
In a universe where:

~ Bellatrix Lestrange and Lord Voldemort have a daughter named Azalea Riddle.

~ She stays with the Malfoys and is closest to Draco, her cousin and best friend.

~ Draco and the Golden Trio become friends because of Lea.

~ The Malfoys are actually tolerable and not blood prejudice gits.

~ Instead, the Nott family is.

~ Theodore Nott becomes Harry's school enemy while being Lea's unwanted annoyance.

~ The Avengers and Lea will be the main story point.

~ She becomes friends with them and they stand by her through all her father's attempts of resurrecting and taking over the Wizarding World.


A/N: Lea refers to Narcissa as "Aunt Cissy" or just "Cissa".
          She refers to Lucius as "Uncle Lucius" or just "Lucius".
          She refuses to visit Bellatrix in Azkaban and sort of erases her parents
          and their entire existence from her mind.
