chapter 12

                                               can u remember who you are?

                                     before the world told you , who you should be??~


That night was devastated to everyone.....even too principal. All Aristocats were gone back to their dorms...whereas other vampire students were in class....principal made everyone clear that the thunder happened in backyard / forest behind school....and

 y/n when she come out of room to take fresh seen thunder....which affects her eyes and she fainted.....whole school has left shocked with this news....

both her friends eiko and ayako both tried their best to see her best friend but they can't.......both her friends were like they have been crying all day but that did'nt stop them asking principal to let them permission to see her.........

now the only thing that they can do is to pray that their friend should come back


It has 2 days.....2 whole fucking day....and she did'nt woke up and worst part is they don't know when she will wake up..........i know I have only known her for a week at least but her presence made big effect on me.....not only me , to all aristocrats too....

Takuma had been became strangely silent and Akatsuki and Ruka became close and they didn't disturb me for a while and others being themselves and aido....hanabusa aido the one who will be crazy and whatsoever...had locked himself in his room and hasn't responded to anyone....and me being a dead soul in living body.....

some how I know all this happened is because of me.....she is mere can this happened to her?....i haven't spoken to anyone since that took all over me....

I sighed and take steps near to my window and saw beautiful forest and evening sky........even if she woke up she will soon forget about everything related us....i closed my eyes and feel the breeze coming inside my room....trying to forget these for now......


( yesss!!! First time a zero pov!!.....enjoy 😉

....and plz take it as my gift as I was not uploading T.T😭😅

...opps taking too much time....lets continue)

I opened my eyes and stare into my room's plain celling...i is y/n doing? she feel now?...when she will wake up....all the thoughts that were in my head is related to y/n.....

in these days what is happening to me?????

...from first day where I first met her......when she bumped into me.....we found ways to be together....other than yuki I don't care about anyone....but this...she is different....first time seeing her I know she is something. The wall that I built for everyone...after yuki became my step sis...after that horrible incident in my young age .....i became different , but she y/n just blow out the wall...walk in inside like she knows me a queen....

" UGHHHH" I grunted and roll over my bed and laying on my stomach and my head in pillow..." I should stop thinking like this...." " atleast for her I should stop thinking her...i am no good" my inner self told to me....i shake away all those thoughts and got up to get ready...

After finishing everything and I locked room and left house....started my way to school....

I passed the room y/n is....but I feel something is not right so I came back and open the door and saw her peaceful figure sleeping and window opened??? they opened...maybe for fresh air??
I strolled over window and saw no one down....but I feel someone was here....i can tell it

I turned and saw y/n with small scratch all over her face and hand.....and she was sleeping....she needs rest. My lips tugged upwards slightly remembering when we first spoke with each other and her face when I was late to class and smirked at her, and in stable when we were throwing insults at each other....

I am not going to lie....i like that memories....soon I should go for patrol.....till last blood sucking creature dead in this world...i can't rest lips again turned into straight line and I slowly walked away from room and closing the doors...

With my hands in my pocket...i was strolling over halls......i smell yuki near me as I turned my head and see from my behind saw yuki running towards me...i stopped walking and she came and take some few breaths and asked " am I late zero? " I shake my head telling no and

 she released breath she was holding and told " ooh thank god I kept some flower In y/n room as get well soon...because of me she is like this" she told and let her head fall down....i patted her head and she lift her head and saw me " it is not ur is that blood- that vampire fault and don't worry nothing will happen to her" she nodded .

she  lead the way for patrolling and I followed her......till now I did'nt ask wht y/n were doing in forest, yuki maybe will be there as she was in patrolling but y/n why she???

I should find this.......

Y/N POV --

Why?!...why I can't open my eyes??? is like my eyes were glued....i put a force to open my hands balled into!

My eyes opened....the first thing I see is a dark forest with tall pine be told it looked like harry potter's deathly hallows PART 1....ending's fight scene looks so dark.....the only light source I have is moonlight......

i am not going to lie but it looks little creepy...then it clicked my mind I should'nt think about how it looks , what am I doing here?......who brought me here?? , 

last time I checked I was in my school grounds with yuki running for life....after that thunder I thought I died , wait-- " IS THIS HEAVEN???!" without my knowledge..i shouted. But this does'nt look like speak of it , it looks total opposite of heaven...atleast what I assume as heaven.

