Just An Attraction ~ TryHardNinja

"Oh, my dear [Y/N]. You didn't realize this entire time? You're just an attraction in my amusement park."

I'd gotten quite comfortable at Fredbear's. It's nice to be able to relax too. I kept the house key in my pocket at all times. I don't know why. I just felt like I needed to. I leaned back a bit and stretched out on the couch in the office.

I reached over the side of the couch and into my luggage, my hand falling upon my sketchbook. I pulled it out, along with a pencil and just kinda started letting my hand draw what it wanted to draw ((Something I've been doing a lot lately)).

"[Y/N]!" I heard a voice call out after a little while. I rolled my eyes and called out, "Be there in a second!" I took a moment to scan over what I'd just drawn. It was so weird. A picture of a pirate fox holding a map and yelling, "Yar, get wrecked ye scallywags!" (('Fazbear and Friends' reference, 0:56 of the video below)). But it was mechanical. I smiled slightly. It looks so cool. Maybe I'll draw it as a puppy tomorrow.

I set the sketchbook and pencil into my bag and got up, stumbling a bit since I'd been off of my feet for so long. I walked out to the main room, seeing that no one else was here, besides Spring Bonnie and Henry.

"Hey, so, you needed me?" I said in an uncertain way.

"Yes, Spring Bonnie is being extremely stubborn right now and will not let me re-tune his guitar," Henry explained. "He listens to you, maybe you could talk some sense into him." I sighed.

"Okay, okay." I turned to Bonnie, who was clutching his guitar to his mechanical chest plate. "Bon, what seems to be the problem?"

"I don't want him to touch my Bessy," Bonnie replied. "She's already broken enough."

"Hm, would you be okay if I took a look at her?" I asked, feeling semi-ridiculous for referring to his guitar as 'her'. Honestly, this just felt like some behind the scenes of a country song.

He looked at me hesitantly, before saying, "Fine," and handing his guitar to me.

"You have the touch, I swear," Henry said to me with a smile.


((A/N; Little thing that I forgot to add in is that, even though I'm putting in a bunch of photos of the BlueyCapsules version of William, it's not specifically about the BlueyCapsules William. In my mind, I'm envisioning him as a mix. For example, yesterday, he was BlueyCapsules William in my mind, but today, he's just regular William Afton. The timeline later on will be similar to BlueyCapsules fan-made FNAF comics, meaning that there will be a lot of modern day references.))

I felt that my energy was drained, but I didn't really care. All day, I've felt somewhat groggy. Yorks for breakfast. Definitely healthy for me.

I walked to the prize counter to start my normal shift. I was feeling so incredibly tired. I barely got any sleep last night. I had some nightmare about this guy that was chasing me through this city, that I think is in South Korea, trying to murder me. Their face had a shadow cast over it, but if I could see their face, they would've definitely had a look in their eyes of... wanting to kill someone, if you know what I mean. I went into an alleyway and they had me cornered and right as they were about to stab me, I woke up. I know that the dream kept on repeating something like, 'We replay-AY your nightmare' and I did start out in this forest, but eh. It's probably nothing.

I could feel my eyes getting heavier every time I blinked. Thankfully, it was not a busy day. I knew that I was having issues staying up and people could tell. One other employee actually checked up on me, but I assured them that I was fine. "[Y/N], could you come help me with something?" I heard a voice asking. "...[Y/N]?" I had my chin resting in my hand.

Then, I was gently shaken. "Huh, no, mom, don't make me go to school, Gia's gonna make me smoke," I said, forcing my eyes open.

"...What?" I looked up and saw William standing there.

"Oh," I replied, suddenly alert and awake. "Heh, didn't realize, but sure." I stood up and we started walking to the backrooms.

"So, what do you need help with?" I asked.

"We just need to repair Spring Bonnie's voice box, it's glitching out a bunch and freaking everyone out," William explained. Either I'm just REALLY groggy or the accent really does make him look so hot. Wait, [Y/N], what are you saying? Why are you talking to yourself? Wait, now it's 2nd person? Gosh, I really am sleep-deprived.

Then, he got a concerned look on his face. "Sweetheart, are you okay?" he asked.

"What? Yeah, yeah, I'm f- wait, did you just call me sweetheart?" I asked.

"...No, I called you [Y/N]," he replied. Based on his facial expression, I could tell that he wasn't lying. Now I'm just hearing things, huh? What is this, like, schizophrenia?

"So, just tell me what you need me to do," I said, trying to change the subject.

"Alright, I'll show you once we get the materials we need," he stated, grabbing a tool box.

We walked back out to the main room and went to where Spring Bonnie was. He was sitting, slumped against the stage, and clearly powered off. William set the toolbox down gently next to Spring Bonnie and opened it up.

I remember when I took a robotics class in high school. It was so fun and we actually got to program these little battle bots. They were honestly too cute to be battle bots, but they worked really well. I managed to program a voice box for mine, so it would say, "TIME TO DIE" in Korean. Too bad it got demolished, but hey, at least I still have the skills.

While William was explaining what was needed to be done, I already knew what to do.

"So, once you're done doing that, then you've gotta move the w-"

"Done!" He stared at me in amazement and then to the voice box. His gaze switched from the voice box to me a few times, before he looked directly at me and asked, "How did you do that so quickly?"

"I took robotics in high school," I explained.

"No, no, you didn't."

"Yep, better believe it."

"Well, you've certainly got a talent, but we have to put it back into Spring Bonnie's chest," he explained.

As he picked the voice box up, he asked, "Have you ever thought about or considered becoming an animatronic engineer?"

"Nope, only an animator," I answered.

Once he'd finished putting the voice box back, as he was leaning over to close up the toolbox, I noticed something on his neck. A huge scar. "Oh, what happened to your neck?" I asked. He reached up and felt his neck, standing up as he did so.

"Oh, it's, um... it's nothing... just something that my father caused," he said. I didn't know how to respond to that. I knew that he didn't want to talk about it. His father definitely doesn't sound like a good person now.

We walked back to the back rooms in silence. It was getting a little bit awkward. "But seriously, you're really talented," William said to me once he put the tool box back onto the shelf. I smiled a bit.

"You're too sweet."

Then, he turned to me and just stared into my eyes for a few moments. "You know, I've been thinking about you a lot lately," he said to me. I felt blood rush up to my cheeks. I think that I saw a little bit of blush come to his face. "I-I mean, just because you're really nice and everything." I chuckled slightly.

"Hey, it's okay, I think that it's cute," I replied. His eyes widened. "Kidding. But really, it's okay."

Stay calm, stay calm.

