I'm like the Amaryllis,
My beauty is splendid
It was like from heaven,
I was descended.

Like the Aster
I am elegant and daunting.
That even for years
I won't be faltering.

But even then I was like the Calla Lily,
I was pure and innocent.
Everybody thinks
I was magnificent.

Then I met you,
Like the Anthurium,
I was the symbol of happiness;
So happy that it could fill a room.

Yet you seek for more;
That I don't understand at all.
I never thought
that I could feel so small.

I became the Anemone,
My hope with you was fading;
When I saw you with her;
It was devastating.

So I decided not to be like the flowers;
I want the flowers to be like me;
For you to be reminded of me;
When you buy the for her.
