
First pov (Winter)
Sirius and I spoke for the entire meal. James, Remus and Peter were also sorted into Gryffindor. We talked about what happened the night they got to Hogwarts, but I didn't tell them that I was pushed in the water. I knew they would be overprotective. I already felt that, because whenever a Slytherin passed, they would prepare to stand up and hit the life out of them. Especially Sirius.
James and Sirius were exactly the kinds of people I enjoyed spending time with. They loved mischief and enjoyed pranking others. Remus was a quiet and smart boy. He knew a lot about everything. And he liked reading, I guess he will have to help us with pranking.
That night we planned to meet in the common room.
We decided to play truth or dare. First, I asked Peter who his first girl/boyfriend was. He said he had always been single. I heard Sirius whisper to James: 'I wonder why?' Next, Peter dared James to run up to the girls dormitory but the stairs turned into a slide. Then James dared Sirius to go to professor McGonagall and ask her to a date. He promised to do that the next day. Eventually, after many truths and dares, Remus was asked the question 'What do you fear most?' He answered in a mumble: 'Moon' We decided to continue, and not make a point of it.
At 2 o'clock only Remus and I were awake. 'So, the moon?' I asked him. He nodded. I realised fear in his eyes and said: 'Maybe we should go to bed?' He nodded again and went upstairs. James, Sirius and Peter were still asleep, so we left them where they were.
At three o'clock I woke up again. I had a bad headache, so I stood up. But before I could, I remembered what had happened the previous day's, and remembered that I was paralyzed. I tried to get into my wheelchair, but it was too difficult. I was stuck in bed. And not because I didn't want to get out. I decided that this was a problem for later, and tried to get some sleep. I was unsuccessful, so I stayed up until six that morning. School started at nine, so I had three hours to get out of bed. I looked to the side and saw the two girls I slept with.
My room was for four people, but there was not an even number, so I slept with a girl named Ebony and a girl named Euro fine (sounds like Euro Feene). They seemed nice, but not the people that would be my best friends because they are very different from me. I decided not to wake them, and to do it by myself. I managed to get myself in a sitting position and pulled my wheelchair towards me. I turned it so I could easily slide in, and put the wheels on brakes. Then I lowered my body into place with my arms. Luckily, I enjoyed sports and did a lot of muscle training at home too. My biceps and triceps were strong enough, so I eventually got in my chair. Quietly I rolled myself to the bathroom and filled the bath. I managed to drop myself in and washed. Now, I had a problem.
I understand why I'm not in Ravenclaw because I hadn't thought about how I could get out! I called for help, but my roommates were deep sleepers, so they didn't stir. Then, I saw a book on the floor next to Ebony's bed. The most important charms for a day of a witch. On the cover, the spells Lumos and Wingardium Leviosa were spelt. I tried the levitation spell on a shampoo bottle, and it worked. I had learned how it worked from Remus in the train and read about it in my own book so it wasn't too surprising.
When I was ready, I pointed my wand at myself and said: 'Wingardium Leviosa' My feet rose, and so did the rest of my body, I directed my body to a chair, where my towel was placed. I dried myself, which went pretty well for sitting and not being able to move the lower part of my body!
Then I wheeled myself to the toilet and successfully let out what I didn't need anymore. I was ready for a new start. I was dressed and ready to go to breakfast. I had heard that Breakfast opened 7:30, and it was 7:27. I wanted to be done before everyone came, so I rushed down. On my way, I almost knocked into a professor. 'I'm sorry.' I told the adult when she turned around, I saw Professor McGonagall. 'That is quite alright, miss. Black. How did your first morning go?' 'It went fine, I managed.' I replied politely. She nodded and nodded as to say: 'You are excused.'
I wheeled past and reached the Great Hall. Luckily, there were only a few students, and one of those people was Remus! I fastened my speed and reached him. He waved and continued reading the newspaper he was holding. It was the daily prophet. 'Anything interesting?' I asked him curiously. He shook his head and said: 'Nope' he put the paper away, and looked at me.
'How did your morning go?' 'It went fine, yours?' 'Also fine.' Soon I heard a loud voice screaming, 'Hello!'
'Mister Black, please sit down, and don't scream, you're friends are sitting next to you.' 'Whatever you say, Professor McGonagall, by the way, I have a question: will you go on a date with me?' 'No Mr Black, I could be fired because of that. It would also be inappropriate, but I am honoured!' 'Amazing! You are the first that can withstand me, and my handsome face, that is amazing!' said Sirius 'You deserve a reward. You are allowed to come on my birthday party in two months!' 'I will be there!' said Professor McGonagall, smiling at Remus, Peter, James and my bewildered expressions.
