"That's Seal!" Sandshard yelled. He got up from his seat and practically flew out the door.
"Let's go! Come on!" Poison Oak said, running after him. Soon, all seven dragonets were running toward the sound of the screaming. Please be okay, please be okay, please be okay.
"THAT'S CLOSE ENOUGH!" The seven young dragons slowed to a stop. A NightWing named Bloodspiller was staring down at them, while another NightWing, this one named Icebreaker, held a razor against Seal's throat.
There were tears running down Seal's cheeks. Magma wanted to do something, anything!
"If you move another step, this sniveling IceWing dies." Icebreaker said, a wicked smile on her face.
"What are you going to do with him?" Sandshard asked.
"We just need some of his blood, nothing more." Icebreaker said.
"Besides," Bloodspiller said, stepping forward. "The next few months are quite perilous for you seven."
"...what?" Poison Oak asked dangerously.
"Oh yeah," Bloodspiller said, cocking his head towards the LeafWing. "It's perilous for all of you, but especially for her."
Firefly squeaked and grabbed onto Poison Oak's hand.
"Okay," Icebreaker said. "I have his blood. Now let's go!"
The two NightWings then disappeared into the shadows.
