CHAPTER 8: Changelings

Draco's POV

Everyone's eyes were on Potter and I. More specifically our wrists. We walked to our seats and as we passed people I could hear them whispering. It wasn't even about our wrist though. I heard them talking about how good Potter smelled and was wondering what they meant. He smelt the same as always. I blew it off and turned to Potter. 

"Let the rumors begin." I rolled my eyes and turned my focus to the teacher. He did the same. 

During the entire class I noticed everyone looking at Potter and trying to get close to him. Multiple girls came up to him and asked if he needed a quill, or ink, or anything random. Even the guys, but they were a bit more reserved. 

'What the hell is wrong with everyone?!'  I thought to myself. 

The whole class period was a nightmare and I was so relieved when it was over. Until everyone began surrounding us trying to talk to and get close to Potter. 

"Alright! everyone back up!" The teacher shouted. 

Everyone backed up and went to there second class. We were finally free of everyone and could realax. 

"What the bloody hell was that about Potter?" I asked angrily. "It's like the first day you came to Hogwarts all over again." 

" I don't know." Potter said shrugging his shoulders. He seemed a little suspicious but I ignored it. 

We left the room and went to our second class, which was Defense Against the Dark Arts. It was the same process as the first class. Everyone staring and trying to get close to Potter. The class was pretty boring since Potter and I couldn't really do a whole lot seeing as we were stuck together, so we mainly just stayed our seats. When class was over it was finally time for lunch. I was so hungry but I didn't want to go at the same time. 

We got there and as we walked through everyone stared at us. This time mostly at our wrists. I started walking to the Slytherin table when I was yanked in the other direction. 

"What the hell Potter!" I yelled. 

"We're sitting at the Gryffindor table." Potter said. 

"Like hell I am." I then pulled him to the direction of the Slytherin table but was then stopped by someone standing in front of me. 

"Harry! Where have you been?" It was Weaslebee. He pulled Potter backwards and I was yanked along. 

"Hey Ron!" Potter said. "It's a long story." 

"Well come on. Hermione is freakin' out." The annoying boy added. He hadn't even noticed our wrists. 

He wrapped his arm around Potter's neck and dragged us to the Gryffindor table.  As we sat down I saw Granger. She was reading and only looked up when Weaslebee said. 

" 'Mione. Look who I've found." She looked up and her calmed face turned into furry. She looked at Potter and raised her book, hitting him on the top of the head. 

"Owww!" Potter yellped. 

"Where have you been?! You were gone for two days and didn't bother telling anyone where you were going!" She snapped. 

I chuckled at his missfortune and she changed her glare from Potter to me. 

"And you! Why are you here?!" 

I didn't say anything, instead I just held up our wrist so she could see that they were bound. 

" What's this about?" She asked still with slight anger in her voice. 

Potter looked at me as if asking for permission to tell the truth. I shook my head, begging him not to say anything. 

" We were caught by Proffesor McGonagall fighting in the hallways past curfue so she put this spell on us until we become friends." Potter said. 

Granger and Weaslebee looked at each other and turned to where their backs were facing us. 

I looked at Potter and he looked back. 

"Thank you." I mouthed to Potter. 

He nodded and mouthed. 

"Of course. " 

While we were still looking at each other the two love birds looked at Potter and I, so we focused our attention on them. 

"All right Malfoy. " Granger began. "We decided that we will allow you to sit here. " 

I chuckled at the fact that she said she was going to "allow" me to stay. Allow me. Really? Potter laughed as well and it caught my attention. I can't believe he found that as amusing as I did. I thought he would've scolded me. She, on the other hand didn't look amused. We continued about our lunch period, the whole time the three of them making small talk. I didn't really talk to them, it felt weird sitting there. 

Once we were done it was time for our fourth class. Just before we left Granger said,

"Oh Harry, you're wearing the Amortentia right?" 

I looked at Potter in shock. 

'That's what he sprayed on himself this morning. That's why everyone was all over him today.' I thought to myself. 

