~~ MATE PT.2 ~~

~ Bangtan's dorm ~ :

~~ Writer's POV ~~ :

it is late at night, and as always Namjoon is in his moon studio. which is at once his studio and office. he was signing and checking some papers related to his pack, when Suga entred the office.

~~ RM's POV ~~ :

Suga: Namjoon.

- yes hyung? I said without lifitng my head. ** those papers are so damn tiring **

Suga: I want to talk with you about something.

RM: you had a fight with Jimin?

Suga: what? NO!

RM: hahaha.. so what is it about?

Suga:.. Alpha, please have a pause from those papers and look at me.

okay now I started getting confused. Yoongi called me "alpha" so it is about the pack.

I finally put the papers in my hand on the desk and looked at him. totally serious.

RM: what is going on Yoongi? does something happened to the pack? or one of the members? HOLD UP WAIT ! WHERE IS JUNGKOOK DOES--

Suga: OH MY GOD! you either keep quiet and deep in your papers or gets frastrated and ask questions like there is no tomorrow? there is no damn in between?

I kept quiet and just stared to him. so he continued

Suga: it is actually about Fan

RM: Fan? O.O

Suga: yes, remember at the hospital few days ago? when she was ' fighting ' with Jungkook, or even when she was trying to hit KOOK, doesn't something feel strange?

RM: strange? like?

Suga: Namjoon! can't you consantrate a little bit for god's sake? I mean, I don't think I was imagining things or the only one I felt it right? remember when Youngjin was screaming at her and pushed her to the wall and she looked at him like; I don't know like she would tear him apart if it wasn't youngjin? her eyes I swear her cornea turned into purple for a second..

RM: so I wasn't the only one noticing that.

Suga: what? so it's real?

RM: at first I just thought I saw it. but later when Jungkook was going to donate blood to Chao and she stopped him.. I saw her corneas switching color too yet they also quicly turned to their normal color.. I didn't know that you also saw that..

Suga: I did, I honestly started doubting her since the night of the fight... I don't know but I feel that Fan is hiding something from us !

RM: her actions lately seems weird, I feel that way too! not anyone can change their eyes' colors and be so strong without showing it ! you know.. I didn't have the proper time to talk to you about that but even before that night, whenever I got near Fan I got a strong vibe from her that only.. * I paused to breath out* that only Alphas can have.

Suga: ALPHAS !

RM: keep it quiet yoongi! I don't know yet but if it is true we are in a big trouble!

Suga: I don't understand that! alphas' vibes? Fan can really do things like us? what does that make her?

Yoongi being stupid right now. 

  - You just answered yourself suga.  

RM: whatever, I don't like that but we should supervise her.

Suga: is that so?

RM: yes. we need to.

Jin from the kitchen : GUYS THE DINNER IS READY !

suga: uh, okay I will take control of that c'mon let's go

RM: go first I am coming.

when suga left the studio I quickly turned on my laptop and searched about something. and what I found made me speechless and confused.

~ at the hospital ~ :

~~ Fan's POV ~~ :



my eyes widened ! ** he didn't say it just now right! **

Fan: LOWER YOUR VOICE ! did you forget that we are in the hospital!

chao kept quiet.

Fan: what the hell did you just said! that is nonsense. we agreed that we won't never talk about that matter.

Chao: we are alone. no one can here that. but Fan why are you doing this! I know he is your mate from the first time you told me about him. why keeping it hard.

Fan: I told you to stop saying that mate thing we will be in big trouble if anyone hear us! you are insane. HE.IS.NOT. keep that in mind.

Chao: I told you no one will hear us. you know what? I will till Jungkook.

I felt angry all of a sudden. ** he won't wreck what I kept safe all those years.** I stood up aiming to get out of the room

- Cut the crap Xiao chao. I think you still dizzy from the pain and you just woke up, you don't know what you are saying. imagining things probably.


I grapped him from his hospital's dress collar forgetting his state and said :


and I threw him back to the bed. ** I can't stay here anymore I should leave.**

without saying any single word I went straight to the door and opened it to get out

Chao: Fan.. I am sorry I don't know what got into me to talk to you like that.

Fan:.. nice act. you should have some rest chao. and one more thing, if you are back to cause troubles.. you better leave right after you get well and act like you never know me.

Chao: WHAT-

without waiting I left. 


I AM BACK BUNNIES ! sorry for not updating the whole week I really was busy >< hope you forgive me ! 

her is a short new chapter and guess what ? it's JUNGKOOKIE's BIRTHDAY ! 

Happy birthday to the golden maknae <3 <3 

to  celebrate it I am going to post two chapter's in a row + a surprise <3 

stay tuned 
