"Come on!" Beetle yelled. She was following Sandshard as they ran through the SandWing Stronghold. Somehow, Sandshard had the entire place memorized.
"Whoa!" The two dragonets rounded a corner and ran into a SilkWing and a LeafWing. The SilkWing was mostly grey.
"Bryony and Grayling!?!" Beetle yelled. "What are you two doing here?"
"We heard Wasp and her sisters escaped and came here." Bryony said.
"So we're here to fight them!" Grayling said.
"That's good!" Sandshard said. "Because Wasp found herself allies that are as nasty as she is!"
Both Bryony and Grayling looked horrified. "That's very concerning." Grayling said.
"A SilkWing and a LeafWing? Together? My least favorite tribes."
A large, blood-red HiveWing stepped out of the shadows. Her teeth were stained red, as were her claws. At the sight of her, Grayling tensed up.
"Who is that?" Beetle asked.
"Bloodworm." Grayling said. "My former Hive Ruler, and the cruelest of Wasp's sisters."
Bryony bared her fangs at the HiveWing. "You don't get to touch him." She said.
Bloodworm looked amused. "You love him? Well, trash belongs with trash."
She frowned down at Grayling. "My cousin is too soft on you. I remember how it was in her Hive; HiveWings fraternizing with SilkWings, disgusting." Then she looked over at Beetle.
Bloodworm's face contorted into rage. "And it seems like HiveWings have been doing more than fraternizing with SilkWings lately. Absolutely disgusting. I should put this abomination out of its misery."
But before she could do that, Sandshard opened his mouth and shot a plume of fire at her.
Or, what looked like fire.
Because the moment it touched Bloodworm's scales, it froze, stopping the HiveWing in place.
"Let's go!" Sandshard yelled.
As the four dragons ran away, Grayling asked, "What was that?"
Sandshard smiled. "That's a little thing I can do. I call it frostfire."
