chapter 6

( Y/N POV )

I love my it really woke me up at correct time.....i have good 45 mints to get ready for classes.....i got out of mybed and gone to bathroom to finish all my business...

since I have time so why not take hair bath? So I took hair bath...while doing it suddenly a song clicked my mind and it is senorita- sang by shawn mendes and camilla I startedto sing the song while messaging my head.....

suddenly I get a thought shawn is one of tallest pop singer in industry whereas Camilla is small girl how they got it?? Well they told opposite attracts if it is true how will my opposite character will be??? I chuckled and shake my head and made my way to room to get ready....

after good few minutes I got ready and my half dried hair is pulled in bun and two strands were free near my both ears....i thought it will be good fashion so I left it....i took my bag......oh man! To be told my bag looks like a old jute bag...I mentally note to buy a new bag while going for job.....

ahh shit!! Now only I remember I have job today...I groaned not want to go to job...but I have to....i sighed and locked my room and happily jumping my way to class.....

in hallway I saw bunch of...hay?!! Who the fuck will have kept hay in a school that to in hallway.....i got very angry...even if I did'nt like school I will not and allow anyone to disrespect school....while I was going near I hear this sound it is like snoring? Whatever I am sure I am imagining things and I got top of hay...started to throw away and

 when my hand goes deeper I got hold of something clothed when I took it out it is leg....ohh my god...!!!! In early one is near...a deserted hallway...I saw a thing I should not see...a dead body that to in stack of hay....what if that killer saw me and was coming to kill me too....i don't know what you guys will do in this situation but I did one thing one and only thing I am capable of. only screaming....i screamed....that too not like some little scream....i screamed like mariah carey ( THOSE WHO DON'T KNOW MARIAH HAS HIGHEST PITCH IN POP ) and I took few steps backwards not knowing behind me was a wall and I hit my head hardly...really hard....

while I was rubbing I saw that dead body slowly coming up from hay....what the hell how can dead body be I get it I saw movies in that some characters got into accident and it eventually gives them power I think I got the power like seeing the ghosts??!!!!......

and then it clicks my mad head that .....that dead body is not dead....ooh jesus christ in heaven that body belongs to the one and only certain white hair boy THE ZERO...why do I feel like I introduced him as some sort of villain.... 

While i was dancing in my thoughts " IF YOU WANT TO PRATICE SINGING GO PRATICE SOMEWHERE " spoke the guy who I thought was a dead body few seconds ago..."


we were so close that I can hear his breath and see that nice tattoo wait he has a tattoo ..i told " I AM STUDYING IN THIS SCHOOL SO I HAVE MY RIGHTS AND WHY THE HELL YOU R HAVING TATTOO....YOU ARE STILL STUDYING IN SCHOOL I CAN REPORT TO THIS HEADMASTER"  he told " GO AND REPORT I DON'T CARE" ----" OOH SURELY I WILL REPORT" at this time we are glaring at each other he was about to tell something

 but a voice beat him to it " WHY ARE YOU BOTH LIKE YOU WANT TO KILL EACH OTHER ? " we turned our heads to source of that voice and saw yuki standing there in confusion...I told " IT IS NOTHING JUST SOME MORNING BLUES I WILL GO TO CLASS NOW " last time I glared at zero and gave small smile to yuki and turned my heels to leave this place....

why he is bipolar.... yesterday he seems like nice guy now he is pain in neck....ahhh!!! how I liked this guy?-wait- did I told I like him???....ahh like I told there is some manufacuture default in me....

while I was talking with my soul...a hand lift my bag with me and placed against the wall....ahh my back!!!! Already my back is broken as ayako's this bastard made it worst...I was beyond angry and I don't know who was that guy but I swinged my fist at the person but a hand caught me and it as cold as ice and I move my eyes  up and I saw....ZERO!!!..

what the hell!!  this guy is doing here...he should have gone with he heard my thoughts he told " I TOLD YUKI I WILL COME AFTER 5 MINTS"---- " OOH " I told....what? what I can say other than that....but next words that left from his mouth...feels like I have became whole body froze and shiver ran down my spine " SEEMS LIKE LITTLE NERD HAS A CRUSH IN NIGHT CLASS"

 holy fuck!! How does he know??? " HOW YOU KNOW? " I asked like dumb person....he scoffed and his grip tightens around my wrist...I hissed but it seems like it is not bothered by mr.cold....he only tighten his grip ...i am sure he left a mark there and another hand moves in the side of head..........

 in that time only I know I got trapped

.....u guys have seen it in many movies or books or maybe in real ...I don't know how you guys felt....but now for me..... my knees is shaking and sweat is forming in my is so silent like we can hear air sound....none of us made a sound....if someone spoke now I am pretty sure I will die in pressure....

and he the zero the one who I got crush a day back is staring at me like I have grown 2 heads....but I liked it...maybe I like zero?.....

he broke the silence " HOW MANY TIMES I HAVE TOLD YOU NOT TO SPEAK WITH THEM " he told while coming close to me " IT IS MY LIFE I CAN DO WHATEVER I WANT " I told suttering but I really want to hear his answers...

he poked his tongue inside his cheek and raised his eye brow like he did'nt except my answer....he started coming closer to me...I closed my eyes in fear...

he goes to my ear .......I can feel his breath near my ear " WELL U CAN'T DO THAT OR YOU WILL KNOW WHAT WILL HAPPEN " he told and started moving backwards and I was staring with wide eyes and he chuckled...

.ahh his voice is melodic when he laugh  otherwise his voice will be like cruella  ...I was about to tell something but he kept his finger in my lips and made a action to be silent "SHH...DON'T TELL ANYONE THIS KITTEN " I was too drunk to answer him and he started walking to stairs I guess to principal...

I came back into sense and I told " HEY  WAIT—" he cutted me off with a wink.....just a wink!!!!!.....he winked at me??? omg...I pinched myself and it is paining......I am in heaven or what???? He winked me!!!!! I was jumping like a kid who got her candy......maybe what ayako told was afterall correct I was special to zero??? no no I can't jump to conclusions....what if he does'nt like me in the way I like him....ahhh I can't recover fast from like that....i hope god he will not break my heart.....i can only hope.....but I feel special...

<<<< hey this is author here....hope you like these chapters....first of alll thanks to @CherylMander they have first comment to my story and i really liked thier comment....hope i will write stories in your liking...if u have any other ideas or to change something feel free to beacause this is your character....and THANKS TO WATTPAD AND READERS AND OTHER WRITERS for giving me this oppurtunity and i swear i will improve myself...feel free to comments...and i luv you guys!!! >>>>bye!!!
