제29화(Chapter 29)


We are about to play 21 questions and So Im Going first.

"So Lisa whats your real name?" I asked her.

"My real name is Lalisa Manoban" She answered cutely.

"So Jeon Jungkook. What names your hyung's is using to tease you?" She giggled.

"No~ its embarassing." I whined

"Hahahaha im was kidding kooks relax" She answered and laughed again.

Wait.. Did she call me.. 'Kooks'??

Oh man why is stomach feeling weird. It feels like it has Buterflies.

"Kookie? Jungkook?" She waved her hand in front of my face.

"Oh sorry i was thinking something what was that you're saying?"

She was about to say sometjing when a boy came towards us.

"Uh-hm. Annyeong N-Noona. A-Are yo-you re-really Lisa fro-from Blackpink?" He asked shyly.

Psh. I can do that straight without stuttering.

AND I could recognize my Lisa right away.

"Uhm yes" She said giggling.

"Noona Dont wo-worry Im not a -sa-sasaeng fan. Can i have a ph-photo with you?" He asked getting his phone from his pocket.

"Sure!" She smiled and pose Taehyung Hyung signature V pose.

"Thank You so much Noona. Sorry for disturbing your date im really sorry." He said bowing repeatedly and went out of the café.

"Ohh. You're famous now Noona" I teased her but deep inside...

Im Jealous

Im jealous 'cause that guy can get a free picture from my  Lisa without even sparing a glance at me.

"Oh god stop Kookie. If we are not in this back part your fangirls will be flooding by now." She said and giggled.

"So can i ask a question?" She asked

"Sure ask now" I smiled.

"Is NamJin an YoonSeok is real?" She asked with a sparkly eyes that begging her ships are true.

"Oh yeah. They are real and they are super clingy in our dorm" I answered


"Oh yeah Jimin and Tae are together" I answered and she is now dancing while sitting.

"You know i really love your Debut songs. Your rap is really good" I complimented her.

"Thank you for supporting us. It is really a big thing that a superstar like you is supporting us as Rookie" She answered and smiled.

"Hey can i ask you something?" I asked.


"Are you a fan of us?" I asked smirking.

"Uh yeah! Since Boy in Luv era" She answered.

We continued to chat and we didn't even notice that we are done with our drinks.

"Uh Lisa are you tired?"

"A little" She asked but after 5 seconds she whines.

"Wanna go home?" I asked and she nodded only.

I called my manager to pick us up. While we are waiting for Manager-Hyung. I could tell that she is pretty tired.

"Hey lis. Lets sit their" I pointed the bench.

We sat down. Each minute passes i could feel that she is very sleepy.

"Wanna lay down your head on my shoulders?" I asled and she nodded.

As soon as her head hit my shoulders i could hear her very light snores that i find very cute.

As manager-hyung arrived i didn't want to wake her up

"Wait is she asleep kook?" Manager-hyung asked and i simply nodded.

"Let me carry her" He said but i stopped him. I carried her inside the van and drove back to their dorm.

When we arrived at their she is still sleeping so i decided to carry her to their dorms.

As i knocked. I think this is Jennie in front of me with a shock expression as she realized that im carrying Lisa.

"Omo. Hi Sunbae. Is she asleep?" She asked.

"Uh yes she is."

"Omo come in sunbae" She opened the door wider for me to get in while lisa is still in my arms.

"Uhm Can you tell me where is room?" I asked Jennie-Noona.

She showed me Lisa's room.

As soon as we are inside she got out to go get something.

As I put her down to her bed. I examined her room.

As i Looked to her Cabinet I saw a...

Army Bomb?

I smiled to myself that she is really an Army.

"Kamsahamnida Jungkook-ssi for bringing Lisa here. May I ask if she drank a Hot Cocoa?" Jennie-Noona asked.

"Yes. We went to a café and a cup Hot Cocoa was her drink. Why is she allergic to it?" I asked worriedly.

"Haha No. She gets sleepy when she drinks Hot Cocoa" Jennie Noona said.

"Uhm Noona? Can i call you noona?" I asked her.

"Of Course Sunbae." She smiled.

"Please forget the formality im not used to it" I asked

"Sure will do Jungkook" She smiled again.

"Uhm noona i have to go. My manager is waiting for me downstairs" I said to her and she nodded and left.

I was looking at Lisa with a feeling of kissing her.

And yet i did.

I kissed her..

In her forehead.



