CHAPTER 5: McGonagall's Decision

Draco's POV

I woke up before Potter and as my eyes adjusted I could see that he had shifted positions to look at me. I scooted closer trying not to wake him and slowly looking him up and down observing every possible detail I could. I began at his feet. He hadn't even taken his shoes off which you could tell where worn out and used. 

I made my way up to his legs, which were covered by his red and yellow, plaid pajama pants. I began observing his torso. It was quite large and I wandered what was underneath his red t-shirt. I slowly moved my hand closer to his torso only putting out a single finger. I touched his shirt but before I reached his chest I stopped myself. Or chickened out rather.

I then looked up at his head and gazed at lighting bolt shaped scar on the right side of his forehead. It looked painful even though I knew it wasn't. I wanted to touch it, see what it felt like. I put my finger up to his scar and felt a surprisingly smooth patch of skin.

 I then observed his facial expressions not removing my finger from his forehead. He looked so calm and peaceful, not the usual for Harry Potter. His eyes were slightly swollen from sleep, and glasses falling of his face. I made my down to his lips. They were a rosy red color and in a pout formation. He looked kind of... 

'What are thinking Draco?! I thought to myself, 'What's wrong with you...'

My thoughts were interrupted as Ha-- Potter began to shuffle around. I quickly closed my eyes to make it seem like I was asleep. 

"Malfoy?" I heard Potter mumble. "Get your finger off me." 

'Bloody Hell! I forgot to move my finger' I thought to myself.

I continued to pretend that I was asleep not moving an inch. I then felt Potter grab my finger with two of his own and felt an electric shock run from my finger throughout my whole body. Still though, I just laid there. 

I felt Potter start to shake me, and I pretended to wake up. 

"Wha-" I said trying to sound half asleep. 

"Wake up. We have to go to McGonagall" He said. 

I didn't move.

 "Come on get up so I can get out." he repeated.

 Potter was on the far side of the bed, furthest away from the door so I had to move before he could. 

I didn't move or say a word. 

"Malfoy!" He said sternly. 

"What?!" I said back playing dumb. 

"Move!" He insisted. 

"No! Make me." I said forming a smirk on my face knowing he wouldn't touch me. 

" You know what!" He exclaimed. "Fine!" 

He began climbing on top of me immediately removing the smirk off my face.  

"Potter, what are you doing?" I said with curiousity. He stopped moving and was now straddling me. I kind of liked it though.

"You didn't want to move so I'm climbing over you." He said. 

 He continued to climb over me and once he got off the bed he began walking towards the door. I don't know why but I pulled him back towards making him fall. His head landed on my chest and I began laughing. 

"It's not funny!" Potter yells while trying to get up. "Get up Malfoy!" 

"Fineeeee." I say trying to sound annoyed. "Try laughing at a joke once in a while." 

"Trying doing something funny first Malfoy." Harry blurted. 

I was stunned by his sudden wit and let out a slight chuckle. He heard me and a grin appeared on his face followed by a chuckle as well.

We decided to eat breakfast in the room of requirement as to avoid the crowds throughout the hallways. It was difficult has we could both only really use one arm. We argued over who was going to make the eggs but then decided we would just eat cereal.

Harry's POV 

We ate our cereal and after we were done we cleaned. One thing I noticed was that Draco didn't like messes. He kept everything nice and tidy, which I didn't mind at all. We were still standing in the kitchen when I looked at him and noticed his tie was uneven. I turned to him and began to try to fix it. 

"Potter?" He said. 

"Yeah." I said still focusing on fixing the tie. 

He then grabbed my hand softly pulling it away from his tie. 

"I know how to fix my own tie. I've been doing it for eight years." Draco continued. 

"Right." I said while looking down at my hands in embarrassment. As I did I noticed Draco hadn't let go of my hand yet. I looked at him for a while until he slowly slipped his hand out of my own. 

'What the F*** is going on!' I thought to myself. 

 Draco's POV

Potter and I were standing in the kitchen when all of the sudden he started fixing my tie. 

'What the Hell?'  I thought. 

I preceded to grab his hand and tell him I could fix my own tie. I quickly regretted it though because I saw him get embarrassed. I hadn't let go of his hand yet and just studied him for a while. This felt right between us I didn't want this feeling to go away. Potter then looked up at me  as he noticed I hadn't let go yet. I slowly pulled my hand away still keeping eye contact with him. 