" are you going to come here or shout to yourself till god knows when" I jumped up and turn around , hearing a new voice...there a stands a woman....i am not going to bulid up and all but she look like goddess....


 but she is so beautiful ..... she wears a neat and beautiful gown .. It is the gown which rich wears...and with a long brown hair and I can't see they eye correctly as we were in dark....... But they were so dark brown.....

that woman glared at me and cleared her throat......well well , I know that whole world know I was staring at her...i too cleared the throat....this is most Awkard situation I was so awkward than failing in math test where ayako passed or when whole night class came , I was in their path with my back towards them....

again she brought me from my thoughts but only this time by her voice " follow me " that's all she spoke but I found myself following her....i want to know why I am here??....did I die??!...what is happening here....why---" you will get all those answers if u follow me fastly than thinking like this useless questions " 

she again she knows what I am thinking--" I know everything that goes on your head...believe me , I too don't want you here but for the sake of many , you are here" she told....i can only nod , taking all information...she side glanced and again turn her head to front. It was silent , pin drop silent....i don't have watch but I guess we have been walking for 10 mints

Finally that lady stopped , I too stopped walking and see front it was lake side and there was a table where 2 people can sit and a....teacup??!!!....well this is strange....that lady gave me disgusted look and move her foot to sit at table...whereas I was seeing the view....she again cleared her throat and I take that as my cue to sit there.

 I slowly made it to table and sit hesitantly in that table...why do I feel like I am going to meet my boy friend's mom???....i can feel sweat forming in my forehead but the one who is sitting opposite of me has nothing...

she was like dead body only talking few times and now taking few sips at her tea--" I am pretty much dead in world but I am alive here , and now if u stop with ur dumb thinking we will start talking about the reason why you are here.." that made me to shut my mouth and I straighten my back and nod in approval to continue , my future life is going to depend on what she was going to tell...

" well ...listen here SHE...IS...COMING.." she told in serious seems like she is scared of so-called SHE because I can see the scared emotion all over her face...i asked " who is that SHE " she sighed and told " I am afraid I can't tell you that but you will come to know eventually...if he again used his power on you , you will regain what you lost and you will know your true powers" after she told this..

i can feel air became to feel lighter and trees surrounding us became so distant....i bend my head down and I saw I was no longer sitting , worse to that I was standing near lake...if I took one step back that's all I will fell into lake....and 

I saw that mysterious lady in front of me...standing and started coming closer . I want to move away but I can't , my legs were planted as pillar . It was same like that night , when that night class boy came towards me I can't able to move at all . 

In fear , I held my hands in front of me in defensive way and told " no no don't come close...there is no place hereafter...we will both fall!! " I shouted nonetheless she was moving towards me and in instance ,

 her hands were in my shoulders and pushed was a like slow motion. I thought I will fall in lake but when I neared it and I was stopped...i saw that lady holding my hand keeping me half way to lake...she told " if he used his power once again on you will regain what you will get yours power...remember you are that last one of your careful....." she told and dropped my hand. 

I can feel my head touching whole body touched lake . water reached my eye  and I got drowned in whole body was like stone....i can feel , I can see but I can't move....

Finally, when I was about to close my eyes....i hear a faint voice saying ---

" we are sorry..."

I closed my eyes....feeling water around me....taking me in....i am going to die~~ finally.....

Next second I found myself in soft thing and my eyes were opened like they were in fire and I got up in shocked

I look around and saw I was in a room and in a bed ......near me there was flowers and some tubes were attached to to me there was a monitor....i can see my heart beat there....WHERE AM I...WHAT I AM DOING HERE....WHERE IS THAT MYSTERIOUS LADY..THE LAKE AND THAT NIGHT...YUKI..ZERO...KANAME..NIGHT CLASS....." YOU WILL REGAIN WHAT YOU LOSE " 


I hear door opening and a nurse came in and when she saw me she started shouting " DOCTOR DOCTOR!!!"" doctor?? And in few seconds a man came in with doctor coat 

 when he saw me his eyes became wide and shouted again " she is awake!!" who is awake??? he talking about me??....many nurse and doctor came....they started coming towards me....telling ' take rest ' , ' calm down' ; like those can I calm down??!!!

I shouted " no! Don't come near me!!!" but they did'nt stop and I tried to run away but they catched and pinned both my hands and legs in bed making me to stay in place....but I was moving and shouting DON'T PLZ...NO ... but they did'nt hear and a nurse came with injection and injected it in my arm....and in next second I became drowsy and fainted..... 

"life will drag you though hell , to see if you have guts enough to still believe in heaven"

<<<<<<<well hiii!!! after a long time i am writing this again....the reason is my school and studies 

i had exam and have to move to new school and many more problems here....and i can't 

i feel so tired physically and emotionally.......but now it is somewhat why not continuing the book??......I AM REALLY SORRY 


BYE!!! >>>>>>>>
