongyun ' s suicide was my fault. so because of the guilt and everything i started self-harming. i didn ' t eat a lot either anymore and i didn ' t leave my room. the only times i left my room was to visit chongyun, i left him gifts but nothing could relieve the guilt i felt.

                                                           "  i ' m sorry chongyun. "


- oh my god i am so sorry readers but i had to. for the angst !!!

- but i enjoyed writing this chapter and i hope you enjoyed reading it ! it took me like 1 or 2 hours to write this full chapter.

- thanks for reading !! new chapter coming soon :DD 
