Eyes Eyes Eyes (JungJoo)

🎧 Eyes Eyes Eyes ★ Twice

Ship: Jungsu x Jooyeon
High school au

Jungsu was a boy rather uninterested in dating, compared to most guys his age who would scramble to have a girlfriend. He was like much rather take care of his grades.

Such a thing was something that wasn't great in Jooyeon's eyes. Mostly because of his massive crush on the older boy. It was something he wished he didn't feel.

The feelings were so strong, that anytime he'd lock eyes with the older boy, he would freeze up. His heart would explode, his stomach would be filled with butterflies.

"A party?" Jiseok asked rather loudly, almost bursting Jooyeon's eardrums due to being right next to him. He covered his ears before slapping the older boy on the shoulder.

Seungmin nodded, half of their year was already invited, of course being one of the most popular boys in school, it wasn't too surprising.

The boy was listing off some notable people he invited, and that had already confirmed that they'd be coming.

The one name that caught his eyes- well, ear, was the person he was crazy for. A huge blush covered his cheeks as he heard the name. Gunil pointed it out and made sure to point it out, so that everyone at the table saw it.

"I'm coming" He said quickly, he then stood up; class was starting soon and he saw Jungsu approach the table. He didn't want to be around him at such a moment, just hearing his name in the previous context already made him blush like crazy — he couldn't imagine being at the same table as him.


Jooyeon wanted to look his best as obviously, Jungsu was attending. He had spent over two hours on making sure he looked good. He usually didn't really care about things like looks; in his eyes he always looked good, up until now.

Gunil who was with him as he was going to drive him was starting to get bored. He started hurying him. He didn't want to be late either. So he stood up and grabbed Jooyeon by the back of the collar of his jacket.

"You look hot, okay? Now let's go" He said in a rather bland tone, not really meaning what he said. He just wanted to go to the party now, not watch the Lee Jooyeon fashion show; he had changed outfits a million times.

Jooyeon nodded and took the elder's hand off his clothes, he followed, still worrying while going to the car. The car ride was silent, it probably wasn't the best for him as it might've made him even more nervous.

"You're acting like you're going to make a move on him" He said, truthfully speaking, when first hearing about the party, he wasn't planning on doing anything about his crush. But as the days approached, he decided that it would be now or never; he was going to confess to Jungsu, or at least try.

Jooyeon stayed quiet for a couple of seconds, looking in the distance. He forgot that he was talking to Gunil for a couple of seconds, which was why he didn't answer immediately.

"I am" He replied, Gunil's mouth was left open. He couldn't believe what he just heard. But after a couple of seconds, the younger boy expected to get an answer, but he simply nodded, concentrating on parking.

Gunil had to push Jooyeon inside as he was starting to freeze up. Once they made it in, the latter's eyes laid on one boy talking to the host of the party.

With that, Gunil looked at him before pushing him in his general direction. Jooyeon awkwardly went up to him; Seungmin noticed this and left the two alone. The bassist took a deep breath, he didn't want to start the conversation; luckily for him, Jungsu couldn't help but compliment his appearance.

"Wow, you're handsome tonight" He let out once he took a good look at the younger boy. He always knew he was extremely handsome, but tonight there was something special about his appearance — the time he spent preparing was actually a good thing for him.

Jooyeon thanked him, looking at the floor to hide the blush from Jungsu. There was a couple of seconds of silence, but they weren't awkward.

"You sure you're not looking for a boyfrien- I mean girlfriend?" Jooyeon quickly corrected himself, despite being so stupid in love with the elder, he didn't actually know if he liked guys. The next statement would luckily reassure him.

"Only one boy" Jungsu said, awkwardly looking around, they had admittedly forgotten that this was a party, and not just a one on one meet up. Jooyeon wondered who the boy was, the introvert could tell. But he stayed silent for a couple of seconds.

"Would you still like me when I say who it is?" Jooyeon tilted his head, Jungsu turned to the floor, hyping himself up in his head before blurting out the answer.

"Holy shit Jooyeon, I can't hide this anymore; I like you so much it's not even funny, I want to kiss you so badly right now" He said, not taking a single breath when saying this. Jooyeon took some time to process what he just heard, but once he did, fireworks lit up inside of him. He couldn't be happier.

"What happened to no dating?" He asked tauntingly, such a thing was something that seemed to be so important to Jungsu, he was making fun of him in a friendly way.

"Yeah, well, just tell me if you like me back" Jungsu said, this was the moment he hated the most, waiting, if Jooyeon didn't like him back, then he would've completely embarrassed himself and possibly end their friendship.

Jooyeon didn't say anything, he wrapped his hands around his neck; he took a good look at Jungsu before softly pressing his lips on the other boy's lips.

It was a short kiss, but it was everything that be needed to know; Jooyeon liked him back. The one person he cared about in such a way likes him.

"Want to get out of here?" Jooyeon asked while looking at the door, he took Jungsu by the hand, awaiting his answer. The elder nodded and followed him out the door.


-Jude out!

