Make Your Move ~ CG5 and Dawko


"Why must I die? Again and again?"

I wasn't too fond of anything that was happening today. Some woman came in with her kids and got mad when I told her that everything she had to pay for would result in her paying at least $100 or more. Let's just say, that conversation ended up with me calling security.

And to top it all off, it was FREEZING in the restaurant today. It didn't help that I left my jacket at William's place. I didn't want to ask Henry for a jacket though, since it seemed a little bit pushy and all.

I reached into my pants pocket and felt the key. Maybe it wouldn't hurt to use it. I mean, I AM just going in to quickly get a jacket. My own jacket. And after all, he did say that I could come over whenever I'd like. He'd given me the house key. My break was coming up and I normally just got a cup of ramen and a few Yorks in for lunch.

When it came time for my break, I'd grabbed my car keys, clipping the house key on next to the little [Fav/Cartoon Character] key chain I'd received from my aunt last Christmas. I headed out to the car, shivering a bit as soon as I stepped outside and the cold air hit my bare arms.


'132. This is it,' I thought to myself as I pulled up to the curb. There was another car in the driveway. One that I did not recognize. I got out and went up to the front door. I heard music blasting from the inside of the house, an upbeat song with lyrics in Korean, specifically. This definitely wasn't William, unless he'd just decided to start fan-girling over an artist that so many people at my high school had a crush on overnight.

Confused, I tried the knob and the door opened. I stepped inside, putting my keys back into my pocket. "Hello, is anyone home?!" I called out over the music. No response. Great, the music's just too loud. I walked towards where the music was coming from.

It led me to a bedroom near the end of the hallway off to the side of the entryway. I peered into the room to see a very fit young woman doing push-ups. This isn't natural. Who exercises when they don't have to and already look like they spent their whole life living in a gym? This girl obviously. Who was she? William's girlfriend? Maybe even a wife of his? These thoughts both intrigued me and made me want to punch the wall or something. 'Please be a cousin or sister or someone blood-related to him,' I thought to myself. 'I just hope that this is someone from his family.'

"Excuse me!" I called. She stopped and looked back at me, sweat running down the side of her face. Ew. She quickly got up and stopped the music. She came over to me and gave me a small, sweet smile.

"Sorry about that, who are you?" she asked.

"I'm [Y/N], I'm looking for William," I answered.

"Ah, so you're the [Y/N] William's been talking non-stop about." Does he really talk about me all that much?

"Um, yeah, I guess that I am. Who are you?"

"I'm William's twin sister, Donna," she said, extending her hand out for a handshake. I let out a small sigh of relief, before I looked at her hand hesitantly. She obviously noticed and put her hand down, giving me an apologetic look. She's his sister. That's a relief. "Oh, sorry, you probably don't want to shake the hand of someone who looked like they just visited Hawaii during a heat-wave." She laughed and I did a bit of a chuckle that sounded somewhere between being relieved and nervous.

"Hey, uh, for being his twin sister, William never really seems to mention you," I said.

"Oh, yeah, he doesn't really like me all that much. I'm too 'different', as both him and our father would say about me," she explained, doing air quotations around the word 'different'.

"Oh. And how come you were never here when I came by? And stayed here for about 3 or 4 days?" I asked.

"I was actually in South Korea for a few weeks, you know, just needing to have a vacation and get away for a little while," she explained to me.

"Oh, wow, I was actually living in South Korea for most of my life until about a year ago."

"오, 거기에 사는 것이 놀랍습니까?" Oh, is it amazing to live there?

"어, 네, 그런 것 같아요." Uh, yes, I guess.

"Well, now that this is settled, did you need something?" she asked. "Do you want me to take a message for William?"

"No thanks, I'm just here to get a jacket I left," I answered.



"You never told me you had a sister," I said to William as I cleared off the counter in the kitchen.

"I hate her," he replied. "When she's not exercising, she's dancing or cleaning. It's not natural. I hate it so much." I chuckled slightly.

"Says the guy that claims Windex solves everything."

"Um, I said that when I accidentally drank it, thinking that it was my gatorade!" ((Fun fact; In Science class a few weeks ago, we were doing this whole 'mystery sports drink' thing, where we had two blue liquids in a few cups and needed to figure out what they were, and literally three people thought it was Windex and were practically convinced. While we were doing a lab, one kid actually DID drink Windex and he was acting like he was high! Our teacher was laughing with some of the things that this student was saying, which was the best part. (Also, my teacher's name is Mr. Johnson, which... read the fanfiction I wrote, 'Michael Afton x Reader ~ We'll Be Ok', and read the comments if you want to know what the reason why I'm pointing this out is.) Science is one of the classes that I don't like as much, but it's one of the classes that I laugh the most in.)) William was actually fun to deal with during the day when he's NOT bossing me around.

Spring Bonnie and Fredbear ALREADY have to have parts replaced. Yup, after only a few months, they're already looking horrible. It's freaking the children out. Fredbear feels terrible about it, but Spring Bonnie finds it humorous.

"Hey, so, on Friday, we're gonna be going out to dinner. Do you want to come with us?" he asked.

"Hm, depends, who's gonna be there?" I asked.

"Well, Henry, me (obviously), Donna and my girlfriend." Girlfriend. That word struck me in the heart. Hard. Ouch. It's crazy how one insignificant word can do a lot of damage to a human being. I mean, it wasn't like I was offended or anything! He's literally 8 years older than me! I don't mind it. It just caught me off-guard a little bit. But I've gotta see who this woman is.


"Oh, please let me go! Out of this place where darkness grows!"

