JIHOON DOESN'T MIND arguing with Soonyoung - in fact, he kind of lives for the opportunity to deck the boy intellectually, maybe drive his ego into the ground a little bit. He is, admittedly, the kind of person who will start conflict solely for the purpose of winning.

Soonyoung, however, makes it so goddamn difficult - as he does with everything. It is unendingly frustrating.

"Were you actually given any sort of training before starting your job here?" Jihoon said once, sniffing his cup with mock distaste. "The coffee always sucks when I order it from you." That was a lie, actually. Soonyoung makes very good coffee. His latte art is cute, too, little cats and smiley faces - but Jihoon would sooner saw his own legs off than admit that.

The barista had hummed, smiling, "You could always ask for someone else to make it, but you never do. You come here at least three times every day and you never, ever do."

Another time, Jihoon tried, "Were you ever taught volume control? Or is there some sort of defect with your vocal chords that literally doesn't allow you to be less annoying?"

Soonyoung had laughed, "I'm just happy! So much to be excited for, I can't help it."

"Do you have to express that through noise, though? You can't be quietly happy?" He paused - "What are you even happy for? You take orders and make coffee six hours a day."

"Well, I have lovely coworkers, the customers are nice - and I get to see you, six hours a day."

Jihoon had simply burned an awful shade of pink and told Soonyoung to go fuck himself.

That's what so often happens; Jihoon has a go at picking on the other boy, only to find himself embarrassed and more pissed than he usually is as a result. It isn't fair - no one else can do that to him.

Stupid, stupid Kwon Soonyoung.

He's always like that, even on the days that Jihoon shows up to work feeling a lot more irritable than what's normal, snapping with a bite that actually hurts. Which, it's never his intention to really hurt anyone, unless he thinks they deserve it, but there are mornings when his filter turns mean and he forgets to stop himself.

On those days, Soonyoung catches on, and he's just ... like that. Kind, even when he hasn't been given any reason to be.

So, when Jihoon gives his order through a series of grumbles and glares at anything within a five-foot radius, telling Soonyoung to hurry up because he shouldn't be giving up time for people who aren't worth it, he shouldn't really be so surprised at the barista's reaction - or lack thereof.

His smile doesn't waver, creasing the corners of his eyes and sitting peacefully while he steams the milk. He doesn't say anything, except, "I'll be as quick as I can."

And for once, Jihoon feels bad.

He lets his head lull to one side, dragging a palm over his face and sighing, "Christ, don't be nice to me. I'm being a first-class dick and you have the nerve to treat me with kindness."

" ... What else would I do?"

"Uh, tell me to fuck off? God knows that's what I'd do."

"No, I don't think you would. You're not really that abrasive, Jihoonie. Only with me, you are."

And then he stops, quietly pondering Soonyoung's words. It's the first time he's outwardly acknowledged Jihoon's contempt for him.

"Oh. You uh, you noticed that, huh?"

Soonyoung breathes out a laugh, "Of course I noticed. I know you don't like me very much."

"Then why do you - "

"I just really like being around you, if you haven't figured that out by now? Maybe it's sort of selfish, putting you in uncomfortable situations simply for the sake of getting to speak to you, but I mean ... I don't know. I should probably start to lay off."

Jihoon stares at him, watches him draw crosshatches over the foam in caramel syrup, and he's struck with the feeling of not knowing what to say. He's guilty and flustered all at once, and it's not a feeling he likes - not a feeling he likes knowing that Soonyoung is responsible for it.

He doesn't like what he's about to say, either.

"No, don't."

Soonyoung pops the lid onto his cup, glancing over at him. He's not smiling anymore, but not quite frowning, either. His mouth is twisted into a sort of confused line, accompanied by furrowed brows.

"Don't, what?"

"Don't - I mean, don't lay off. Don't feel like you have to. That - That's not to say I enjoy your company," he rushes to clarify, "don't the wrong idea. I'm just - I'm just saying, I've gotten used to ... to you being around."

Jihoon watches Soonyoung's lips part in surprise; observes the way his entire expression melts into something softer, warmer, starting from the middle and spreading out to all the edges until each cheek is peony pink, a garden. Jihoon feels himself heat up, spreading from his very fingertips to every nerve in his body. He hates it, but for whatever ungodly reason, he keeps talking.

"I give you shit every day, Kwon. Don't take it lying down."

Soonyoung smiles something unbearably tender, small and endeared and God, Jihoon doesn't like the way it twists his gut.

"Is this your weird way of saying you like having me around, Jihoonie?"

"N-No, I just said - !"

Soonyoung quiets him with the sound of his own giggle and passes the drink over, squinting past the laughter while Jihoon simmers, embarrassed.

"I'll be back to bother you later, then," he says. "But I have to work, now, and so do you."

It's the first time Soonyoung's been the one to use the "we have jobs to do" excuse, and it leaves Jihoon a little bewildered as he ambles over to his desk.

Stupid, stupid Kwon Soonyoung.

Jihoon's become accustomed to the fact that at any given time of day, no matter what, Soonyoung will be the one to serve him his coffee. It's never been his choice, of course, but Soonyoung makes sure of it. He always does.

Today, though, is different.

"Sick day?" Jihoon says to the boy behind the counter - a different boy, unfamiliar - and he knows he doesn't have to specify much more for him to understand. 

"Ah, yeah. He called in this morning with a nasty cold, said he might stop by later if he starts feeling better. I told him to take the whole day off, though, to be on the safe side."

"Think he'll listen?"

"Probably not - I'm sure he wants to see you at least once today, even if it's just for an hour or two."

At that, Jihoon chokes. The boy's name tag reads Joshua.

On second thought, maybe he is familiar.

"Wait - Sorry?"

"Yeah, it sounds like something he'd do. I mean, he's pretty into you. We work the same hours so I get to listen to him go off about you every other minute - I swear to God, he's always talking about you. I'd say it's annoying if it wasn't so sweet."

Jihoon has always known that Soonyoung has a weird fixation with him, but it had never once occurred to him that other people knew, too. Not once did it register in his mind that there were bystanders, witnesses to their interactions. Soonyoung talks about him.

"W-What does he say?"

Joshua snorts, "What doesn't he say?" His voice takes on a mimicking note, imitating Soonyoung, Jihoon supposes.

"Don't you think Jihoon looks really nice today? Did you know Jihoon prefers prose over poetry? Jihoon this, Jihoon that - Dude, I know so much shit about you, and this is the first time we've ever spoken."

He isn't really sure how to respond - for some reason, he'd just assumed that 90% of his interactions with Soonyoung went over both their heads. He doesn't remember half the words they exchange, but here Soonyoung is keeping track of the little things.

Jihoon thinks he could try doing the same.
