제26화 (Chapter 26)


We did it! We finally Debuted.

Everyone was so happy so am I. My parents was i first to call after the releasing of our MV's. Them Bambam texted me. Twice's Momo texted me too since Jennie unnie and Nayeon Unnie is friends then our group got closer to eachother.

We went out eating for a celebration but something keeps bugging me.

'I like you Lisa'
'I like you Lisa'

Jungkook's last text keep bugging my mind. Does he like me as an Idol or he likes me as a girl? Aish!

"Lisa are you alright?" Our manager asked me as she noticed I was spaced out.

"Im alright Unnie. Its just something is bothering me" I said honestly.

"Yeah i noticed too. You are space out and you didn't even tpuch your food for the last five seconds Lisa" Jennie unnie said.

Should i tell them? Or i will just ignore it?

Heyo guys im back sorry if i didn't updated yesterday my phone is broken so i need to update on my laptop so yeah. Ilysm BYEE
