


Waverly Iowa, Orphanage

"Watch it, Barton!"

Clint quickly regained his balance on the sidewalk before he fell face-first into the road, he looked back and saw his usual bully, Trent. The orphanage they stayed at decided to give them a field trip to the park and they were now on their way back. Of course, the idiot wouldn't just leave him alone, maybe he hoped Clint would fall in the road and a car would run him over, though no luck there.

"Why don't you watch it, Trent!" Clint snapped back straightening himself up again, he maneuvered himself to the side closest to the park, not really wanting to be roadkill today.

Trent tripped Clint before gripping him and slamming him into the small steel railing that trailed along the route they were taking. The two boys were some of the last children right at the back of the small crowd of orphans, so no one really noticed how Clint was being manhandled like a ragdoll.

"You want to say that again?" Trent sneered his face dangerously close to Clint's. Clint shoved him a step away and dropped an inch back to the ground.

"I'm not going to fight you, Trent. Just leave me alone," he sighed sounding absolutely exhausted by his daily tormentor.

His fist connected with Clint's face and sent him stumbling to the ground, he looked up at Trent and glared. His nose was bleeding and by the small grasp he had on it, it felt broken too. Clint's anger was rising by the second, but before he could get up and hit Trent back for mutilating his face the bully dropped to the ground writhing in pain.

Great! This always happened whenever Clint got too mad which was becoming more and more frequent thanks to this guy. He lost control and things either exploded or people landed up in mysterious pain. Clint looked away from Trent in hopes to stop whatever he was accidentally doing to him. It did. Thank you, Merlin.

"You!" a voice hissed from behind him. Clint looked back but didn't see anything as Trent scrambled to his feet and pushed past all the kids trying to make as much distance between him and Clint as he could.

"Are you a wizard?" the voice questioned and the next second Clint was being helped up by a mysterious boy the same age as him. He had shoulder-length black hair and emerald green eyes.

"Uh, yeah, I guess," Clint muttered trying his best to stop his nose from bleeding any more than it already had. "My brother is and my dad was, but he and my mom died a while ago," he explained and the boy nodded.

"Ugh, muggles," he muttered as he looked back at the kids from the orphanage before he gripped Clint by the shoulder and walked him in the opposite direction. "Come with me," was all he said and for some reason, Clint didn't argue, he just listened and followed.

They walked for a while in silence and before Clint knew it they were rounding all sorts of corners, he could no longer see the children from the Orphanage or the park they had just been in moments before. Barney was going to kill him! Wondering off with a stranger! Acting out with magic, even if by accident!

"Come along, Mother is the only one home, she'll fix your nose." The boy offered and Clint could tell he was amused by the situation for what reason, he had no idea. Nevertheless, Clint nodded and followed right behind the ravenette. They stopped in the heart of the city, where the townhouses were surrounded by lavish hotels and small shops.

"No need to look like that, Father isn't home," he informed Clint with a smirk. He told him not to be afraid, basically kidnapped him from the streets, and now he was smirking at Clint. Yeah, he was starting to get a tiny bit worried now.

"Loki?" a woman's voice called from somewhere deep inside the house. He shrugged his jacket off and slipped out of his shoes before nodding at Clint to do the same.

"Coming Mother," he shouted back over the clattering and banging of a small and strange-looking creature.

"What the hell are those?" Clint questioned as he stared at the tiny 'human beings' or more like 'elf beings'.

The boy looked at him strangely for a second before gripping his shoulder again and steering them toward the kitchen. "Those are house-elves, they're basically servants," he explained nonchalantly and with a shrug. "I thought you said you and your brother are wizards, and your father was one also?" he inquired and Clint just looked even more confused.

"We are and my father was, but I've never seen one of those in my life," he admitted and the boy frowned slightly before quickly nodding.

"Alright, well, I've brought you all the way here and I haven't the faintest idea of your name. Mine is Loki Laufeyson," he introduced.

"Clint Barton," he held his hand out for Loki to shake and the boy smirked back at him as he did. God, did he do that a lot? It's kind of creepy and scary.

