The silhouette

Elias was the only one I had in mind but I remained quiet, knowing it wasn't possible. Elias was a general and obviously had no interest in getting married, especially to me. Although, I couldn't imagine any other man holding me.

Elias was strong, handsome, caring......well... To me. He would be a great ruler, with a temper. Well.... He was the only one I wanted to get married to but I couldn't say that to father. Seeing that I didn't say anything, father spoke.

" I am old Odeth. You're a child of my old age and I want to rest. Ruling a kingdom is quite stressful. So you'll have to get married soon. I love you my child. So you have one month" he said. I raised my face to look at him at once.
" You have one month to present to me, a man suitable to become the next emperor of Velander. Or else, you'll have to marry prince Andrew" he said.

My eyes widened, and I instantly began to panick.
" You're dismissed" he concluded firmly. I knew I couldn't argue so I got up and walked out of his office. How was I supposed to find a man within a month? I didn't even want to find a man. I wanted Elias.

I walked back into my room. I was scared. I didn't want to be forced to marry prince Andrew.

    All I could wish for was for Elias to come back and even if he did, would he agree to marry me?. I threw myself on the bed kicking the air aggressively. I had to find a way out of this. I knew I couldn't convince dad to give me more time. How then was I to even find a man when I'm locked in the palace.

I stood up from my bed, removing the scarf that was around my neck. I walked to the mirror and stood as I stared at my chest, at the mark Elias had left.
Could Isidore be right about Elias claiming me with this? I thought.

I hoped she was, but would father accept Elias if he happened to come back?

* * * *

    It's been a few days since Elias and prince Andrew left the castle. The love mark, as Isidore called it between my cleavage was fading off. I didn't want it to fade away. The more it disappeared, the more I lost hope of Elias coming back.

I knew what I wanted was wishful thinking, but then it was still what I wanted. I wanted Elias, I liked him a lot. I... Loved him, I wanted to be his wife and him.., my husband. If only he wasn't general War.

I knew he had no concern with getting married, but if I don't find myself a husband soon. Father would force me to marry prince Andrew.

Just then, a thought came to my mind but I quickly brushed it off. I couldn't run away. I have never been far from the castle except the night I sneaked out with Elias. And that day still scares me a little. I thought of asking Isidore for advice but I knew she'd advise me to accept prince Andrew.


    I strolled in the garden as the wind blew against my hair and dress. I and father used to be so close. But now, he had suddenly become strict with me. I sat down on the floor in the garden. I've never felt this sad all my life. I wanted to cry.

Why did I fall in love with the general? Out of all men, why him?. He warned me not to, yet I still did and now he was gone. A tear rolled down my eyes and all the way down to my chin. I sobbed. I drew my knees closer to myself and hugged my legs, then buried my face in my knees and continued crying.


I blinked my eyes opened. I was laid on my back. I looked to the side and realized I was on my bed in my room. I jolted up to a sitting posture. I could remember falling asleep at the garden, and then it hit me. I could smell Elias very subtly.

I quickly got off my bed and ran to my window and looked out. It was evening and the wind blew heavily, very heavily. There was going to be a storm. I frantically scanned the surrounding with my eyes for Elias but I could only see a few servants hurriedly carrying things into the castle.

But just then, I spotted something, someone. A silhouette standing close to a tree at the beginning of the forest and it seemed to be staring at me. My eyes widened. ' Elias ' it rang in my head and immediately, I ran away from my window and out of my room.

I hurried down the flight of stairs, passing some servants on the way, who turned to look at me. I didn't care about them tho. I got down to the hall at the bottom and hurried to the huge doors which had now been closed.

I used all of my energy in pulling them open just enough for me to go out through. I escaped through the small space and into the heavy storm. I heard yelling and screaming behind me but I didn't look back.

It was raining so heavily and the wind was powerful. It could blow me away, but I ran through it, towards the woods. I just needed to talk to Elias. My ears were almost going deaf from the loud noises of the storm. Thunder stroke and I saw the lightning which illuminated the surrounding, but only for a second, almost blinding me.

I could also hear the guards and some maidens who were on my tail. I didn't want them anywhere near me. They screamed, calling to me but I ignored them. I wasn't too far away from the woods anymore. I could now see the huge build of Elias but to my dismay.

I was grabbed by strong hands. A lot of hands. I struggled and immediately started crying.
" Let me go. Let me go right now" I yelled. Crying, but they wouldn't listen. My eyes remained on the image.

" Please listen to me. Please, I have to see him, please. Let go of me. I order you this instant. Let me go" I yelled angrily as tears ran down my cheeks freely but got mixed up with the now heavily pouring rain.

I had seen the silhouette move like it was going to come out of the dark but it didn't. I cried harder, trying to convince this useless guards to leave me alone, but they wouldn't. They were shouting over the loud noises of thunder and rain pour. Saying some things to me but I couldn't hear them.

I was lifted from the ground and they started taking me back to the castle but I never stopped struggling. I kept looking back until I noticed that the silhouette was gone. I sobbed and allowed my body to go limp.

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