27: Mjolnir

Peter and I didn't talk about the morning the rest of the day. We watched movies, and Peter took the day off of school, again.

Harley joined us at one point, and Shuri came to say goodbye before she left.

Thor came to hang out with all the adults around six, which everyone joined.

Vision was working behind the bar, getting everyone drinks insanely fast. Peter got a lemonade. 

Mr. Stark had told us to stay down for a bit, enjoy everyone's company. 

"Come on, it'll be fun." He glanced at me and Peter. "Even Harley's coming soon."

"When?" Peter asked.

"Whenever he gets here, he's probably just sprinting up the stairs, because someone broke our only elevator." All the avengers glared at Peter. 

"I'm sorry!" He exclaimed. "Does anyone else just forget they have super strength?"

"No," Bucky replied.

"What-" He grumbled, sitting next to me on the couch.

"Alright!" Thor shouted. "I have prepared a fun party game for us all to try!"

"Whatcha got Thor?" Clint asked, fiddling with a drumstick.

"I was doing some research on Midgardian party games!" He continued. "I believe the game is called fuck, marry, kill. Who would like to go first?"

Everyone spit out their drinks. Peter coughed lemonade on his shirt.

"Thor, I don't you know what that means," Natasha smirked. "Wait till the kids are gone, at least."


"We'll explain later." Clint interrupted. "Anyways, let's talk about something else."

"I have an idea." Mr. Stark said. "Thor, why would you put your goddamn hammer on top of my pop tarts?"

"I would like to enjoy pop tarts without the worry of having any of you take them." He smiled.

"They're my poptarts!"

"They're gone." Thor grinned. "I ate them."


"You are welcome-"

"Peter!" Harley threw open the stairwell door from across the room. "Oh, good, you're here."


"I need to talk to you about something in our lab."

"Okay, give us one minute." He set down his lemonade. "Come on over!"

"It's important."

"Is something going to explode?"


"Okay. One minute."

"Geez." Harley leaned against the doorway.

"Hey, Harley, since you're here, I gotta question for you." Mr. Stark shouted.

"Yeah, what?"

"You know how Parker and Max broke the elevator."

"Yeah, I just ran up seven flights of stairs. I would've taken the elevator if it was available."

"I overheard Parker's dating someone. You know who it is?"

Harley immediately turned red. "I-no, no I don't."

"Some chick named Marley, I think."

"Hey, that sounds much like your name, Harley!" Thor exclaimed.

"Yeah, yeah it does." He nodded awkwardly.

"Sorry, one sec." Peter helped me off the couch without hitting anyone with a wing, then shook out the blanket until he found his phone. "You good?" He asked me.

I nodded.

"Oh, Winged Lady Max, would you hand me my hammer quickly?" Thor laughed.

"Don't do it, Max," Peter said. "I've seen him do it before."

"Do what?"

"Test people. See if they can lift it." He grinned.

"It doesn't look heavy."

"Winged Lady Max," Thor continued. "Only one who is worthy to rule Asgard is able to lift it."


"It's magic."


"Come on," Harley shouted.

"Can I still try?" I asked.

All the adults chuckled.

"Go for it!" Thor replied. "See if you are worthy!"

"Max-" Peter warned.

I grabbed the hammer's handle off the table. I prepared for it to be much heavier, and when I picked it up I put so much force in it I hit myself in the face.

"Woah!" Peter shouted, grabbing my shoulders. "Are you okay?"

Everyone else was silent.

I glanced at him, my vision blurry. "What."

"You are worthy." Thor stammered. "You, you lifted Mjolnir!"

"I did?"

"Winged Lady Max is worthy!" Thor shouted. He grabbed my hand and held it over my head in victory. "We must take you to Asgard immediately! Heimdall!"

"Thor no!" Peter grabbed my hand out of Thor's and pulled me away from him.

"You must become the new ruler!" Thor continued. "You will start as soon as I die. I must begin training you now!"

The avengers watched as Peter and I quietly walked away, over to Harley and his stairwell.

"Winged Lady Max?" Thor looked all around his feet. "Where did you go?"

The stair doors slammed shut before I could hear anything else.

"Holy shit, that was cool," Harley spoke calmly. "I've seen them do that for years."


"So, what'd you need?" Peter asked, hopping down a flight of stairs, standing in front of Harley.

"Well, I did want to talk to you about something, but Max is here." He whispered. "I think we should tell everyone."

I glanced at the two guys. "I can hear you."

"Oh!" Harley exclaimed. "Fuck, I forgot. Sorry."

I shrugged. "What does Fuck mean?"

Peter covered Harley's mouth. "Don't say it."

Harley smiled.

I continued walking down the flights of stairs. "You say it as an expression, and Thor says it as an action word."

"Don't you dare-" Peter growled at Harley. He suddenly yanked his hand back and wiped it on Harley's shoulder. "Ugh. He licked me."

"Fuck is a swear word." Harley started. "A pretty bad one, if I do say so myself."


"Peter does not like the fuck word." Harley continued. "Or any other words, like bitch, ass, damn, shit, and any word that could be used to describe a dick."

"What's a dick?"

Peter choked on air. "Don't you dare?"

"You can google that on your own." Harley frowned. "No, no, don't google that. Do not google that."


Of course, I knew what a dick was. From my classes at the Laboratory and modern television shows, it wasn't hard to guess. And I did not google it. I did not want to google it. I only kept asking Harley those questions because I found Peter's reactions hilarious.

"Oh, you know what it is." Harley grinned. "Who knew Max knows normal terms." He glanced at Peter. "Did you teach her that?"


"I have been outside, you know," I added. "I've seen movies. I've taken anatomy classes before."

"Alright." Peter glanced at the door next to him. "One more floor. Let's change the topic."

"Okay, what happened last night?" Harley asked. "Peter, you weren't in your room when I- when I went to get you. And you broke the elevator. And Max fell and scraped her face."

"Oh, yeah." He muttered.

"I had a nightmare," I said. "Then a panic attack. Then I took a shower and my wings have to dry outside."

"And Peter helped you?"

"Yeah, I could hear her with my super hearing." Peter supplied. "Then I left the door open, and Steve and Bucky came in. But they left."

"Okay. Are you okay now, Max?" Harley asked.

I shrugged. "I think."

"Good." He replied, entering the lab floor from the stair door. "And, we're here."

"Cool." Peter ran to a cabinet on the far side of the room. "We haven't got any plans, right?"


"Great!" He threw a pile of blankets from the cabinet onto a table. "I don't want to walk twenty-three floors upstairs, so who votes we just stay here for the night?"

"Sure," I said.

"Okay." Harley agreed.

After we finished bingeing a movie trilogy, Peter put two tables next to each other, so I could sleep comfortably with my wings, and he put his and Harley's closer together.

Mr. Stark called us around midnight, sounding a little drunk and telling us to sleep well. I think he was just really drunk.

Once I was drifting in and out of consciousness thanks to my sleep deprivation, I wrapped myself in my wings and fell asleep.

Yeah, I know it's not a good ending. And I know literally ten hours ago I said I wouldn't be updating as much, but here. I'm tired, I haven;t proofread this(Like I proofread anything, lmao) and I'm going to sleep. Sorry for spelling errors.