"Loki!" the woman scolded coming out of the kitchen with a scowl set on her face, "it's Odinson, you're a part of this family and- Oh my, what in Merlin happened?"

"A muggle beat him up, but don't worry I checked if he was a wizard before bringing him here," Loki assured his mother.

She nodded, "Well, don't just stand there child, go get him a clean shirt. Perhaps one of yours I believe Thor's would be far too big for him."

"No, thank you, but thank you," Clint politely declined, not wanting to impose on his friend's? Kidnapper's family. Whatever Loki was, but he was nothing but nice so far so he categorized as a helpful citizen for the moment.

"Nonsense, you Americans always so stubborn," she smiled fondly at him.

The soft footsteps of Loki returning caught Clint's attention as the woman pulled a wand out from the back of her dress.

"No need to worry, Barton. She's the best at fixing noses, anything really. Unlike Odin," he muttered the last part and Clint wondered who Odin was.

"Manners, Loki," his mother scolded once again. She turned back to Clint and held her wand a few inches from his nose, "Now dear, this will hurt a bit," she warned and Clint had no time to react before she was casting a spell, "Apiksy."

"Oh, son of a-" he cut himself off as he gently wiggled his nose feeling it set back in place but still bleeding from the sudden fixture. She handed him a towel while worry and care seemed to fill her eyes.

"Sorry, dear. I suppose that was your first time?" she asked and Clint just nodded. "Oh, where are my manners? My name is Frigga, dear. The mother of Loki and Thor Odinson."

"Clint Barton. It's nice to meet you, Ma'am, and thank you for my nose," Clint said and Frigga smiled.

"You are most welcome."

The niceties were interrupted by an owl swooping in through the small open window in the living room, Clint ducked its flying talons and Loki tried his best to hide the amusement it brought him by lifting the book in his hand just a little higher.

"Forgive Heimdall, won't you dear?" Frigga asked, "he's been a little off-balance lately," she said and went to check on the owl that was now sitting on the coffee table.

"Mother! I'm home!" a booming voice called out. Loki groaned and hit the book he was holding against his forehead. "Thor," he muttered in clear irritation.

"Why don't you go and get changed? The bathroom's right down the hall," Frigga instructed, "first door on your left."

Clint nodded and took the shirt Loki had given, on his way he passed a tall blonde boy a year or two older than him. While he was getting changed he could hear bickering coming from the living room. Obviously, this family like a lot and just like his one that contained only his brother, fought. It was no surprise, but Clint couldn't imagine Frigga fighting she was too sweet and Loki seemed to really love and respect her, so that meant the bickering was Loki and his brother Thor.

Clint walked out of the bathroom and immediately got stopped by one of the house-elves which may or may not have given him a minor heart attack.


"It's just Clint or Barton," Clint gently corrected him, but the elf shook his head viciously.

"The guests are always treated the same way as the masters," he informed his voice somewhere between a squeak and a whine.

That's awful. Masters? What the hell was this the Dark ages? Barney told Clint about house-elves he said that at Hogwarts they'd cook and clean, but never once did he mention they were freaking slaves!

"May I take your shirt?" his voice brought Clint's attention back to the moment at hand and he nodded handing the kind little house elf his blood-stained and grey hoodie.

"Thank you!" he called after him.

"There is no need for that, Sir, it is Mjolnir's job and pleasure it is," the house-elf said and smiled as he carried on walking his way to the laundry room.

"Barton!" Loki said from behind him and Clint jumped.

"Merlin! Can you not do that please?" he asked clutching his heart and trying to calm the adrenaline rush spiking through his veins.

Loki ignored him. "Mother wants you to come and meet my older brother, oh and... this is yours," he handed Clint an envelope with a red wax seal and black cursive writing on it. Just like the one Barney got a few years back. His heart pounded with both excitement and anxiety. He really hoped it was the same letter.

"Ah, Mr. Barton!" Thor's deep voice boomed. Merlin, did the guy have a volume button?

