ƛfter the dance ended, Rey took a small step backwards. She felt a little uncomfortable being so close to him. But at the same time, she didn't want it to end, she wished that it could have lasted forever. Ben gazed into her eyes steadily, still holding her hand. After a moment his eyes dropped to the floor and he slowly released her hand.

Rey looked at him, it felt as though her heart was drawn to him. He was so kind, and sweet, and handsome. She was lucky to have such a wonderful husband, and friend. She had never wanted to get married, but after spending time with him she couldn't imagine being alone again.

Ben turned to look across the room, he saw Finn escorting Rose into the ballroom. Finn was dressed in his nicest uniform. Rose was wearing an elegant red gown that she and Rey had picked out from the royal tailor shop. The dress complimented her complexion beautifully. Ben was sure that he knew her. She was so familiar, but if she was the girl he had known she had grown into a young woman and most likely forgotten all about him.

He smiled, she and Finn looked so happy together. He noticed that the nobles were glaring at them, commoners had never been invited to a royal celebration such as this. They didn't like it, but they accepted Rey as she was royalty by marriage to the prince, but Finn and Rose were in no way noble.

He could hear some of nobles whispering "who invited servants to the ball?" and "no doubt those are Rey's friends."

But he ignored them, he only hoped that Finn and Rose wouldn't hear the remarks.

"Finn and Rose are here," he told Rey.

She smiled as she looked back to see her friends. She walked over to meet them, and Ben followed her. They made their way through the crowd to their friends. "Thank you for coming," she told them.

"Thank you for inviting us, your majesties, though I'm not really sure if anyone really wants us here," said Finn, looking around at the royalty and nobles staring at them with unwelcoming glares.

"We want you here," said Rey.

"Besides, I don't think they really want me and Rey here either," Ben added. "They were so cruel to my Rey."

Rey smiled slightly at how protective he was being. But her cheeks were reddened by how he had called her his Rey.

"They were mean to you too," Rey answered. "Though I'm pretty sure that those girls like you."

Ben smiled warmly at her. "Well, they can't have me because I'm already taken," he grabbed her hand.

She smiled shyly, trying to hide the fact that she was blushing from her friends.

Finn gave him an approving nod.

"I'm sorry, that they aren't treating you well," Rose said. "At least we have each other," she looked at Finn.

He nodded. "I hope you don't mind, I invited one of my best friends, Poe."

"I don't mind, Poe is a friend of mine too," said Rey.

Ben tried not to be nervous about Poe coming. But he didn't think he would accept him, he'd been one of the guards who'd brought him in and doubted that he would very happy to see him or quick to forgive him. But he couldn't blame anyone for not wanting to forgive him.

He pushed that thought aside as he noticed the locket Rose was wearing, the one he had given her when she was little. He wondered if she even remembered it, he wanted to ask her but knew that the memory probably wasn't a good one.

"That's a beautiful locket, Rose," he said trying to act casual. "Where did you get it from?"

She gave him a puzzled look. "A friend gave it to me."

He nodded, wondering if she remembered. If she did why didn't she say so, and more importantly why was she being so nice to him?

He decided not to mention it anymore, he didn't want to ruin her special evening. He turned to Finn. "Are you exited?" Ben asked him.

"About what?"

Ben stared at him with a completely blank expression.

"Oh," he said, as realization suddenly dawned on him. "I'm nervous actually."

"About what?" Rose asked.

"Um... I'll tell you later," Finn answered, smiling shyly. His dark skin reddening in a blush.

A faint smile appeared on Ben's face.

Rey looked at him, wondering what he was up to.

"Hey, Finn." Poe came over to join them.

"Hi," Finn gave his friend a hug.

"You look beautiful this evening, Rose," he told her.

"Thank you," she said, smiling at him.

Poe turned to see Rey and Ben. "Oh... I beg your pardon, good evening your majesties." He bowed slightly in their direction, though he didn't seem at all happy to see Ben.

"Good evening, Poe," Rey said smiling at him. She didn't seem to notice his distaste at Ben's presence.

