announcement !

hi guys !!! sorry for not being active, every time i say i will post more i either get writers block or lose motivation :((

but on another note, i might make a spanish version of this chongyun x reader !!! 
if you didn't know (which you probably dont) spanish is my first language :))
so to make myself more "international" (/j) i'll be making this beautiful (/j) book in spanish.

also i will be making a mini qna, so if you got any questions about me or the fic, ask away in the comments, i'll be sure to answer all of them. :D
also, please put in the comments other fics you would like me to make or what you would like to see in this + other fics. :) 

that's really all i was planning to say so i wanna say thank you all for reading this fic, and yeah this might sound corny but i genuinely am glad my fic has been getting attention, even if that attention  is only 1.6k+ readers, i am happy i  have all of you. and oh my god i've been getting readers from all around the world!! asia, north america and south america, caribbean, europe, australia, etc. and it makes me so happy that my fic is getting attention all around the world!! i might also make copies of this fic in other languages once i learn them. 

upcoming languages ;
- spanish
- japanese
- korean
- greek
- mandarin chinese
- cantonese
- french
- thai
- turkish
- german

but of course it might take a WHILE for all of them to come out as i am currently focusing on learning mandarin chinese. but i will immediately get to making my fic in spanish :)

again, thank you all for everything <33 you can also give me more languages in the comments and i'll get working on that. 

now for real, bye and have an awesome morning/day/afternoon/evening/night :)) <3