"It's just Clint or Barton," he corrected Thor much like he had the house-elf. He didn't exactly feel as comfortable with Thor as he did Loki, maybe it was his size, or his loudness, or maybe it was just his entire demeanor, he didn't know. But it was definitely something.

"No, no need to be afraid. Any friend of Loki's is a friend of mine," he grinned then placed an arm around Clint's shoulders while Loki rolled his eyes and sighed from behind them. Of course, another friend stolen, how predictable!

"Would you like to stay for dinner, dear?" Frigga asked with a gentle smile.

"I would love to, but I think I should be heading back," Clint said, "my brother's probably worried about me."

"No worries, dear. Perhaps another time then?" she suggested and Clint nodded and smiled. "So, tell us, dear, how do you feel about going to Hogwarts? Are you excited?"

"Extremely, I'll finally get to be with my brother throughout the year again," he answered his blue-green eyes lighting up. "Though, I don't really know anything about Hogwarts," he admitted.

"That's alright," Frigga said, "You and Loki can learn from each other, he'll be attending his first year this year as well," she smiled.

Clint's head was spinning. He was going to Hogwarts, he had a friend before school even started, and- his thought was cut off by a small chuckle escaping Loki's mouth, almost as if he could read Clint's neverending rush of thoughts.

"That's great!" Clint finally said, "but I think I should head back before my brother gets too worried."

"Alright, dear," Frigga nodded and smiled.

"Thank you for everything, Mrs. Odin. Bye," Clint started walking toward the front door before Frigga spoke up again.

"Loki, walk him home and hurry your father should be back soon."

Loki smiled, thankful for his mother and her keen observation. He nodded in response and easily caught up to Clint the two of them slipping their shoes back on before opening the front door.

"Why can't I go Mother?" Thor whined and she had to hold him back by his shoulders as they walked out the door.

"He has just met you, Thor. I can tell he only trusts Loki at the moment, besides let your brother have one friend you don't corrupt into your own," she teased and left for the kitchen.

"Come on, Clintel," Loki smirked as he jogged down the steps of the house and opened up the small black gate.

"Hey, no names," he warned Loki.

"Alright," Loki smiled, "just hurry up would you, Barton?" he asked and Clint raced after him the two playfully pushing each other forward on the sidewalk as they made their way back to the Orphanage.


Clint opened the door to the Orphanage and was immediately met with a man he'd never seen before in his life. He had shoulder-length, greasy black hair as well as pitch-black eyes and what looked like a perfect monotone look.

"Who are you?" Clint questioned trying to slip past him and toward where his brother should be waiting for him at their beds.

"Hello, Professor," Loki smiled up at the man.

"Hello, Mr. Laufeyson. I presume you and Mr. Barton have already met," the man said dragging out his every syllable as he spoke.

"Yes, Sir. He knows he's a wizard and I've explained Hogwarts to him, but I suppose I'll leave the more prominent details to you then?" The man barely nodded.

"I suppose so."

"Clint, where the hell have you been, man?" Barney grabbed his younger brother by the arm and dragged him a good five feet away from Loki and the Professor. "I've been looking for you everywhere, not to mention you stuck me with Professor Snape. Do you know how terrifying that man is in school, let alone here at home?"

"Sorry," Clint apologized, not in the mood for challenging his brother or starting a fight. "I made a friend though," he said and gestured back to Loki, who simply smirked before briskly walking out the door.

"Fine," Barney sighed before pulling him toward Snape, "Clint, this is Professor Snape. Professor, this is my little brother, Clint."

"Hello," Clint nervously greeted under the man's gaze.

"He came to tell you all about Hogwarts and then we have to go out and get everything you need," Barney said and Clint just nodded.

"Perhaps, Mr. Barton your youngest brother's newfound friend can help him with such things, let him tag along, isn't that right?" Snape narrowed his eyes on Clint and Clint gulped.

"Y-Yes," he stuttered, "I'm sure Loki wouldn't mind helping me out."

"Yes, I'm sure he wouldn't."

With a swish of his cape and a dark, black shadow he was gone.

"Man, that teacher gets scarier every time I see him," Barney breathed out.

"Really? Can't imagine why," Clint remarked.
