Chapter 25

I slowly stepped into the kitchen. Adrian had gotten to making lunch before me, and I had I surprise for him. "There you are," I greeted him, slowly sauntering over to his side. "What are you making?"

"You wonder this now, not when you were rummaging around here earlier?" he questioned, after greeting my with a small kiss. I've been getting used to the physicality of the relationship, still get giddy I side about it though.

"I was looking for some things," I informed him.

"Belmont was right," he scoffed, "If you ever had stealth skills, you lost them." I scowled at hom for a moment before he flashed me a warm hearted smile. Yea, some people say he's stoic, but you gotta learn what to watch for.

I changed my expression into a bright smile. "Speaking of Trevor," I sang, "Look what I made." I pulled the two dolls out from behind my back. With spare fabric and sewing supplies I found, I was struck with an idea. I made little dolls of Sypha and my brother. I was sorta missing them so it was nice to have something around that reminded me of them.

Adrian let out a sudden laugh. "What ever are these?" hs questioned, poking a laddel leg.

"It's Trevor and Sypha," I explained bashfully. "I know they're not the best, I only know basic sewing after all... and I ran out of fabric." I turned to go place them on an empty shelf on the other side of the room.

A set of arms came and wrapped around my shoulders, and a chin sat atop my head. "Why?" he couldn't help but ask through the amusement.

I reached up and covered his hands with mine. "I sorta miss them," I confessed. "Not that I don't love your company, it's just... They're my friends."

Another kiss was placed on the top of my head. "As do I," Adrian agreed with a sigh. "They brought a certain trait with them."

"Humanity?"I questioned, sorta more as a joke. Between the two of us there was onky one complete human, which was probably generous. Humans were a special mix of selfishness, and selflessness. I personally can vouch for being to selfless, and plenty would agree with me. The vampires were known for being selfish. I wouldn't say Adrian was selfish, but assumptions.

"Maybe," he agreed with a dejected sigh. We stood there in silence hearing the food sizzling on the stove.

I leaned back into his chest. "Wanna do nothing after lunch?" I asked. I had lost all motivation to do anything. Just curl up under a blanket, for the weather was getting cold, and be lost in thought.

The arms around me got tighter. "That would be wonderful," he agreed.

After we ate we gathered in our usual study. With the quickly approaching winter we gathered a pile of blankets in the floor before the hearth. Adrian found one of his favorite novels when he was younger a few days ago, and he's been reading it to me. This afternoon was no different than the usual evening.

We curled together under a triple layer of blankets. My body heat and the warmth of the fire was enough to keep us comfortable. Adrien continued to read the book aloud, never stuttering or repeating. With my head leaning against his shoulder I could feel the vibrations caused by his low voice.

I closed my eyes and just took it all in. My kind felt empty. I was so content I didn't have a single worry. I trusted Adrien with every detail about me, bowing I'll never get acorn or judgment from him. Then just the simple act of the two of us being together made me feel warm and calm. I would stay like this forever if I was given the option.

I started losing attention in the words of the story, and got lost in the serenity of the moment. It started as a little jingle in the back of my mind and slowly turned into a clear ring. "This is love isn't it," I commented, interrupting the story.

Adrien rolled from being in his back to being on his stomach, like me. "What do you mean?" he questioned.

I hummed, and leaned down into my folded arms. I don't know if I ever felt as at peace as I had in that moment. "Love isn't some grand thing, no gesture or quest. The mundane, the comfort and familiarity of another. That's love isn't it?"

"Grace," Adrien called out hesitantly. His hand slid to sit in my shoulder. I could feel himself shaking a bit. "Are you saying with I think you're saying?"

I opened my eyes to find him watching me with wide ones. I gave him a smile and leaned in closer. "Yeah," I sighed, before closing the small distant between us and giving him a light kiss. "I love this. I love you."

Before there was any distance between his Adrien pulled me into his arms. Both of us now on our sides, eye to eye. My hand were on his chest, while his hand were around my waist. "Say it again," he pleaded, staring into my eyes.

I smirked, and let out a soft sigh. I guess I kept him waiting long enough. "I love you," I repeated myself. Barely after the last sound left my mouth, my lips were caught up in his own. Through the kiss my hands slipped up to wrap themselves around his neck. We were now closer than we were before. The only thing keeping us apart were our clothes.

"What made you realize?" he asked through heavy breaths.

I gazed into his golden eyes as I caught my own breath. "I'm not scared," I confessed, "Not one tiny bit. I trust you completely."

"Completely?" he questioned, a new fire lit in his eyes.

8 smirked and snuggled in closer. "Completely," I assured him. We both let out a small laugh, mowing what was to come next was entirely jew territory.

A/N - Hey, an update. Sorry it's been a while, life happened. Now with the 4th season coming out soon, hopefully I'll be even more modivated to write more.
