Run Away (OdeHan)

🎧 Run Away ★ Ryujin (Itzy)

Ship: x Junhan

One thing Hyeongjun hates about himself is his shyness. He hates how he can't talk about anything without getting hit by a huge wave of anxiety. He didn't understand why someone would stick around. Especially one specific person; none other than Oh Seungmin.

Seungmin is bold, and loud. The exact opposite of Hyeongjun. He's the puzzle part that Hyeongjun was missing. Yet the boy didn't understand why he was here. There are much more interesting people that he could befriend.

"Hi Hyeongjun!" Seungmin greeted him cheerily, it always surprised Hyeongjun when he would address him. Most of the time, he'd just be ignored. Yet Seungmin always paid the most attention to him.

"You always look so surprised when I call your name" Seungmin noted, chuckling at that fact. Seeing the older boy like that made Hyeongjun's heart warm up, a smile couldn't help but form on his lips. Seungmin sat on the table, right in front of Hyeongjun.

"I'm ignored most of the time" Hyeongjun simply muttered, not daring to look Seungmin in the eye, so he looked at the floor. Seungmin lifted up his chin and made him look him in the eyes.

"I don't ignore you" He said, while making sure that Hyeongjun didn't break eye contact again. He couldn't help but find the older boy extremely attractive in that moment.

"In fact" Seungmin paused himself, he looked around the room. He seemed to be stressed. He played around with his fingers before taking a deep breath.

"I wanted to ask you out" He said quickly, the words mashed together as he didn't take the time to breathe.

Yet Hyeongjun still managed to understand what he said, he pretended to not understand the intention. When inside, he couldn't believe that Seungmin actually said that; it sounded surreal.

"I like you Hyeongjun! K? Like, a lot!" He exclaimed, sounding desperate for his answer. He didn't know how to answer, he enjoyed Seungmin's company; and he wouldn't mind dating him. But it felt wrong, that someone like Seungmin with a nobody like Hyeongjun could be together. At least that was what Hyeongjun believed.

"I like you too" Hyeongjun replied slowly, he wasn't sure what he should've said at the moment. But he suddenly realised that because of that, they might start dating. He didn't want that, he thought it would bring Seungmin down.

"But you shouldn't be with me" Hyeongjun said, the older boy didn't understand why he said that, he was slightly hurt.

"Why's that?" Seungmin asked, he felt his heart sink, a ball forming in his throat, as if he was about to cry. Hyeongjun looked at him and bit his bottom lip.

"Because I'm me, and you're Oh Seungmin, the Oh Seungmin" Hyeongjun muttered, putting emphasis on Seungmin's name. The latter looked like he was on the brink of tears when hearing that. Not because of Hyeongjun wanting to be with him, but because he didn't think well of himself.

"Hyeongjun..? You think you aren't enough?" He asked softly, he didn't know how to tackle this subject that could be considered quite sensitive. The younger boy looked at the floor as he didn't want to see how disappointed his friend looked.

"Please don't stay with me.." Hyeongjun said slowly, Seungmin observed the situation for a couple of seconds before standing up; the younger boy thought he would leave, as he was asked.

But instead, something rather rare happened. Seungmin obviously didn't give much hugs. But in that moment, he quietly wrapped his arms around Hyeongjun's body. The introvert looked around, he felt butterflies in his stomach; as much as he wanted to ignore this feeling, he couldn't help but want more of it. He awkwardly and slowly hugged him back.

He usually didn't like hugs, he wasn't big on physical touch, yet in that moment it felt just right. It felt like something he was missing.

"I don't want to leave you" Seungmin whispered in his ear. Hyeongjun's face turned bright red because of this action. He nodded so that the older boy knew that he was heard.

"Even if you want me to, if you're not ready for a relationship, that's fine, I'll be fine with it" Seungmin comforted the younger boy, Hyeongjun was pretty sure no one had ever cared about him in the same way he did.

"But why would you wanna be in a relationship with me?" The younger boy asked, Seungmin gasped dramatically, obviously exaggerated for dramatic effect.

"Because, in my eyes you're wonderful, everything that I need" These compliments that Hyeongjun never heard from someone made his heart warm up. He liked it, but didn't know how to react.

The two finally ended their long yet comforting hug. What was weird for Hyeongjun was that he was longing for a moment like this to happen again, even if it just ended.

"And I love you" Seungmin cupped his face, he observed the guitarist's face for a couple of seconds before leaning in and giving him a quick peck on the lips.

"Now, don't tell anyone to run away, ok?" The younger boy simply nodded, still too flustered to utter words that still made sense.



I hate how I have ideas for chapters with songs but don't have any ships, so there might be a day or two without updates since I can't think of anything!

-Jude out!

