26: Elevator

"I think you're right." I finally concluded.

Peter didn't reply.

"What do I do?"

"I don't know. We could talk to Mr. Stark about it if you-"

"Peter!" A man shouted.

Peter stood up. "Hello?"


"Mr. Stark!"

"Are you okay kid?"

"I think so."


"Hey, Mr. Stark!" Peter shouted up.

"What is it, kid?"

"Max is here too!"

"Max-" He paused. "Don't you two dare start making out or something, Jesus Christ."

Peter frowned. 

"What did you two do?" He shouted.

"I-I kinda punched the wall," Peter replied quietly.


"I punched the wall!"

"Wha- Why would you punch my wall?!"

"I don't know!"

"Alright, well I'm working on bringing it up."


"Just stay put!" He shouted back.

"Okay." Peter turned to me. "Why does he always assume we're making out?"

I shrugged. "Same age. Boy, girl."

"Yeah but I'm dating Harley."

"He doesn't know."

"Oh yeah."

"Who are you dating?" Mr. Stark shouted.

"No one!" Peter replied quickly. "I'm not dating anyone!"

"It sounded like Marley! You dating a chick named Marley?"

"I'm not dating anyone, Mr. Stark!"


The elevator started moving again. Peter screamed and stood up, sticking to the ceiling.

"Are you okay?" The voice was much louder.

Suddenly the elevator stopped, and the two doors facing us opened.

"Oh, you got the doors open." He noted, holding out a hand to help me get up. He glanced at the ceiling. "What are you doing?"

"Nothing." He hopped down, landing silently beside me. "Sorry about your elevator."

"It's fi-Jesus what happened to your face!" He stared at the bandages on my face.

"She's okay Mr. Stark," Peter said. 

"Did someone do that?" He asked.

"No, she just... tripped."

"Jeez, Max, are you okay?" He stared at me.

I shrugged.

"Where are your bracelets?" Mr. Stark asked. "And what happened to your hands?" 

He picked up my hands, inspecting the bandaids scattered across them. 

"Nothing," Peter replied. "Do you want me to go get your keyboard?" He asked.

I shrugged.

"Wha- no Parker stay here." Mr. Stark glared at him.


"Did you do that to her?" He asked.

"What?! No!" He exclaimed. "No, I was the one who helped patch her up!"

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm sure, Max, back me up."

"He didn't do anything," I replied without thinking.

"You can talk?" Mr. Stark questioned.

"Yes. He didn't do this. I fell."

"O-okay. I trust you, but can you tell me what actually happened?"

I didn't reply.

"Great. I'll get F.R.I.D.A.Y. on it."


"F.R.I.D.A.Y. can you access the cameras outside of Max's room and play through the past twelve hours?" Mr. Stark spoke.

"Happy to help, Boss," F.R.I.D.A.Y. replied.

A hologram was projected in front of us, showing the feed from the night. A couple of people passed down the hall, then I went into my room and closed the door. Mr. Stark skipped the next couple hours, until Peter ran down the hall and threw open my door, followed quickly by Steve and Bucky.

"What's this?" Mr. Stark asked.

The video didn't stop, it continued to when Steve and Bucky left, then showed me and Peter leaving with a trail behind my wings, water. The camera angle changed until it showed us exiting the elevator, and going to the roof.

Thankfully, Mr. Stark paused it.

"Why did the grandpas and Peter go into your room at two AM?" Mr. Stark asked.

I didn't reply.

"And why were your wings wet?"

I glanced at Peter.

"And how about you tell me why you and Peter went to the roof?"

Silence fell upon the room.

"Okay. Give me your phones, the both of you."

"What-" Peter exclaimed.

"You won't answer, you're both grounded."

"You're not my dad." Peter glared at him.

"You and I both know we can contact your aunt very easily."

"Fine." Peter walked to the stairs, Mr. Stark following quickly behind.

I waited for a minute before talking.


"Hmm?" Mr. Stark turned.


"She had a nightmare," Peter explained. "I could hear thanks to my superhearing, then I left the door open and Bucky and Steve ran in."

"Hear what?"

"I was shouting," I answered. "Apparently."

"Okay, yeah, that's why the rooms are soundproof. But what does that have to do with your face? And the roof."

I made a scratching motion with my hands on my face.


"There was blood, from the scratches," Peter explained.


"And she showered, to get the blood off." He continued.

"Why didn't you just wash your face?"

"There was a lot," Peter said. "And her wings had to dry outside."

"Alright. Did you guys do anything else? Besides breaking my elevator?"

"Nope. You can close the hologram now." Peer said.

"That sounded suspicious."

The video continued to play and showed me standing at the edge of the building.

"Were you going to fly at night?"

"I was just looking," I explained.


It showed Peter and me hugging, then us shouting at each other.

"What happened there?"

"Nothing, just a little argument," Peter added. "About what she was doing."

"Were you going to do something else?" He asked.

I shook my head.

He stared at me for a moment before responding. "Okay."

"Can we go now?" Peter asked.

"You still gotta explain why you punched my elevator. But Max, yeah, take the stairs. Go back to your room."


"Ah, no." Peter grabbed my arm. "She can stay."


"Because." Peter made a motion with his hands.

"Um." Mr. Stark frowned. "Okay. We need to talk about this later. You guys, just hang out until I figure something out."

"Thank you." Peter skipped over to me, holding the stair door for me.

I glanced up at the staircase in front of us. It was huge, and as far as I could see, it didn't end.

"Uh, yeah it's a lot of stairs to climb," Peter noted. "But lucky for us, the commons area is only six floors down!"

I stared at him.

"Of course, our rooms are twenty-two up." He paused. "Well, we better get started." He hopped down the flight of stairs in front of him.

I calmly walked down the decline.

We walked in silence until we reached the commons area. Peter made eggs for us both, and we watched a movie.

Authors note- 

Yeah I've got a huge headache and sorry I haven't updated for a while but my life has been hectic. Don't expect me to update soon, i need to work through a lot of stuff. Sorry.
