The Arrival

This first part is written in omniscient point of view because I wanted to write about everyone arriving. The rest of the story will be written in POVs from random, mostly favorited, characters. I'm looking at you, Dax.

Remember, there will be spoilers from every book except the second book of Death by Death because I'm still working on it. 

Another reminder, there are two ships that happen in here that never happened yet in their stories, but I've made it pretty clear that they're going to end up together. *cough* Jake and Taylor *cough* *cough* Lilly and Flynn *cough* so it's not really a spoiler.

I've gone back and added the ages of everyone in the preview, so make sure you check that out before reading this to avoid confusion. cx

Warning: Marcus and Gemma are in here and they like to curse when they get mad. Swearing is Gemma's second language. Possibly her first. cx

The Arrival

       The door to the ski lodge opened and in walked a family that has been planning on staying there for quite some time. It took a while to take time off because Grayson Prince didn't want to miss out helping animals as a vet, but his wife Poppy was finally able to convince him.

       Their children ran inside and began running around the place. Grayson sighed and placed the luggage on the floor before trying to stop five year old Nolan, Alan, and Orchid from running around. Their nine-year-old son, Ryder, just stood by, watching them.

       Walking in next was Grayson's younger sister, Ginny, and her boyfriend, Nick. Ginny was currently living with Grayson and since they were coming here, she insisted on Nick coming as well. And since Nick was coming, his family wanted to come too.

       His family was really close with Grayson and Poppy, the main reason being that Nick's sister-in-law was Grayson and Ginny's cousin, Elliot. She walked inside with her husband, Laughlin, and their children, Elizabeth and Aaron, following. Aaron saw the triplets running around and was going to start running too, but Laughlin's reactions were always quick so he picked up his son before he could start running around.

       Nolan ran over to Ryder. "Come play, Ryder!" he said.

       "Later," Ryder said. "We can't run around here."

       "Aww," Nolan said with a frown. Thankfully for Poppy and Grayson, Nolan listened to what Ryder said and didn't run around anymore.

       Grayson was able to catch Alan and now that nobody else was running around, Orchid stopped. "You guys are too hyper," Grayson said.

       "It's fun!" Alan said with a giggle.

       "Fun for you," Grayson said. "Not so much me. Now come on. Let's go get our rooms so this will be the best vacation ever."

       Little did Grayson know that his sworn enemy, Seb Smythe, and his family was coming.

       Not long after they all went upstairs after checking in, the door opened again. Dax Smythe walked in with his pregnant wife, Isadora, and their son, Wilder, following, as well as Dax's rottweiler Skittles and Isadora's munchkin cat Rosa. "So, Isa," Dax said. "I kind of smell, so I think we should shower."

       Isadora smacked Dax upside his head. "How many times do I have to tell you to stop?" she asked.

       "Well, considering I keep doing it, obviously not enough," Dax said.

       Dax's older brother, Seb, walked in, followed by Seb's wife, Artemis, their children Evelyn and Atticus, Dax and Seb's sister Gemma, and her boyfriend Marcus. "Dax, leave her alone," Seb said.

       "You can't tell me what to do," Dax said. "If I want to bug my wife, I'll bug my wife."

       "Remind me why I married you," Isadora said.

       "Well, for one thing, the showers," Dax said.

       "I'm ignoring you for the rest of this vacation," Isadora said as she walked to the front desk.

       "Aww, you're no fun," Dax said as he followed.

       Once the Smythe family checked in, they went to find their room.

       All was quiet for a bit until a few celebrities decided to come. 

       Cannon Venturi was already checked in with his wife, Annalise, his best friend, Hunter Bolton, and Hunter's wife Violet. Cannon and Hunter were, at first, known for being the sons of the singers and actors Austin and Maybelle Bolton, and Cameron and Jess Venturi, but they had a lot of talent and now, that was what they did for a living. Singing and acting.

       While the four of them walked to the lobby, the ski lodge door opened and in came celebrities Munro Wilde and his fiancee Kamille Barnes, with their daughter Amy. Cannon saw them and smiled. "Eyyyy, it's Munro," he said.

       "No," Munro said. "No way are you here."

       "But I am," Cannon said. "Come on, I mean no harm."

       "I know that," Munro said. "But you were quite annoying on set."

       "Oh, come on, I wasn't that annoying," Cannon said.

       Annalise snorted. "Cannon, I love you, but you were annoying."

       "Were?" Hunter asked. "He still is."

       "You're just jealous because I chose Annalise over you," Cannon said.