Harry's POV

To break the tension I looked away and said,

"Um Well if you can fix your own tie you should 'cuz we need to go." 

We waited until we knew no one would be in the hallways and walked to Professor McGonagall's office. Once we got there Draco knocked on the cream colored door that then opened up leading us to see a dissapointed McGonagall.

"What are two doing out of class?" She said with a stern look on her face. 

"Professor McGonagall," I said, "We need you to remove this spell." I pointed at both of our bound wrists. 

"Why exactly did you bind yourselves together?" She said moving her glasses down slightly glaringly. 

"Ok so I--" I was quickly cut off by Draco pulling me out of the office. 

"What the Hell Malfoy!" I yelled. 

"You can't tell her what I was about to do. She'll have someone watching me 24/7. I can't have someone follow me around and what would I say if people asked why there was someone on my ass all the time." Draco explained. 

"What else am I supposed to tell her? I has to be something believeable." I claimed. 

" Anything but that... Please." Draco begged. 

Did Draco Malfoy really just say please. I looked at him in complete shock and saw how scared he looked. My heart cracked and I felt so sorry for him. 

" Okay fine. What do we say?" I said giving in. 

We both stood there thinking in silence. We couldn't think of anything. The door to the office then opened and McGonagall came out fuming. 

"One of you better tell me what's going on right now or I'll take ten points out of each of your houses!" McGonagall shouted. 

I then blurted the first thing I could think of, 

"Ok, Draco and were fighting and I ended up taking out my wand put the Incarcerous spell on him." 

"Nice try Potter. Do you take me for an idiot?" She said. 

"What? Of course not." I rebutled. 

"Then do me the respect of telling me the truth." She said raising both eyebrows. 

"I--." I looked at Draco not knowing what to do. He looked back and me and signed. 

"I- I was at the astronomy tower and I- I-." He stopped as his voice started to crack. 

I looked at him and saw his chest moving up down rapidly. I then moved up toward his eyes and saw tears peering through. I put my hand on his back as a way to reassure him it was ok. He looked at me and nodded. 

" I was in the astronomy tower because I was going to jump!" The tears finally rolled out of his eyes and he looked away from the both of us. Once he collected himself he looked back at McGonagall and finished telling the sorry. 

" Just as I was about to do it Potter showed up and stopped me and long story short he put this binding spell on us and neither of us knew how to unbind ourselves." He concluded. 

"Right well with this information you just shared with me I think I'm going to keep you two bound for a while. " She explained.

"But Professor!" I said questioning.

"No buts Potter, I will inform the teachers of your situation, but don't worry I won't tell them why." She added. 

"For how long?" Draco asked.

"Until I see fit." She said. "Now get out of my office. I will inform you of your new schedules tomorow. " 

We left the office not speaking a word to each other, heading back to the room of requirement. When we got there we sat on the couch in front of the fire, just sitting not uttering a single miniscule word for what seemed like an hour. I then went to open my mouth to speak but was stopped by Draco. 

"Don't Potter. Just please don't talk about it." Draco pleaded. 

I then heard whimpering and knew I screwed up. 

"I'm so sorry Draco." I confided while covering my eye with my only free hand. 

The whimpering subsided and replaced by Draco mumbling,

" What did you just call me?" He looked at me in confusion. 

"What do you mean?" I responded

"You just called me Draco. " He answer. 

"I did? Oh sorry." I whispered. 

"No it's fine." He replied. "It just surprised me." He was not grinning but it soon faded.

We went back to silence and stayed that way till dinner. Out of the blue I heard a small grumbling sound. I thought it was Draco trying to say something so I looked at him and said, 

"Did you say something?" 

"No." He said confused. "I think you're going mad Potter." A smirk formed on his face and disappeared just as quickly. 

I heard the grumbling again and I finally realized what it was. 

"Hungry Malfoy?" I said giggling. 

He must have found that amusing because he began to giggle as well.

"Yeah." He finally got out. 

We made a dinner that consisted of mashed potatoes, green beans, and fried chicken, and enjoyed eating just as much as we enjoyed making it. After we cleaned up we decided to go to bed. Just as we were about to go to sleep it hit me. 

"Hey Malfoy." I said.

"What Potter. " Draco replied. 

"Umm... I have to pee." 

Hey guys! I tryed to make this chapter spicy so yeah. Comment if you enjoyed it. Thank you! 

P.S: Only true Harry Potter fans will react to this the right way...... Fred. 
