2. Dax

Chapter 2: Dax:

       Isadora hasn't said a single word to me since we got here. I loved getting her annoyed. It was part of my personality after all.

       I was sitting on the chair in our suite, watching TV. Skittles trotted over to me and nudged my legs. I looked down at him with furrowed eyebrows until I figured out what he meant.

       I thanked him before getting up from the chair and going to my suitcase. I dug through it, trying to find my medication, but it wasn't there. I sighed and went to my backpack, but I couldn't find it there as well.

       No. No no no.

       I kept looking through my bag and suitcases, hoping to find my medication there. I couldn't leave it at home. If I go a while without taking it....

       "Please be in here," I muttered.

       Wilder walked over. "What'chu looking for, Daddy?" he asked.

       "My medicine," I said. "Please tell me you've seen it."

       Wilder shook his head. "Nope."

       "Shit," I cursed as I starting taking everything out of my suitcase.

       "Mommy said shit is a bad word," Wilder said.

       "Yet, you just said it," I said right as Isadora walked in. "And who cares what she says? She's ignoring me anyway."

       Isadora didn't even say anything as she walked to the bed and sat down. Moody wife.

       "Mommy, Daddy said a bad word again," Wilder said.

       "Tell your dad to stop cursing," Isadora said.

       "Daddy, Mommy said to stop cursing," Wilder said.

       "Yeah, I heard that," I said. "And you can tell her that she can grow up and stop ignoring me just because I want to have sex in the shower."

       "Dax!" Isadora said. "Stop talking like that around our son!"

       "Oh, so now you want to talk to me," I said. 

       "I'm just tired of you always bringing that up," Isadora said.

       "Yeah, I know," I said. "Because of hormones and shit."

       Isadora picked up a pillow and threw it at me. "If you want me to stop ignoring you, then you need to stop bringing it up."

       "Whatever," I said. "I have bigger problems than my wife ignoring me."

       "Yeah? Like what?" she asked.

       "I don't know, like the fact that I am mentally ill and I can't find my medication," I said. 

       "Didn't you pack it?" she asked.

       "Probably not because I can't find it," I said before shoving everything back in my suitcase. "Great. Just great."

       "Dax, you'll be fine," Isadora said.

       "She's the person who isn't schizophrenic," I said. "Saying I'll be fine really doesn't make me fine. We're going to be here for two weeks and there's no way I can just head home, get my medication, and come back."

       "Daddy, why are you mad?" Wilder asked.

       "I'm not mad," I said. "I'm just irritated."

       Isadora got off of the bed and knelt down beside me, resting a hand on my shoulder. "Hey, I promise you'll be fine," she said. "It's like you said, your medication doesn't just miraculously stop the voices."

       "Isa, you don't get it," I said. "Christmas time is always the worst for me because it's a time to spend with family and....Not having my medication can only make it worse. I'm more than likely going to see my mom and she'll say these awful things and I'm going to believe her and...."

      "I know," she said softly. "But we're all going to be here for you. Me, Wilder, Skittles, Seb. All of us. Come on, let's go do something to take your mind off of it."

       "Like what?" I asked.

       Isadora shrugged. "Wilder, is there anything you want to do?"

       "Ooh, go to the candy shop!" Wilder said.

       "Yeah, we can go there," Isadora said.

       We all got ready to go into the village by the ski lodge. Skittles was coming too, because he was too awesome to stay in the suite alone. That, and I was really going to need him for the next two weeks.

       We left the ski lodge and went to the candy shop. Wilder, of course, couldn't decide on what to get so in the end, I allowed him to fill up a bag with candy. After we paid for the candy, we walked around for a bit to check out the shops before heading back to the ski lodge.

       When we walked in, I saw Seb and Grayson arguing. Figures. We first met Grayson a few years ago at the beach and their wives got along great. We even spent the Fourth of July with them.

       Yet they still couldn't get along.

       It was amusing.

       I walked over to Seb. "Dude, you're giving everyone a headache?"

       "I am?" Seb repeated. "No, Grayson is the annoying one."

       "How am I annoying?" Grayson asked.

       "Look in the mirror and you'll know," Seb said.

       "What's so annoying about being hella sexy?" Grayson asked.

       I sighed and rolled my eyes as I walked away. No way were they going to stop arguing so I might as well leave them.

       I sat down near the fireplace and Skittles rested his head on my lap. I smiled softly as I rubbed his fur. Lately, I've been cherishing every moment with my service dog because I got him when he was a puppy nine years ago. I knew he didn't have that long left to live, and that was going to be really hard on me. I couldn't even count how many times he helped me out over all these years.

       I just hoped he would be able to help me make it through the vacation.


Dax is the best dad in the world and nobody can convince me otherwise. Fun fact: He taught his son all the swear words. His son is three.

So who do you think the next chapter will be about? Lol, I'm going to post the coming up thingy as soon as I post this, so you might already see it before guessing. cx