He looked back at me and answered with a yes, still making eye contact. 

'Oh Shit! Oh shit! Oh shit!'  I continued thinking. 

My eyes widened and I began speed walking to exit the Great Hall. 

"Bye guys!" Potter yelled across the room. Once we were out of the annoyingly loud area he asked,

"Malfoy why are you walking so fast."  

'Quickly, think Draco. Tell him anything but the truth.'  I thought to myself.

"We're gonna be late Potter. We don't have time for chit-chat." 

Harry then pulled me back, slowing me down a bit. "We'll be fine. Why are you so eager to get to class anyways." 

"I um.... I just like taking care of magical creatures." I waited for him to respond hoping he wasn't suspicious. 

"Really?" He question he looked intrigued by my statement. 

"Yeah, Why?" 

He smirked and explained, "I didn't take you for the caring type." 

"Oh shove off." We continued walking and entered the room. Most of the people were already in their seats. I assumed that the Amortentia was wearing off because people didn't really notice us. I was relieved to finally have a class where there weren't a bunch of eyes on me. 

Potter and I took our seats and we saw a woman walk down from stairs that were in front of the class room. The room was buzzing with chatter. 

"Settle down please." She began. "My name is Ms. Fernsby and I will be you Care for Magical Creatures instructor. Now before we get started I would like to take roll so when I call your name just raise your hand and say 'here'. " She began reading the list. 

"Macy Sallow." 

We heard a small, brown haired girl wearing glasses right behind Potter and I say 'here'. 

Ms. Fernsby nodded and went to the next name. 

"Dylan Loughty." We heard another hear in the classroom.

She continued reading off a few more names before getting to me. 

"Draco Malfoy." I lifted my left hand which was the one tied to Potter's.

"Here." Once I realized what I had just done I quickly put my arm down and could hear giggles coming from all around the classroom. I put my head down in embarrassment. 

"Ah yes Mr. Malfoy. Professor McGonagall has informed me of your situation with Mr. Potter here, so no need to worry." She looked at me and Potter and nodded. She then went back to reading the names off the list. 

Once she was done she spoke up again.

"Alright I want all of you to get into groups of two. Potter and Malfoy, you two will be partners considering your situation." 

Everyone paired up with one other student and she then asked us to get in a line standing next to our partners. Everyone shuffled into a line and she began again. 

"Now,Can anyone tell me what a changeling is?" She raised her eyebrows waiting for a response. 

"Come on, anyone? Don't be shy." 

The girl Macy, who was sitting behind us at the beginning of class, raised her hand and answered. 

"A changeling is said to be a human-like fairy child that had been left in place of a human child stolen by fairies. " 

" That is correct Ms. Sallow! Five points to Hufflepuff!" She then walked over to a giant cupboard. "Now can anyone tell me what they think is in the cupboard." 

A boy in the back raised his hand. 

"Yes Mr...." 

"Brushbroad Ms." He added.

"Yes, Mr. Brushbroad." 

"A changeling Ms." 

"Yes Mr. Brushbroad. Actually there are multiple changelings in here. In fact there are enough for each group to have one. So when I open the cupboard I want everyone to come up and pick up the changeling and take it back to your seats." Ms. Fernsby then opened the cupboard and the line started moving forwards.

When it was our turn at the cupboard Potter picked up the changeling bringing my arm with his and walked to our seats. He had his arms out stretched keeping the changeling as far away from him as possible. He then sat him on his desk and we studied him.  The changeling was chewing on his own hand and I noticed he still hadn't grown any teeth yet. He was making unintelligible babble noises. I found this quite adorable. 

"He looks just like a normal baby, doesn't he Potter." I said.

"Yeah, I suppose. Besides the pointy ears." He laughed, making me chuckle. 

I looked around the room looking everyone with their new baby-like creatures. Some of them were already treating them like they were their own child and making cute baby faces at then, causing the changelings to giggle. Some of our classmates however, had no Idea what to do and just started to panic. This made me laugh. I then heard crying coming from our changeling, so I turned around to se what was he matter. The changeling had his arms reaching out for Potter but he just stared at it not knowing what to do. 

