Chapter 14

We lagged ever so slightly behind Alucard. I blame his supersonic speed. He found Dracula before us, but we were quick to arrive before the final battle started. "I was alone before," Alucard commented as the three of us stepped into the lit room.

The dahmpire was the first to attack, charging at Dracula at his full speed, sword drawing. They slammed into the back wall, cracking it and knocking down a painting. Without a blink, against all of Alucard force, the vampire pushed back with ease, and the use of just one hand. We were truly in for a fight.

I slowly paced around the study, sticking to the walls. Soon I was stepping in shards of mirror, and figured I should stop there.

Alucard changed his attack, only for it to be blocked and him thrown into the fire place. I held my breath as I saw him wince in pain. Trevor stepped forward with his sword drawn. Dracula ran at him knocking him out of the room and into the hall. With a nod Sypha went to help, while I rushed to Alucard.

I had my hand out, ready to heal any burn. He loon up at me, with no injury. Still I held out my hand for him to take to be helped up.

I heard my brother call for the magician out in the hall. With a flash of light I was out in the hall, teleported from instincts. I held back rolling my eyes as I saw Trevor literally punching Dracula in the face. "You must be the Belmont," the Lord of Darkness commented before punching Trevor in the gut.

I threw my shoe at the outstretched hand, only managing to wrap it around his wrist. "Not the only one," I corrected him, as I pulled tight on the chain. In retaliation the vampire gripped the chain and threw it away, pulling one of my shoes out of my grasp.

Trevor once again went to attack, Un armed, only to be caught by his neck. Dracula brought up his claws, prepaired to finish Trevor off. Stabbed through his arms was a thin blade, Alucard. I tell ported behind him, leped up, and held my chain to the Vampires kneck.

This time I made sure my magic was going through it. I expected him to disintegrate to ash, just like everything else of darkness had when touched by my magic. Instead he lrt out but a groan as if it were nothing more than a minor sting.

At the same time Sypha came a sprayed flames into his face. The enemy stumbled back, letting go of my brother. Still I hung on, pulling tighter despite the familiar searing pain of flames. Sypha stopped for but a moment and the vampire slid one arm off the sword, knock ING her out of the way. He swung back punching Alucard in the stomach, onky leaving me on his back.

I pulled tighter to try and keep what upper hand we had. "Sad to know God still cares for this world," he growled, beofr grabbing me by the back of my neck and turning me around to face him. "You the most pitiful Niphlem I've ever seen."

My glare turned to confusion. He knew what I was. More so, he told me what I was. A Niphlem, whatever that was.

I was shaken out of my daze. Trevor was running from behind, armed this time. I swung up and kicked Dracula right in that face. I could only hope I broke his nose.

I teleported over to Sypha to heal her. She had gotten a nasty cut in her shoulder. She winced as I put my hand on her shoulder. I had no time to be delicate, it was healed at once, but left a scar. Next moment we had both gotten knocked over by having Trevor thrown at us.

I rolled out from beneath him and up to his knees. Alucard had his father pinned up against the wall, and down the Vampire slammed. Alucard stayed strong, while the floor literally clasped beneath him. The blond freed himself and disoriented the enemy.

Sypha restricted hom with ice impaled through the leg. Tevor attacked with Morning Star. I threw out a dagger, my powers carried in it. Both struck at the same time. The explosion cleared yet again he still lived.

Kneeling on thr ground, it was obvious he was injured. "Morning Star whip, well played," he commented with irritation dripping in his voice. "But I am no mere vampire to be killed by your mortal magics. I am Vylad Dracula Tepes, and I HAVE HAD ENOUGH!" Out from his cape erupted a ball of flames, headed towards us. Why did it have to be fire?

Sypha stepped forward, and with her magic slowed down its progression. I saw a space open between the flames and the ceiling. I could make it through and finish him off while he was weak. The flames though. With a deep breath I ran at my fear. A single jump and I dove between the gap, landing in a roll.

"You heaven spawn, are getting in my nerves," he growled at me through his tiredness. I pulled out my sword and charged. With each step it grew brighter, more and more of my magic endowing the blade. Before I even reached him, a Dracula appeared in front of my, gripping into my neck as he haf previously my brother. "Even with your persistence, you're no match for me."

He threw me aside like I was nothing. This was no gentle toss. I could hear the wind rush past my ears. The only thing to give resistance was the wall, but that was for but a moment. Once it crumbled under the force there was nothing stopping me, from being flung, or falling.

From the force against the stone, I'm umsure my spine was broken, and lungs punctured. The blood flying from my mouth assured me as well. Even with my healing factor, I'm sure once I hit the ground, I would be done for.
