~~ Noblesse ~~

~~ Jungkook's POV ~~ :

- Make me Your mate.

- What? Fan! are you- are you aware of what are you saying?

She got closer to me :

- I have never been more sure than now. do you want it or not?

- I- Of course I do want ! I have been waiting for this ever since I met you !

- then kiss me.

the surprise from her command didn't stop me from obeying her, capturing her lips with mine, I kissed her. I kissed her deeply, allowing myself to tast her as much as I can while gaining several moans from her. I left her lips and traced kisses down her neck, till she let out a very soft moan. that was enough for KOOK to take control.

his fangs dug in her soft spot, Fan held me tight as she let out a loud scream, KOOK didn't let go until I felt her blood in my mouth. slowly, my fangs started to disappear and I lended few more kisses on that spot before getting away.

Jungkook: You are all mine now.

- you should be all mine too.

I didn't understand what she meant at first, but then :

- ah! you are an alpha too! does that mean you need to?

Fan: obviously... I am sorry if that-

Jungkook: do it!

Fan smiled at me, before her iris turned purple and oh god its like I am looking into a galaxy! Fan slowly turned her head aside and got closer to my neck, kissing it slowly then getting away

- FA~~ stop- stop teasing me! * I breathed *

- alright Alpha ~~

her fangs dug deep into my neck that I felt them touching my bone, the amount of adrelanine that reached my head is unbelievable. I felt like in heaven ** is that the effect of mating? **

// hell it is love. //

I quickly opened my eyes and saw Fan wipping blood from her mouth and secretly smirking

- did- did I say that out loud?

Fan: well, no.

- How did you know that then?

- it's an other effect of mating kookie, we can read each other's thoughts from now on. we made a very strong bound physically and morally.

- why didn't my hyungs tell me about that!

- they maybe didn't see their baby bunny mature enough?

Jungkook: YA!!

Fan laughed : alright alright love, now you know.

Jungkook: there is something unusual here!

Fan: what is it!

Jungkook: you calling me "love" several times today is a bless.

- oh ! * Fan blushed * I-

Jungkook: shshshshsh, I want to here you calling me that till the day I die !

~ back in the dorm ~ :

Jungkook: hyungs! I am home !

Jin:welcome back! you are so late, I thought you are spending the night out !

Jungkook: Fan wanted to go back home, she said she has to go to work tommorow !

Jin: oh alright! go wash up and come get dinner.

Jungkook: I will. by the way jin hyung, is Namjoon hyung here?

Jin: namjoonah!? yeah, he is in his studio with Suga.

Jungkook: alright hyung.

~ Namjoon's Studio ~ :

~~ Namjoon's POV ~~ :

a knock on the door obliged me to look up from the papers on the desk.

- Come in !

a little head showed from behind the door then Jungkook intered the room, closing the door behind him, he graped a chair coming closer to us. I took a glance at yoongi and I saw him smirking ** we definitely got the same thought **

Yoongi: the love bird is home finally !

Jungkook blushed: hyung !!

Namjoon: I see you made everything official hein?

Jungkook: what?

Yoongi: we should have told him about that before he does anyhting * he laughed *

Jungkook: are you guys making fun of me right now ? but because of what?

Namjoon: little boy, you are trying so hard to hide the fact that YOU and Fan ARE FULLY MATED right now!

Jungkook blushed even more: is it obvious?

Yoongi: the atmosphere is full of it.

Jungkook seemed confused :

Namjoon: kook, newly mated couples have a strong aura around them, you have got Fan's sent all over you and I think she does have yours all over her. why? because you BOTH mated each other ( regarding that she is an Alpha too ) so yeah, it is so obvious.

Jungkook: does it differ from alpha to a normal wolf?

Yoongi: of course it does: if you are marked by an Alpha every member of your pack will know about that, they will smell the sent of your mate all over you, but if your mate is a normal wolf, his/her sent will be present only when he/she is around you.

I continued: and if your love is real. you will never lose her sent and vise versa.

Jungkook: then, Fan is going to have my sent all over her forever!

Yoongi: very arrogant indeed.

Jungkook: never mind this now, hyungs I came here to talk about something else.

Namjoon: what is it?

Jungkook: I don't know how to start, but earlier today, I had a talk with Fan about her pack...

Yoongi: and?

Jungkook : and she told me something that didn't left my mind

Namjoon: what is it?

### Flash back ### :

~~ Jungkook's POV ~~ :

Fan: unless you are not a full werewolf pack.

I shutted up. ** Jin hyung. **

Fan: * sigh * Jungkook, do you ever know anything about the purple moon pack?

- well, I know that it was the strongest pack years ago, her members were really sociable, kind people and more specially they were the strongest, that's what made it the best pack...

- that's what all packs know about us. but what you don't know is, The purple moon pack isn't only a wolves pack.

- means?