He smiled back at her, but regarded Ben suspiciously.

"How has the prince been treating you Rey?" he asked in a lowered voice, but intentionally loud enough for Ben to hear.

Rey smiled shyly at Ben. "Probably better than I deserve."

Ben wrapped her arm around her waist, not caring that her friends were watching. "That's not true, you deserve the very best."

She blushed a little and Finn gave a wink in Ben's direction. But Poe was still glaring at him as if Rey had only said that out of politeness or fear.

Ben was grateful when the musicians began to play a new song, catching their attention. He turned to see his father taking his mother's hand, leading her out onto the dance floor, then they began dancing gracefully around the room.

He smiled, he'd always liked watching them dance together. When they did everyone could see how in love they were. He wished that he and Rey could be like that, but he feared they never would.

Poe looked over at a young noble woman with beautiful blond hair, she smiled at them and seemed far kinder than the other nobles. Poe smiled at her and walked towards her, to ask her for a dance.

Finn watched with a smirk, as his best friend bowed and offered his hand to the young lady. She smiled and accepted his hand, then he led her onto the dance floor.

Finn looked over at Rose. "Shall we dance?"

She blushed and nodded.

He smiled and took her hand, then they walked out onto the dance floor.

Ben looked at Rey. "I guess it's just us," he said shyly. Then he tried to think of something to talk about, not wanting an awkward silence to come between them.

Rey smiled, leaning closer to him. She reached down and took his hands in hers, every time her hand touched his she felt the same tingling feeling going up her arm, and the fluttering in her heart. It frightened her, but she faced her fear, because even though she wouldn't admit it to herself, and certainly not to anyone else; she longed to be held by him for just a moment longer. She longed to feel his arms around her...his gentle touch. She looked up into his eyes, then gently led him out onto the dance floor.

He gasped softly, surprised that she would even want to dance with him. As they waltzed across the floor, her eyes never left his. There was something about her gaze. The way her beautiful hazel eyes looked up at him, that frightened him in a way that even the fiercest battle never had and made him want to run away. Yet he could not pull his eyes from hers. And he didn't want to leave her side.

She leaned her head on his chest, and he felt his heart begin to race. He leaned down, nuzzling her slightly, breathing her in deeply. She smelled like the spring, the fragrance of wildflowers, grass and earth seemed to cling to her from hours spent in the meadow. He closed his eyes enjoying this moment with her.

She looked up at him, not realizing how close he was. Her nose brushed his, and their lips were so close that they almost touched. So close that she could feel his warm breath on her lips.

He found himself hoping that she would kiss him, but she didn't.

She looked down, smiling shyly.

Her smile was contagious, and he couldn't help but smile too.

Finally as the dance came to an end and they came to a stop, his eyes fell to her soft pink lips. He longed to taste them, to feel them against his own... but he couldn't. Not if she didn't want it too. He would never kiss her unless he knew that she felt the same way that he did.

She began to feel slightly nervous as she realized that he was looking at her lips. She knew that he wanted to kiss her, but she wasn't ready for that... yet ... and she was afraid.

She took a silent sigh of relief as his eyes moved down to her hand which was still clasped with his.

He brushed his thumb over the top of her hand, softly. Then he gently lifted her hand as he bowed at the waist to place a soft kiss on top of her hand.

Rey's heart skipped at the feeling of his warm lips pressed against the top of her hand, and she couldn't help but wonder how they might feel against her own. Even though the thought of it frightened her and made her feel uncomfortable. She had grown curious about how his kiss would feel. If just dancing with him could feel so nice, how much more wonderful would a kiss be?

Would it be soft and gentle, or would he desperately pull her closer? Both sounded wonderful ... she shook the thought away. Why was she thinking about him like that?

(Art by xWinter-Wolf )

His eyes met hers again. "There's something I have to do," he whispered.

She nodded and he turned to leave. She watched as he walked across the floor to where his parents were standing.

~*~ Share your thoughts ~*~

~ what do you think Ben is going to do?