"He wants you to pick him up Potter." I looked at the idiotic boy and picked up the now sobbing changeling. "He's no different than a regular baby Potter, you have to treat him like one." 

The baby was still crying so I began rocking and bouncing him back and fourth. His whines slowly subsided and he was cuddled up in my chest. 

"Wow, okay so the changeling doesn't like me." Potter seemed hurt.

"Has the Chosen One never been around a baby?" I mocked. 

"Actually no. I haven't." I couldn't believe what I was hearing. The Chosen one can kill the most powerful wizard in the world, but can't take care of a baby. 

"All they want is to be comforted Potter." I was still rocking the changeling. 

Potter looked at the changeling then at me and sighed. I think he knew this was going to be a challenge for him. 

Ms. Fernsby then spoke up again. 

"Alright so what's going to happen is you and your partner are going to be caring for your changeling for the rest of the semester." 

We heard some sighs and complains, but also some gasps of excitement and giggling.

"Settle down. Settle down." The class settled and she began again. " This will be the biggest grade in this class. I'm going to pass out some of these forms and I want them filled out by tomorrow." She then waved her wand and a piece of paper went to each groups table. 

Potter and I examined the paper. It was a list of instructions for how to care for the changeling. It had places to get supplies and at the very bottom there was a line telling us that we had to come up with a name for the changeling.  

"What do you want to name it." Potter asked. 

"I'm not sure yet." 

Ms. Fernsby then had us come up and get some supplies for today, that would hold us over until tomorrow. We were given diapers, baby wipes and jars of baby food. 

She then explained the rules for the project. "Everyone will take turns caring for your changeling. We will use the partners Ms. Sallow and Ms. Link for example. Say Ms. Sallow has their changeling during school hours one day, the next day Ms. Link will have their changeling during school hours. However, once school hours are up, you will both be required to meet up and take care of the changeling together. At the end of the day whomever is supposed to have the changeling the next day will take it to their respective common rooms and take care of it. You may not get help from other students besides your partners without asking me permission first. If you do I will take points off your grades." 

The bell rang as she finished and everyone grabbed their supplies and changelings and headed to their common rooms. Potter grabbed the supplies and I was carrying the changeling. 

The whole way to the room of requirement I could hear "Awwwweee!" People were making google eyes at the baby-like creature and I couldn't blame them. He was pretty adorable. 

Once we entered the room Potter and I sat on the couch. I moved the changeling from my chest and sat him on my knee. He started observing the room curiously and his eyes were widening. 

"Oh my merlin!" I heard Potter yelled. His sudden burst made me jump and the changeling began crying again. I brought it up to my chest and his whimpers ceased once more. 

"Bloody hell Potter!" I snapped. 

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, but I just realized something." He looked at me excitement in his eyes and a smile manifesting on his scruffy face. 

"And what's that?" I questioned not really caring.

"I'm so stupid. I don't know why I didn't think of this before. I should have remembered. I mean it won't fix the problem but it will help. Not much but it's better than nothing." 

"Spit it out Potter!" I was getting annoyed with his ramblings. 

"I just realized that I know a spell." He was still smiling from ear to ear 

"A spell. Really Potter? Of course you know a spell, you're a bloody wizard." 

"No you don't understand. I know a spell to help with our wrist problem." He lifted up our attached wrists and pointed at them. 

"Wait,you mean you can take it off!" I began getting excited. 

"Well no." He responded. 

"Well then what good will it do?" I was beyond annoyed at this point.

"I can't make it go away but I can make the ropes stretch." 

"Hm. That's not a bad idea Potter. That way we can take care of the baby better." I added 

"My thoughts exactly." He agreed.

Maybe Potter wasn't so useless afterall. 

What do you guys think? I made this one longer than the others. Don't forget to vote and comment please. It would really make my day! Thank you!