Fan: the purple moon is one of a kind, during the years of the war between underworld species, The purple moon was having wolves as much as it has... Vampires members.

-VAMPIRES? * the shock got over me * am I hearing right?

- yes Jungkook, it's almost we had vampires in every single house, we weren't enemies we were family, protecting each other, not carring about anything that is happening outside our territory, we were just living in our pink world. it wasn't an act of a year or two.. the purple moon pack had been living like that for centuries ..

- centuries? and how is that? I mean, mates?

- uh, no legends is true, it's your destiny which chose your mate, it can be a wolve, as it can be a vampire, as it can be a hybird.

- you got hybirds as well?

* she laughed *

- your mate is a hybird Jungkook. that's what the legend says.

-oh alright, then- * my jaw dropped, I didn't get what Fan said clearly, just when the sense came to me I screamed * WHAT!

- I understand if you got scared-

-duh, * I rolled my eyes * how can an ALPHA be scared. from his mate.. but how?

*she barely formed a smile *

- I told you that I am the only child of the Royal family already, My grandma wasn't a wolf, she was a Vampire and my grandpa was the pack's Alpha, the strong love between a wolf and a vampire gave three children; a full blood werewolf -who is my dad-, a hybrid and a full blood Vampire.

-One of your uncles is a vampire? but, I heard that vampires and hybrids are so strong, and arrogants when it comes to leadership, how?

- how is my dad the Alpha ?

I hummed, I need to know all of that. ** I am sorry for fooling you Fan but I need to know every single detail, I need to save a life and make you happy as well ** I thought

Fan: simply because the three brothers loved each other the most and my Dad was the one who showed more leader qualities... even thought my Vampire uncle was the favorite to my grandpa it didn't do anything when it came to work, whoever want it, he got it.

- seems like your vampire uncle is your favorite hein?

- I wish I knew him...

** Okay, this is getting serious, if what I am thinking about is true then.. **

- you wish?

- I only remember his attitudes and acts, I was so young when he left... actually, I fell sick when I was like 5 years old, I needed an urgent surgery back then, believe me he was there when I got into the surgery room, he was holding my hand like his life depends on it, he loved me so much and so did I , he was my favorite uncle indeed.. during the surgery, my dad got a call saying that our pack got attacked all of a sudden and he needs to go back, but my two uncles stopped him. made him stay with me and they went back to the pack. two hours later, I got out of the surgery and when I woke up, I got the bitter news: 

my grandparents were gone along with my two uncles .. * tears scrolling down Fan's cheeks * the hybird one was found dead in my grandparents' room, but *sobs * they did never find the vampire one.

finishing her talk Fan crashed down sobbing so hard, she couldn't control her cries anymore, I quickly hugged her trying my hardest to calm her, carressing her back up and down and kissing her head softly,

- this is a reason you shouldn't cry, he may be alive!?

she raised her head : " all of those years and he didn't show up? huh what a reason. "

I had nothing to say, I shouldn't say anything.

- can you tell me about him?

- hum, he was the most kindest person in the world, he was carrying, he loved everyone and never thought of bad things, he supported everyone specially his brothers, he made them his priorities, he was actually the oldest one, and my hybrid uncle was so attached to him, I was just five years old but I do remember his feautres a little little bit, he was the most handsome man in the pack, all the females were in love with him, and even the gay ones in the pack * she laughed * , he had very delicious cooking skills, always hard working and helpful ...

** Jin Hyung. **

- do you know who makes me remember my uncle Jungkook?


- Jin oppa.

I froze. she continued:

- he is just as kind hearted as my uncle, I felt it ever the very first minute I saw him ~~~~

- Jin hyung is very kind indeed... but those characters... vampires are very strong headed how can he be like that?

- my uncle was the very cool kind of them, this is what a nobel does. My uncle was gifted. he is the one and only noblesse of the pack and his vampire kind.

### end of flash back ###

Yoongi: this is...

Namjoon: Mind blowing.

Jungkook: that's what kept me thinking all day long, I think what we have been searching for is showing right in front of us little by little.

Namjoon: indeed, the fact that the purple moon pack showed in our life all of a sudden, the fact that Fan belongs to the royal family and all the talk you said right now is no coincidence!

Jungkook: I honestly hesistated weither I should tell you about it or not, I thought , I may be imagining things.. but her mentioning her noblesse uncle caused me to talk about that with you.

Yoongi: it's the wisest thing you did Jungkook. Namjoon ah, what will you do about that?

Namjoon: nothing.

Yoongi: huh?

Namjoon: yes, nothing, specially Seokjin should never hear about that. we don't know if it's really related to his story or not... we should investigate more..

Jungkook : and what if its related?

Namjoon: then we are going into too much trouble with the strongest Alpha in the world.

Jungkook + Yoongi: Purple Jackson Fan.

I nodded. 


one more secret, one more story, one more chapter~~~~ 

vote & comment, see you soon bunnies ^ ~~ ^ 