       "Oh my....How many times do I have to tell you that I never liked you?" Hunter asked.

       "You see that, Lise?" Cannon asked. "He broke my heart and he just loves to stomp on it."

       Munro sighed. "So I'm going to have to deal with this for my whole vacation? Great."

       "Aww, don't be mad," Cannon said.

       "I'm just going to pretend you don't exist," Munro said as he led Kamille and Amy to the front desk.

       "Why does everyone hate me?" Cannon asked.

       "Because you're annoying," Hunter said. "I'm only your best friend because our parents are best friends." He then walked to the fireplace with Violet and sat on the couch nearby.

       "Hurtful," Cannon said before he and Annalise went to the couch as well.

       Yet another group of friends walked into the ski lodge. "So, can Lilly and I share a room?" Flynn Cooper asked.

       His older sister, Infinity, gagged. "I still can't believe you two are dating," she said. 

       "And why can't you believe it?" Lilly asked.

       "Uh, for one, you're three years older than him," Infinity said.

       "Love has no boundaries," Flynn said.

       "Yeah," Flynn's best friend, Jake, said. "My boyfriend is five years older than me. And he has a kid."

       "That's different," Infinity said. "Flynn is my younger brother and Lilly is my best friend."

       "Fin, let it go," Infinity's boyfriend, Logan, said. "Seriously. We all saw this coming. Even you. You just hated to admit it."

       "At least you're not going to be third-wheeling it," Jake said. "Well, more like fifth-wheeling. While you be all couply, I will be alone." 

       "Guess again," a voice said from behind them. Jake turned, seeing his boyfriend, Taylor, standing there with his son, Newt.

       Jake immediately gave Taylor a hug. "What are you doing here?" he asked.

       "Well, coincidentally enough, both you and my best friend were coming here, so I decided I would come too," Taylor said. "Beats staying at home, spending Christmas with only my son. Come on, I'll help you bring your stuff to your room."

       While they were heading upstairs, the Smythes were walking down the stairs with Skittles following Dax. "Are dogs allowed to go skiing here?" Dax asked Seb.

       "Okay, one, I don't work here so I wouldn't know," Seb said. "And two, I'm not sure dogs can even go on skis."

       "Ooh, I can get him to pull me," Dax said.

       "What if dogs aren't even allowed on the mountain?" Seb asked.

       "Uh, you see his service dog vest, right?" Dax said. "He can go anywhere."

       "I'm sure you'll be fine if you leave him here," Seb said.

       "No way," Dax said. "Knowing me, I'll probably forget to take my medication and he reminds me better than my phone does."

       "That's because you keep forgetting to set up a reminder on your phone," Seb said.

       "Exactly," Dax said. "And Skittles doesn't forget, so stop being mean to him."

       A small dog barked as it ran down the stairs. Ginny followed it, calling its name, Mason. Mason immediately saw Skittles and ran over. The two dogs didn't do anything except for stare at each other. Skittles may have looked threatening, but he was one of the nicest dogs ever.

       Ginny picked up Mason. "Stop running off," she said.

       "Ginny, did you get him?" Grayson asked as he walked down the stairs. However, he stopped near the bottom when his eyes landed on Seb. "No. No way. Not you."

       Seb looked over. "Oh my god, no. Artemis, we need to pack now."

       "Oh, grow up, Seb," Artemis said.

       "I am grown up," Seb said. "He is the immature one."

       "I'm immature?" Grayson asked. "Oh, really? You're the one that kept whining like a baby when I accidentally hit you with a beach ball."

       "Because you almost hit my son," Seb said.

       "That was six years ago, get over it," Grayson said.

       "You're the one who brought it up!" Seb said.

       "Because you can't get over it," Grayson said, turning around to head back upstairs. "Flower! Pack your stuff! We're not staying here!"

       Too bad Poppy was going to refuse leaving the ski lodge. None of these family and friends were going to leave. They were going to have to deal with seeing each other for the whole vacation.

       Let's just hope the lodge doesn't catch on fire with the two hotheads staying here.


Omg, it's so hard writing in third-person. I kept writing I a few times for Dax and Infinity. cx

But here is the first part of the crossover! I mainly wanted to do a crossover so I had an excuse to write about Taylor and Jake. cx But I'm going to love writing about all these characters. :D

Not every character will get a POV. It will most likely be the ones who I'm used to writing in their POV, like Poppy, Dax, Infinity, Cannon, Ginny, Nick. But Flynn is bae see he'll get a POV. cx
