31 - marry; love

7 months later

"You'll be an adult next year," your mother said, tying the knot around your kimono. "You need to try and look better by your 18th birthday."

"I look fine"-

Your mother pinched your cheek. "If you're an adult, there should be no baby fat."

"Oka-san, stop it"-

Your mother moved her hand, grasping your jaw glaring at you. "You're not the strongest shaman, not even as strong as Getou Suguru. I settled for that. But you not getting married by the time you're 20? I cannot settle for such atrocities."

"There's no one even eligible enough to marry that's around my age," you countered.

"Isn't there Gojou Satoru? You know him quite well, do you not?" Your mother shot back.

"He's my senpai, yes, but I wouldn't be able to. He'd object to it."

"Now, why should he?" Your mother asked. "Is it because you're not strong enough? Or beautiful enough?" She pinched the skin on your arm. "Or not skinny enough?"

"No, he's just him, he wouldn't accept any type of arranged marriage"-

"Are you saying you're not even good enough to get Gojou Satoru to have the slightest bit of want to marry you."

"Not everyone thinks too hard about marriage oka-san"-

Your mom pinched your hand, making you try and cringe away from her. "But two children of major clans, should care. It should be the first thing on your mind at this age." She raised her hands to your face, rubbing her thumb under her eye. "And might I suggest eye cream? I didn't wear it at your age.. But it looks like you need it."

You grit your teeth.

"And then she's like," you exclaimed, waving your arms around dramatically, as Nanami spread the face mask on your forehead. "I didn't wear it when I was your age but how about eye cream and I've never wanted to rip out someone's hair more!"

"If you keep moving I'm going to stop," Nanami threatened. You sighed and did as he said as Haibara looked in the mirror, peeling off his face mask.

"Are her words affecting you though?," he asked. "She is your mom, and having her be so cruel must hurt, right?"

"Yeah," you answered, truthfully. "But I'm not going to like, starve myself or anything."

"We wouldn't let you," Nanami added, bluntly.

You grinned. "Of course not. But she's really pissing me off. I feel like just cutting things off with them.."

"But you're not sure if you want to?" Haibara finished. You nodded.

"They're my parents, you know?"

"Of course, but don't feel obliged to stay with them cause of that," Nanami countered.

You paused. "I love you both so much, you know?," you grinned, eyes darting from Nanami to Haibara.

Haibara turned around and smiled at you, halfway through peeling his mask off. "Love you too!"

You both looked at Nanami expectantly, who turned his gaze to the ceiling. After a minute of silence, he sighed heavily. "Love you too."

this is a very short update and my teachers not here today soo double update!
